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Fake Blue Beam

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posted on Oct, 13 2024 @ 05:17 PM
I had some thoughts on Project Blue Beam and NWO. I won't presume to pad out a thread with 150 paragraphs of boring crap that says nothing.

You're either caught up, or you aren't. And if you aren't, you're already using a great research tool called the internet or you wouldn't be reading this post.

I don't think Blue Beam was ever a serious plan to usher in a NWO utopia/ dystopia. The elites don't need fake aliens to corral people into fear and compliance and draconian shackles...they can achieve that with viruses. In fact viruses were probably the way to go from the very beginning.

So why leak this silly plan about fake aliens?

Because the elites probably DO know something is coming, whether Niburu or whatever name it goes by. Planet X. Look to our collective religions and mythologies for clues.

So the elites know a big brother entity is inevitably returning. But here's the catch, they know they're benevolent and do want to usher in a utopia and new scientific, societal, and maybe spiritual awakening for humanity.

Can you think of any group who wouldn't want this? Maybe the elites who live like hedonistic kings at the expense of all the plebes.

They leaked Project Blue Beam simply to discredit a REAL alien invasion, one of a peaceful and benevolent nature.

When it happens you'll already have a divide, some people will simply turn away l'm not falling for that Blue Beam crap. My human overlords will save me!

edit on 13-10-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2024 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

I will start by saying blue beam is real in my opinion.

I dont think it is about faking an alien invasion. I think it is set to make us believe intelligent life from space is helping us out of the kindess of their hearts...if they have them.

In reality, it is demons deceiving the masses to build an army to fight God. Too many will realize it when it is too late and they stood against the Creator.

posted on Oct, 13 2024 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

I doubt that people would believe any sort of Blue Beam event, and specifically people who really read holy books and would be looking for specifics that less devout people might miss.

If you look at Hollywood type representations of religious content, I am unaware of a single one that has strong adherence to ancient texts. Every time, they have had fanciful elements that are not in the accounts, and they often seem confused about clear understood theological principles.

We also currently don't have seamless technologies to achieve it.

For example, even stuff projected onto a big screen is still not authentically 3 dimensional. We can usually tell the difference between imaging and the real world, and even something as 'simple' as audio from speakers isn't authentically 'in 3d space" like when someone speaks to us.

Although we are generally fairly accepting of poor synchronization of audio and video, many people, who are usually involved with broadcast, would be aware of dyssynchronous audio as evidence that whatever is being presented is a fake.

Similarly, there are also video artefacts and audio artefacts that a seasoned observer would be able to discern, and that don't happen in real life.

A good example is the sound of the recorded string section of a large orchestra. All the 3D information of instrument placement is lost and there is a sibilant hiss that becomes noticeable in the recording, the result of phase differences in high frequencies for instruments that are spatially distributed, and you can't easily undo or fake that.

Blue Beam would only deceive those who want to believe it.

edit on 13 10 2424 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2024 @ 06:46 PM
There is a lot of information here on ATS about that.
Many long discussions.

The document discusses Serge Monast's 1994 presentation on Project Blue Beam, a conspiracy theory about NASA faking an alien invasion to establish a new world religion and global government. Key points include: - Project Blue Beam was originally planned for 1983 to usher in the New World Order but was delayed. - It involves using technology like holograms in space to simulate a global invasion.

United Nations; a World Conservation Bank for wilderness around the world. That means thatall green movements will be melded into this new International Bank or will disappear. AWorld Religion where all church doctrines will be destroyed at the roots to be replaced by thenew religion of the Age of Aquarius.

The world seven rate classifications for all men and women - the new paradise, they said -where everybody will have a predetermined work to fill out whether they agree or not; theworld concentration camp headquarters at the United Nations for those who will not acceptthe new system; the world agriculture and food-supply control which will control food andvitamin supplies all around the world.

The New World Order will be an in-between government system from old USSR, GreatBritain and its commonwealths, and the actual United States with its melting-pot population.This is at the end... a new spiritual-political world order which will replace the old one in whichwe live right now.What are the New World Order plans? They plan the destruction of all people who believein the Bible, who worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance of Christianity toachieve this plan.

The New World Order will change nations' laws in order that Christian religious beliefs andsymbols - like the cross for instance - will be come unlawful. Only Easter and Christmas forinstance will be replaced by New Age festivities around the world.The New World Order plans also the abolishment of all currencies and the transfer toelectronic cash through the super highway -- what we call also, the electronic highway.

The thinker and the basic doctrine books of the New Age conspiracy for the New World Government are -- and listen to the name of those people because all the new way of thinkingof the New World Order are from those people, those authors who wrote different kinds ofbooks which are the basic belief of the New Age movement:Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who wrote Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine.Alice A. Baily who wrote The Race and the Initiation and the Externalization of the Hierarchy.

Also, Initiation, Human and Solar; The Reappearance of the Christ - their Christ is the new messiah; The Destiny of the Nations, in which they plan what they're going to do with the actual nation-state.

Project bluebeam PDF

edit on 13-10-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

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