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Imam: 'In the Netherlands, Muslims Are in Charge

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posted on Sep, 22 2024 @ 02:48 AM
The full title is, "Imam: 'In the Netherlands, Muslims Are in Charge- If You Don't Like It, Just Leave' (Video)"
It is a long article which goes through some of the claims this Imam from the religion of peace is making. Why anyone will be surprised is beyond me as true history tells no lies.

Brother Rahide has a clear message for his TikTok followers: “The Muslim is the boss in the Netherlands. And if you don’t like it, you can leave.” He also claims that the Netherlands used to be the largest Islamic country in the world, referring to its former colony, Indonesia.

In his TikTok tirade, Brother Rahide makes it clear that the Dutch need to adapt to Muslims. While his tone seems somewhat exaggerated, the Islamic influencer continues his rant for several minutes.

Rahide begins: “This is the Netherlands, the country where the Muslim is in charge, not the Dutch. If you don’t like it, you can leave. Go to Germany or somewhere else. Here, we Muslims are in charge. We built this country. We are responsible for everything here—houses, infrastructure, everything. Everything in the Netherlands is thanks to Muslims.
I wonder if he got that from an Obama speech ?

Easy way to commit societal suicide for much of the western valued world.... Muslims may not be in charge the way they want to be yet, they will out breed the locals and get Muslim representatives into government like they have in Minnesota USA and create "no go zones" for the unbelievers.

BREAKING: The Dutch government has officially informed the EU that they want to opt-out of the migration pact. Looks like the Netherlands want to close their borders. Huge.
Wow like closing the barn door after all the animals have already left. Dutch government led by hard right asks for formal opt-out from EU migration rules... Anyone who does not agree with open borders is a raciest or so we have been told by the open border crowd. "Italian PM Meloni:From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

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