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BREAKING Israeli military says possibility' it has killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

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posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 08:40 AM
BREAKING Israeli military says it is 'checking possibility' it has killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

Obviously we are looking /waiting for confirmation,will be interesting. All of this, while rumors of religious leaders being summoned by the Israeli government.

IS it related or is it a sign they are going hard into Lebanon?

Evergreen Intel
Replying to
The circumstances are a bit nuts.
Dana Lewis
Israeli reports say the death of Hamas leader Sinwar, (if in fact it was him) was a regular army patrol in Gaza, which encountered 3 armed men. Not a special op.
The soldiers just ran into him in southern Gaza.
DNA tests being done to determine if #Sinwar

🚨🚨sources confirm all DNA tests confirm Sinwar is dead, but awaiting official confirmation
Faytuks News
BREAKING: "All tests" indicate that Hamas leader Yayha Sinwar has been killed, according to Israel's Channel 12
החדשות - N12
כל הבדיקות שנעשו מצביעות על כך שיחיא סינוואר אכן חוסל.


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Michael A. Horowitz
If Sinwar has been killed, a key question is the fate of his brother - who might be his successor
9:41 AM · Oct 17, 2024

edit on 17-10-2024 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 08:46 AM
Good. Now get rid of the rest of them.

a reply to: putnam6

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 08:48 AM
Woo hoo, now got for the rest of them and invade Iran, the devils are hiding in Iran, living life of luxury and comfort, while their slave die for them.

Carpet bomb Iran

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 08:53 AM
I'd love to hear from the people of Iran. What is it they want? Eternal war, and for their leaders to perpetuate proxy groups destabalizing the region? Or perhaps do they want peace and propserity? The folks in GAZA seem to have chosen choice A, but I think that should be asked before we turn the entire area into a sheet of glass.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
Woo hoo, now got for the rest of them and invade Iran, the devils are hiding in Iran, living life of luxury and comfort, while their slave die for them.

Carpet bomb Iran

While I understand the sentiment, we have our masses of the innocent Iranian public 10% likely support the current regime, and then 8-10% leadership and support. So it needs to need more surgical but hopefully disruptive enough to start real regime change in motion.

Any other large-scale attacks might upset the new sensitivities some seem to now have in the west.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:05 AM
I hope they got the wretched bastard-but the IDF said there were no hostages in the area of this dead guy,which does not fit what we have been told about Sinwar always being surrounded by hostages to prevent his death.

If it is him,I wonder what made him stray away from his hostage shields?
edit on 17-10-2024 by onestonemonkey because: sp

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
Woo hoo, now got for the rest of them and invade Iran, the devils are hiding in Iran, living life of luxury and comfort, while their slave die for them.

Carpet bomb Iran

Iran needs removing from the eastern Mediterranean first. One step at a time, just like removing the Nazis from Eastern Europe before the total destruction of Germany proper. These things take time.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: onestonemonkey

Yeah just heard that on the Beeb about no hostages being found near to his possible remains.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: onestonemonkey
I hope they got the wretched bastard-but the IDF said there were no hostages in the area of this dead guy,which does not fit what we have been told about Sinwar always being surrounded by hostages to prevent his death.

If it is him,I wonder what made him stray away from his hostage shields?

Im not seeing a lot of details more like rumors and speculation, one comment says thier location was hit and and a random patrol found a few Hamassholes moving from one location to another, including Sinwar

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: putnam6
Biden has been breifed on the "possibility" he is dead.
Also there are supposed to be photos of the body online-which according to sky news show "multiple similarities" of photos of Sinwar.

Israelis say DNA will take a few hours to confirm.

But it looks like he is Toast.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 09:41 AM
Good riddance.
I’m certain God has sorted him out already.

It’s a good thing Israel didn’t listen to Biden Harris because all those terror leaders would still be breathing.

LFG Israel 💪

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: marg6043
Woo hoo, now got for the rest of them and invade Iran, the devils are hiding in Iran, living life of luxury and comfort, while their slave die for them.

Carpet bomb Iran

Iran needs removing from the eastern Mediterranean first. One step at a time, just like removing the Nazis from Eastern Europe before the total destruction of Germany proper. These things take time.

You do realize who Irans biggest ally is right? Who is fueling their economy by buying drones? Who’s providing their air defense?

I’m all for nuance and taking things issue by issue. But if you’re vehemently against Iran, you can’t dog whistle pro Russian sentiment at the same time.

I get the case for saying the war in Europe isn’t ours to bankroll, but that’s far different than saying Russia is on a just mission.

There is an axis forming, and make no mistake, Russia is a big part of it. They are very much anti Israel.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: onestonemonkey
a reply to: putnam6
Biden has been breifed on the "possibility" he is dead.
Also there are supposed to be photos of the body online-which according to sky news show "multiple similarities" of photos of Sinwar.

Israelis say DNA will take a few hours to confirm.

But it looks like he is Toast.

Yeah, Uri Geller sent out some photos to people on his distribution list last night that are pretty graphic. So graphic I assume they would probably violate terms and conditions to reproduce. They show the results of what appears to be a head shot.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Russia and Israel are the same economic block yeah? They both support the same citizens who control much of E European business utilities etc and are de facto dual nationals. Russia plays the Gaza game just to gain a pawn move v Ukraine and the western backed coup and instalment of their man. Russia doesn't cause Israel direct trouble while Israel doesn't involve in Ukraine debacle. Russia will sell out Iran when the time is right for a deal over Ukraine. Remember the same business elite run their oligarchy between Moscow and Tel Aviv, Iranian's mean nothing to this. Iran is just being used and when the time is right they will be sold out as happens to such places when the big boys play their games and make a deal

edit on 17-10-2024 by ufoorbhunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 10:52 AM
Pics are pretty graphic, virtually all of and Discord are saying it's Sinwar.

Earlier reports were incorrect, it was just an army patrol that came under fire from one building, the building Sinwar was in. The IDF patrol returned fire and Sinwar took a shot to the knee and the head. Dental pictures look identical FWIW.

Other concerns that may have led to religious leaders being brought in, were theories that with Sinwar gone, if there were remaining hostages they might be executed.

𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎

Sinwar was killed by an IDF soldier only 9 months into his service.

Imagine joining the IDF and almost immediately becoming immortalised as the man who brought down Gaza's terrorist chief.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 10:58 AM
There'll be a queue a mile long of hopefuls wanting to replace him.
Sadly it won't change anything.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
There'll be a queue a mile long of hopefuls wanting to replace him.
Sadly it won't change anything.

The line of bullets with their names on them will be just as long.

We all know how this ends.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I don’t think there’s anything to support your thesis.

Russia and the rest of BRICS is attempting a new axis of power in the global community.

Israel is very much in the western community. I don’t see how their interests align at all.

I will agree I don’t see Israel involving themselves in Ukraine, but on just about every other front they’re in conflict. Look at Syria.

Russia is also helping the houthis in Yemen. I’d be open to a case where you could tie Russia and Israelis interests though.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
There'll be a queue a mile long of hopefuls wanting to replace him.
Sadly it won't change anything.

True that.
But this guy was never going to live long after what happened in October 23.
Perhaps eventually the well will run dry of people willing to sign their own death warrant.
We can live in hope.

My only question is why was he not taken out earlier?
I don't believe that they only just managed to target him - I would have though that keeping track of Hamas leaders was a major effort in the Israeli intelligence services and would have been long before the Oct 23 incident.

posted on Oct, 17 2024 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
There'll be a queue a mile long of hopefuls wanting to replace him.
Sadly it won't change anything.

In the short term it will,

if it goes like last time, there will be infighting and the winner will kill his rivals. And will take years to establish connections within the MIDDLE EAST power brokers whoever they are, has to survive that too, and thats while surviving in Gaza with fewer tunnels and less contraband coming in.

Not to mention they should never be allowed to infiltrate UNIFIL again, embezzle from aid, use hospitals, etc. Use aid and the UN to indoctrinate the kids in an extremely organized and systemic way

That whole network of Sinwar support was gone

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