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30 injured in German stabbing

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posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 06:59 AM
At least he was captured...

In this shocking video, we delve into the recent Islamic stabbing attack in Germany that has left over 30 people injured. Witness the harrowing footage that captures the chaos and panic of the incident. We explore the events leading up to the attack, the response from law enforcement, and the implications for security in Germany and beyond. Join us as we discuss the societal impact of such violent acts and the ongoing debates surrounding immigration and extremism. This incident raises important questions about safety, community, and the challenges of integrating diverse cultures. Stay informed and aware of the realities of our world today.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Well, so much for the religion of peace.

...and before someone calls me a racist or bigot, THIS is why I absolutely do not believe in organized religion. The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and now we have Muslims killing people for whatever radical idea that they're taught..........

Take a look throughout history and you'll come up with some version of "If you don't believe in my version of God I'm gonna kill you".

My Uncles would not even step foot in a church for their own brothers funeral because it wasn't their particular flavor of religion..

Yeah. You can keep all that sh**.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 08:41 AM
Here is a comforting thought:

ICE: Over 425,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Not in Agency’s Custody, Including 13,099 Convicted Killers

Federal immigration authorities have revealed that more than 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, including more than 13,000 individuals convicted of homicide, are currently on the non-detained docket of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), meaning they’re not in ICE custody and could be roaming free in the United States.
The data was disclosed in a Sept. 25 letter from ICE deputy director Patrick Lechleitner to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), who issued a statement calling the situation “beyond disturbing.”
“The truth is clear—illegal immigrants with a criminal record are coming into our country,” Gonzales said.
Lechleitner’s letter to Gonzales indicates that as of July 21, there were 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal histories on the agency’s national docket. Of these, 435,719 have been convicted of crimes, while another 226,847 face pending criminal charges.
Of the total number of convicted criminals, 425,431 of them are not currently detained, meaning they remain in the United States under some form of ICE supervision but are not held in ICE custody.
The 425,000-plus individuals on ICE’s so-called “non-detained” docket include 13,099 convicted of homicide, while another 1,845 face homicide charges.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Inbred barbarians are not compatible with civilization.

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 09:06 AM
The religion of peace doing its thing.

When they explore the events leading to the attack think they ever look at the tenants of Islam? Maybe start there and see if those ideals even mesh with their the people and culture and then maybe then they can consider some form of action.

Because then they will have some form of understanding of what Islam is and islam wants and it isn’t peace or assimilation into Germany. It’s to take over Germany make it an Islamic state and they don’t give one single F about the German people or the country.

They seek to progress Islam because that is a tenant.

Why don’t Muslim’s predominant country’s want other Muslim refugees? Weird one eh?
a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 09:37 AM
In the US this election year the psrty voted for will come down to two issues; the 'right' to abort a fetus at will and any stage of pregnancy versus the mass immigration.

Most countries in the western world have experienced first hand what happens when you allow people in whose number one ideology is a barbaric, violent religion.

Countries have already been overwhelmed with violent extreemists, which would leave a more conservative government to clean up the mess....and that will take decades.

They're going to need more than a machete in at least one country.

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