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House Speaker Mike Johnson Says He May - Or May Not - Certify the 2024 Election.

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posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 11:28 PM
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Since MSNBC is now the favorite TV News Network of Democrats, and Speaker Johnson's little comment made Democrats so angry, I'm composing this post from their perspective...

Asked about certifying the 2024 elections, Mike Johnson added an unnecessary — and unsettling — qualifier to his answer!

Do you commit to observing regular order in the certification process of the 2024 election, even if Kamala Harris beats Donald Trump?’ a reporter asked Johnson [Tuesday] morning.

‘Well, of course, if we have a free, fair and safe election, we’re going to follow the Constitution,’ Johnson replied.
Much More at:

First of all, what if Americans give DEMOCRATS the House Majority again? In fact, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-Ca) said earlier this week that minority leader Hakeem Jeffries(D-NY) will be sworn in as Speaker on January 1, 2025.

If Democrats are the House majority on January 6, 2025 and Kamala Harris is President-elect, even via cheating like Joe did in 2020, Kamala will be certified as U.S. President on that day. 🤮

It's amazing how angry and paranoid Democrats are over Johnson's appropriate words of caution!

Someone should ask Hakeem if he would certify Donald Trump as President, if Democrats win the House, and Trump wins the White House. I'm sure he would answer, "Hell yeah I'd certify Trump!"...but then find a reason NOT to certify him on Jan 6th. Dems are deceitful like that. 😈

-WeMustCare 😎

edit on 2592024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2024 @ 11:38 PM
it's a fair statement to make. In both the 2016 and 2020 election cycles states refused to be transparent about votes. During the 2016 aftermath most states refused to even verify anything by taking the President to court over wanting to examine if there were any irregularities. Doesn't sound like fair elections to me, so I'm glad the Speaker is being upfront about this.

I get the feeling that in another coup takes place, ala Jan 6th style, Johnson is going to ensure that there will be enough police and National Guardsmen will be there to prevent any disruptions.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

In the beginning....

Sure you were.🙄

He said that before he approved moving forward with MORE funding for "spookville" Ukraine, adding completely unnecessary funding to Israel and NOTHING for the border. He actually approved giving more money to the very NGOs working to invade our country. He was okay with that.

HE WILL certify it! If there's any doubt, then you haven't been paying attention. (Not you personally)

He tucks tail EVERY TIME and folds to swamp directives. At best he's a RINO, at worst he's actually a closet progressive. Hard to say. I'm not encouraged at all, and this just foreshadows the results that are going to tear this country to pieces before Christmas. IMO, of course.
edit on 26-9-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
it's a fair statement to make. In both the 2016 and 2020 election cycles states refused to be transparent about votes. During the 2016 aftermath most states refused to even verify anything by taking the President to court over wanting to examine if there were any irregularities. Doesn't sound like fair elections to me, so I'm glad the Speaker is being upfront about this.

I get the feeling that in another coup takes place, ala Jan 6th style, Johnson is going to ensure that there will be enough police and National Guardsmen will be there to prevent any disruptions.

Thankyou for sharing that info about the 2016 election. I didn't know many states refused to verify that their own counts were accurate.

Regarding the National Guard, President Trump requested them for Jan 6, 2021, but his Joint Chiefs Chairman, General Mark Milley, took control and kept the National Guard from coming. (This will be a thread of its own in a day or two.)


posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 12:30 AM
I may be alone in this.

But I feel like whoever wins the election, ima be like

“Aw sh!t. Here we go!”

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

The OP article says Liberals are mad and nervous because Johnson voted (as a Congressman in the minority party) to NOT certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election, on 1/6/2021.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Well, considering he has played ball since making speaker, I don't think that vote really matters.

No matter the results, HE WILL certify it! He's had opportunity after opportunity to take a stand and he folds like origami to the wishes of government rather than his SWORN duty to the People.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

I think the confusion here is that Jonson isn't an extremist and tries to negotiate with both sides rather than shove his position down everyone's throat.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Johnson is a sellout. Why anyone thinks what he says has any substance at all is beyond me at this point.

How many examples does it take?
edit on 26-9-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 04:02 AM

What ever happens, you can bet, it was planned.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

"‘Well, of course, if we have a free, fair and safe election, we’re going to follow the Constitution,’"

There's no reason to expect it will be, but then again,

How's anyone going to ever prove it one-way or another?

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 07:13 AM
this one is kind of odd. The left now thinks that they have some kind of authority over how the election system is viewed. They don't. If folks see shenanigans, they will say something, and it will be investigated, even if low info #tards call people election deniers. Everyone is going to be watching, and shaming people into not asking questions won't cut it this time. You want to see that civil war you keep hoping for, try it again.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

I think the confusion here is that Jonson isn't an extremist and tries to negotiate with both sides rather than shove his position down everyone's throat.

Johnson is a realist.

When he attempted to do what candidate Trump and MAGA asked, and pass the Government Funding bill with the "Save Act" attached 2 weeks ago, 14 Republicans voted against it. (Save Act = Prevents non-US citizens from voting)

Yesterday, he removed the "Save Act" from the Government Funding bill, and the bill passed, averting an Oct 1, 2024 government shut-down.

Most of the 14 Republicans had a reason for wanting illegals to vote. They have been added to the list for deeper scrutiny if Trump is President next year.

In the meantime, it's important that MORE Republicans be added to the U.S. House...hopefully MAGA-AF Republicans. Donald Trump is also a "realist". He has been driving this home at every campaign stop. Republican Control of the Senate, and a larger majority of Republicans in the House, are VERY important this election cycle.

Candidate Trump has met with Speaker Johnson on several occasions.

Here is info from their June 2024 meeting:

Former President Donald Trump has full confidence in Johnson at this point.

posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 05:01 PM
He is a Hell of a Lot Better than what was Before Him.

a reply to: WeMustCare

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