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A music rant hitting ATS politics as well

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posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 11:24 PM
Ok it’s about this brain dead farce where nothing else counts – America in voting season (I mean – how to control season). Yes, yes I also want to live so get your act together and stop F_k_n with Russia and try killing your real president. The whole world can see the truth and know that it’s time for Earth to be rid from the evil Satanist (Call them what you want from Babylon through Rome and Venice “adopting the Jewish faith in Khazaria” Ukraine and Europe after which America follows). And when my country South Africa was captured by the Gupta’s I thought we looked laughable. Do you know how it looks when the world is looking at the lies? Yip most of us, who are not totally brain-dead or brain-washed are prepared to learn the truth about the planned, total, control of us useless eaters.

The main reason for this thread is that I saw another thread about a bass rift about a week ago and can’t find it even if I go to the music forum. Just the most popular threads are listed and nothing about the latest contributions. Although my ears are not specifically tuned for bass rifts I remembered a song that impressed me some time ago.

After a fair amount of time researching the word ladybird I found the song but could not reply as I could not find the unknown bas rift thread.

It starts around 35sec - I love this, music must have been my life not just my hobby. Hope there is a studio copy available

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

Is this the thread you were looking for?


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