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Boris Johnson, we considered aquatic raid on Netherlands

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posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 05:08 AM

So back to Covid days, some of you might recall that the UK was ahead of the EU in procuring access to MRNA vaccines but that the EU was kicking up a fuss due to their bloated bureaucracy being too slow to secure any vaccine and trying to prevent the Netherlands fulfilling the contract they had with the UK.

Seems that Number 10 considered a marine raid on the warehouse to get what we had already paid for, though the more you read into the article, the escape route by truck to the channel ports seemed doomed to failure.

Either way, its quite a good job that the fat nutcase thought again as I can't imagine the amount of damage this would have done to our relationship with the Dutch, many of whom still tend graves of second world war Paras who died trying to free them.

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Have you seen him swimming?

He certainly would not have been spearheading the aquatic task force.

As the only thing that fat cockwomble could raid is Greggs.

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I'd expect greenpeace to be along in a minute to stop the Japs harpooning him.

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Just further confirmation, as if we needed any, that the man is a complete and utter blithering idiot.
For once words actually do fail on earth do people like him rise to such positions of influence and responsibility?

I miss the laughs he provided....but do we really want our Prime Ministers to be remembered more for their foot-in-mouthisms, oafish bungling behaviour, bizarre antics and moronic ideas like this?

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Crazy isnt it? I'd say we dodged a bullet there.
Makes you wonder why there was no one with enough of a backbone to call out his idiotic plan for the stupidity it was.

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Oh, the horror! Johnson hugged a woman in the video under the post!!! How could such a terrible homophobe be the Prime Minister of England for so long????

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Mate, hugging a woman does not make you a homophobe.

Hating gay people makes you a homophobe, the two things are not connected.

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll


Did he not attend Balliol and Eton College?

I dont think Boris is a "Homophobe" RT.

If what those lot are suspected to get up to holds any water.
edit on 28-9-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
a reply to: RussianTroll

Mate, hugging a woman does not make you a homophobe.

I will carve these words of yours in bronze and cast them in granite))))

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: SprocketUK

Just further confirmation, as if we needed any, that the man is a complete and utter blithering idiot.
For once words actually do fail on earth do people like him rise to such positions of influence and responsibility?

I miss the laughs he provided....but do we really want our Prime Ministers to be remembered more for their foot-in-mouthisms, oafish bungling behaviour, bizarre antics and moronic ideas like this?

Why is it some of the finest nations ever on Earth have nothing but scum too choose from 99% of the time?

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: Justoneman


posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: SprocketUK
a reply to: RussianTroll

Mate, hugging a woman does not make you a homophobe.

I will carve these words of yours in bronze and cast them in granite))))


They didn't see you were being sarcastic because the Progressives called him a Homophobe I recall.

Help them out with this "/s" next time.

Any way your problem to solve Brit's. I love you guys but you also have to look inwardly before you can begin to correct problems that the Progressive One World nutcases are doing to you and to all of us too world wide.

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Justoneman



posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Why would I care if he 'hugged a woman'?
What has that got to do with what I posted or the thread topic?

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Damn haha.
Southpark never fails to get it

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Dude, It makes no difference. Just after saying "A", you must also say "B")))) Otherwise "B" will sooner or later fly into a body part you know)))))

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Say what now?

Must be funnier in Russki.

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