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something i found regarding Bob Lazar

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posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Robert aye?
Maybe a disyant relative?

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 07:16 AM

Robert aye?

Long version of "Bob"....Robert = Bob

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Robert aye?

Long version of "Bob"....Robert = Bob

K thanks for the correction

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 03:13 PM
From the other, closed thread...

1. False company name. There is no DNI (officially), Dept. Naval Intelligence. The official name is ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). Now of course, the name could just be a front, who knows, but still a sticky point.

Are you familiar with the "black ops" world? I didn't think so. There are lots of (Unofficial) departments which use (Unofficial) names.

Actually, I am a little familiar with it.
And yes, there are lots of front departments with similar names. As you can see, I stated that it's possible it's a front. (though using EG&G would have been the logical choice for keeping a secret).

2. If contracted, most likely his form would be from EG&G, not the military or any agency thereof.

Not if what they hired him for was above top secret. Things in the "black ops" world are done to conceal which means shifting departments/agencies. If he got his contract through EG&G, that doesn't mean they couldn't have easily erased all his records.

What would that have to do with his school records? Also, he was either hastily given SCI Top Secret Clearance, or he already had it. Chances are, if at Los Alamos as he claimed (and as supported by the phone directory), then he would have had such clearance already. I'll agree that SOMEONE obviously tried to erase some things, and that's why I just can't dismiss the guy, but still a lot of iffy stuff.... I just find it hard to believe that all records of such clearance and employment with it were eradicated, though I suppose anything is possible.

3. If an independent contractor, he'd have an I-99, not a W-2 for such work.

Not true for "black ops"

You're right there. He likely wouldn't have had taxes, he would have been paid cash or wire transfer and not reported to Uncle Sam or oversight committees. Employed by a bogus company would have been another route, but with a MAJ coding? Who knows, maybe they're fans of inside jokes....

4. For his W-2 to come from this company/agency, he'd have had to have been a legitimate employee (i.e. not contractor).

Not true for "black ops"

See above.

As I've said though, I haven't completely dismissed him. I think there is SOMETHING to his claims, it's just very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff with this man...and there's a lot of chaff....

[edit on 25-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 04:15 PM
1. False company name. There is no DNI (officially), Dept. Naval Intelligence. The official name is ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). Now of course, the name could just be a front, who knows, but still a sticky point.

That was already checked out by investigator Bob Oechsler...
Gene: We thought possibly the Department of Naval Intelligence may have been a front company or just another name to divert funds. Bob had always been under the suspicion that the funds for this program were being skimmed off the "SDI" budget, and so we knew that before he released the W2 to the public. Also another thing is people checked the zip-code on the W2, and said "Oh well that's a holding pattern zip-code for a place in Washington, DC." which was true and John Andrews of the Testor(sp?) Corporation did some research and the fact is with that zip-code you simply write "NIC-01" for "Naval Intelligence Command" on the envelope and it is forwarded from that zip-code to Naval Intelligence Command somewhere in Maryland. So there were a lot of things... Also the personal verification on that W2 was that after Bob received it. I think... I don't even think his wife at that time Tracy knew how much his check was for. He showed me the amount the check was for when he received it, and when he received the W2, you know, months later it had the same amount on it. Now of course if I was trying to falsify it, it wouldn't be worth a nickel, but the fact is if that W2 was falsified for dis-information or whatever or even if it's true. Whoever did make that W2 did know how much Bob Lazar had made during the year 1988.

2. If contracted, most likely his form would be from EG&G, not the military or any agency thereof.

NO, it is a black project.

3. If an independent contractor, he'd have an I-99, not a W-2 for such work.

No, again, he was hired at EG&G to work for the Navy,
same as Dan.

4. For his W-2 to come from this company/agency, he'd have had to have been a legitimate employee (i.e. not contractor).

For all we know, he could have worked for MONTHS or YEARS for them in the previous years. IF he was say, fired in January.... Just because this is A W-2, doesn't mean it is ALL of them... I'd have to refresh my info of his case to see the period he claims to have worked there....

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 06:06 PM
This DNI thing bothers me. I do not see why ONI would use a defunct name, unless to weaken the credibility of top secret whistle blowers. DNI is stamped on the alien interview tape also...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:13 PM
I am a UFO buff. I believe in life out there(hopefully more intelligent than here) and I think there is credibility to certain events like Roswell. We even visited the lat/long coordinates northwest of Roswell where the event was claimed to happen. Having said that, I believe Bob Lazar is a fraud. I was listening to coast to coast last night(somewhere in time). Lazar was explaining gravity waves. When explaining the graviton(the particle that carries gravity waves) he said.." Ah...I can't explain in layman terms." He is no scientist. I think he read to many comic books as a kid.

These guys are dangerous because gulliable people will believe them. I want to believe but only with hard evidence that one can verify.No one can verify his because it is all in fantasy land. It seems he just wants to make money off his tales. I heard he has a book/movie deal. If that is true talk about throwing good money after bad. Also,contractors for the government sign confidentally clauses not to discuss classified information when they leave government service. You can sure bet if he leaked real classified information when he was working on his supposed saucer at area 51, the FBI would be on his doorstep and he would have allot of explaining to do.There would be a paper trail. What makes his tale so grand is you can't verify any of it. I don't buy it.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 06:49 PM
If one were to get a sneak peak behind the curtain it would probably appear like fantasy land. I lived long enough to know that reality is far more spectacular than fiction ever can be. Hard such thing in fantasy land.

Anyway, what i really wanted to comment on...i wish ATS´ers in general would pay less attention to whatever google comes up with. My gut tells me that Lazar´s story has something legit to it, just a gut feeling, i do not know for a fact and i don´t know to what extent. I´ve never talked to the guy in person. I´m pretty sure 99% of those who states he´s a hoax have not either. Maybe we should be a little bit more careful drawing conclusions and stating them in writing for everyone to read based on what google feedes us.

Who knows for sure?

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:31 PM
I was stationed at Indian Springs AFAF during the time that Bob Lazar was "debriefed" there. I was in charge of transient alert functions and saw many things that were "out of the ordinary" during that time. Things such as the black OH5C helicopters being unloaded to fly to the Groom Lake facility. At no time, did I see Bob Lazar on our base, and furthermore, we did not have the kind of security required to perform the kind of debrief that would have been involved. We had a paperboy that used to come on base to make his deliveries, and I never once saw security even slow him down when he approached the base! Bob Lazar may be telling the truth about what he saw at Groom Lake, but he most certainly is lying about this particular part of his story!

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Ahh, the original Area 51 BS Artist..Mr Bob Lazar - UFO Mechanic
I don't believe the document is real. If it were proven that Bob Lazar UFO Mechanic did receive Gov't pay and the document authentic, could be from some contract job off work he did at Los Alamos...if that could be proven

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:35 AM
Bob has always been interesting to me. I think he knows something but may have embellished it a lot. But something to think about too, is that what other way would people respond to others who have stated the things Lazar has stated? I think it could go either way...Either he's full of it or he is legit within a larger portion & scope of his story.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:15 AM
It's a fake document.
looked at it again and it
was fake that time too

go make your own fake W-2 forms

[edit on 30-7-2010 by boondock-saint]

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