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The Nov 2024 U.S. Elections - Attempted ELECTION FRAUDS and Counter Measures.

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posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 12:21 PM
Saturday, September 28, 2024

With the Tuesday November 5th election just 38 days away, and early in person, mail-in, and drop-box voting already underway across several states, instances of ELECTION FRAUD ATTEMPTS are becoming more apparent.

Remember, in October 2020, Presidential candidate Joe Biden bragged on a closed-circuit meeting to Democrat officials that their "Election Fraud Organization" was at peak strength, and would deliver victories for the party, including the White House, that next month.

The Election Fraud Organization is still active and attempting to duplicate for Kamala Harris, fraudulent activities in "toss-up states" that made Joe Biden President-elect in November 2020.

One such toss-up state is WISCONSIN. Joe Biden beat President Donald Trump by only 18,000 votes. Representative James Clyburn, Democrat from South Carolina, spent days in WISCONSIN this Summer, visiting precinct captains to deliver nefarious ballot-fraud instructions.

Clyburn Teaches Fraud in Wisconsin: waukee-beloit-and-no-one-notices/

Republican Candidate, former President Donald J. Trump is attempting to offset the fraud Clyburn (and others) are inserting for Kamala Harris, by making numerous trips to Wisconsin over the next 38 days. One is today...

Today President Donald Trump heads to Wisconsin to rally voters in/around Prairie du Chien.

The goal in Wisconsin is to counter the Clyburn ballot harvesting efforts in the urban centers, though increased voter participation in working class regions.

Simultaneously, grass roots Wisconsin groups are working to disqualify ballots that stem from fraudulent registrations that DNC activists are assembling.

Unfortunately, the professionally republican apparatus in the state supports the professionally democrat UniParty members.
Continued at:

More to come regarding FRAUD efforts, and FIGHT-BACK efforts occurring in key "toss-up" states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina.

Because this election is "supposedly" so close, some states are toss-ups this week, and the next week are in the Trump or Harris column, only to become toss-ups again the following week.


-WeMustCare 😎

edit on 2892024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)


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