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My Wife and I dreamed about my dead mother over the last week. And accompanying backstory.

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posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 08:11 AM
My mom died almost three years ago. And in the last two weeks my wife had dreamed about her twice, I have dreamed about her once. My mother and I had a very hard relationship. I hadn't seen her face to face in almost four years when she died. We spoke on the phone regularly, but we were not close. Three days before she died, she called me late at night, almost didn't pick up the phone. We had a great chat. Laughed a lot. She was very festive and jovial. None of the usual drama.

The night that she died. I had a dream about sitting on a couch at a beautiful lakeside home. My dead uncle was there, her brother, and my grandmother, her mother, was outside in a garden. I was talking to the redhead from Longmire the TV show. My mom was also a tall redhead. She and I were just talking about life and so forth. I went to the kitchen for coffee and my uncle, who was basically a teenage boy, put his finger to my head. The room began to glow gold. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "Fixing you so you don't go crazy." I asked him what that meant. And he explained that I saw things that others don't and understand things others don't and, sometimes, it makes people crazy. So, he was fixing me. Then I woke up.

Late that morning my brother called me and told me mom had died unexpectedly in her sleep. Probably a stroke.

Short story, longer: Last night I dreamed I called her cell and she picked up. I asked her if she knew she was dead. There was a lot of static. A lout of background noise. She said, "Yes. I know." I asked if I was going to die. She said, "No. Not anytime soon." I asked her what heaven was like and she replied. "Wonderful. You'll see someday, but you're not going to be here anytime soon."

I had a bad day yesterday. I had to go to my son's college campus. I ran into one of those street preachers on campus. He was insulting people as they walked by. I got pulled into the debate. And I was my normal sarcastic self until some teen Shiite Christian brat told me my grandparents didn't got to Heaven. I lost it. Told her she was "f'ng moron" and a "dumbass". And I came home from the encounter just depleted.

You see, I've only recently reignited a spiritual side of myself that went dormant after a horrific revelation in our former church involving our minister. I'd basically fallen a sort of agnostic deist mode. Then had to have a very serious surgery. And there was a technical error during surgery. And, again, short story longer, I was dead for awhile. And thing is, I felt this presence of peace and love. This just profound feeling of what I can only describe as God. I was in the dark, but I could feel the presence all around me comforting me.

When I woke up briefly post-operatively, I saw my wife and surgeon at the foot of the bed and they were both gold. Just gold outlines against a black field. Anyway, turns out, my surgery was a success. And my heart kicked over while I was still hypothermic. The surgeon, a family friend, said he'd never seen anything like it. My heart just wanted to beat.

Anyway, it's been a weird last few years. Just thought I'd share.

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: QuixoticNinja

Constantly see and hear...wife and I both....our deceased pet who passed here after 16 yrs.

Walk around w dog...walk into another part of is already there. Turn around, other ones gone. It's comforting...

It's been said? "If you DREAM of the'll HEAR from the living".

Watch your phone's n mail...

God Bless

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: QuixoticNinja

Very powerful revelation, you have a great recollection of it, make sure you keep the memories because the memories will keep reveling more information that will make sense to you.

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 10:44 AM
I wish I could dream at night...I dream all day. I dream for a living!

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