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My opinion on opinions

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posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 01:44 PM
One of the great challenges of our time is "categorizing things correctly." Nowadays, opinion is no longer based on facts but rather on what a particular ideology prescribes. I usually play it safe when it comes to understanding something and consulting the internet—I look at multiple sources, read the comments if available. Are there still objective sources? Certainly, but that doesn't matter if they objectively question one's own ideology. Science? People believe it as long as it adheres to the predetermined ideological stance. Where does this lead? Into collective madness. My anchor point: poets, writers, musicians, scientists, astronauts, inventors. But even here, a certain basic attitude should prevail, which is why I still listen to Pink Floyd, but I ignore good old Roger. So, I'm stuck in this loop as well. Everything is very complicated. That is why fanatics are on the rise everywhere, radicals are flourishing, the psychos are thriving. Frightened, disoriented, and divided societies are the best breeding ground for extremists.

How can one form an opinion that is close to reality? By looking to the wise, the educated, the objective, and the calm individuals, without forgetting to always question them as well. You can recognize radicals by their inability to question themselves, or by knowingly lying because it serves a higher cause—Islamists act according to the same principle. Patriotism, my ground, weapon, all cool, but the far right (and other destructive forces) longing for chaos, anarchy, and a major upheaval is a symptom of personal injury and certainly does not advance humanity.


There is always hope and comfort, and everyone deserves hope and comfort, even the biggest jerk. Because, ultimately, we are all the same—and eventually just dust and memory. We should really use these few years on earth to make life nice for ourselves and everyone else. Peace.

edit on 8/26/2024 by semperfortis because: Removed Trolling Comment

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: malte86

Would be nice if you could provide and English translation of the lyrics.

Lyrics engl.:

This is a song
That makes us one
And proclaims:
Break the silence

A little tune
lyrics and music
to withstand
the solitude

In every note
there is the promise
An action lies
in every sound

In every note
there is the promise
of context changed
and meaning found

This is a song
That makes us one
Flies up stairs,
down corridors

I painted all the
floorboards black
I’m in the corner
But where’s the door?

Every note
speaks of promise,
in every sound

Every note
speaks of promise
A footprint on fresh ground

And if I have to
hold my tongue
when such peril
envelops me

And if I have to
hold my tongue,
then I will
have lived in vain

And if I have to
hold my tongue
while such fear
encircles me

And if I have to
hold my tongue,
then I will have
lived in vain

And if I’d never
known you near me
then I would have
lived in vain

And if I’d never
known you near me
then I would have
lived in vain

edit on 26-8-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: malte86

Congratulations. The whole Leftist guilt complex is getting exposed and it's always a good try to get excuses for failure lined up ahead of time. This could be a draft for a Kamala speech. 🤤 Democrat candidates this year are having problems categorizing the scripted lies. They need to separate the high impact lies from the low impact lies, and they need to reduce the lies that conflict with each other. Otherwise, the unburdened twists remain a mystery. 😃

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 03:57 PM
Lifelong Democrat and progressive liberal Brett Weinstein sounds like one of your "wise, educated, objective, and calm individuals". I bet you won't like what he says -

I think the modern Democratic Party is an existential threat to the Republic. I've been a Democrat my whole life. The Party I see in front of me today is the inverse of the Party I signed up for. This is now the Party of war, racism, and censorship. There is no conceivable scenario where I will vote for Kamala Harris.

Am I open to voting for Trump? I am especially open to it if he is partnered with Bobby Kennedy because what that tells me is that my values, which are a much closer match for Bobby's, are represented in that administration, and that's really what I want.


posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: malte86

Congratulations. The whole Leftist guilt complex is getting exposed and it's always a good try to get excuses for failure lined up ahead of time. This could be a draft for a Kamala speech. 🤤 Democrat candidates this year are having problems categorizing the scripted lies. They need to separate the high impact lies from the low impact lies, and they need to reduce the lies that conflict with each other. Otherwise, the unburdened twists remain a mystery. 😃

I have never voted for the left and probably never will. However, your political understanding is different from mine, because for you, left is a synonym for everything that does not align with your worldview. Can you provide me with specific examples where lies were told? And have you ever fact-checked any of Trump's claims?

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
Lifelong Democrat and progressive liberal Brett Weinstein sounds like one of your "wise, educated, objective, and calm individuals". I bet you won't like what he says -

I think the modern Democratic Party is an existential threat to the Republic. I've been a Democrat my whole life. The Party I see in front of me today is the inverse of the Party I signed up for. This is now the Party of war, racism, and censorship. There is no conceivable scenario where I will vote for Kamala Harris.

Am I open to voting for Trump? I am especially open to it if he is partnered with Bobby Kennedy because what that tells me is that my values, which are a much closer match for Bobby's, are represented in that administration, and that's really what I want.


This gentleman clearly does not fall into any of these categories. Maybe he is calm from time to time but who is not?

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: charlest2
a reply to: malte86

Would be nice if you could provide and English translation of the lyrics.

Lyrics engl.:

This is a song
That makes us one
And proclaims:
Break the silence

A little tune
lyrics and music
to withstand
the solitude

In every note
there is the promise
An action lies
in every sound

In every note
there is the promise
of context changed
and meaning found

This is a song
That makes us one
Flies up stairs,
down corridors

I painted all the
floorboards black
I’m in the corner
But where’s the door?

Every note
speaks of promise,
in every sound

Every note
speaks of promise
A footprint on fresh ground

And if I have to
hold my tongue
when such peril
envelops me

And if I have to
hold my tongue,
then I will
have lived in vain

And if I have to
hold my tongue
while such fear
encircles me

And if I have to
hold my tongue,
then I will have
lived in vain

And if I’d never
known you near me
then I would have
lived in vain

And if I’d never
known you near me
then I would have
lived in vain

Thanks for posting!

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:19 PM

My opinion on opinions

The left doesn't like opinions that don't agree with their agenda.
Better make sure that your opinion matches their opinion on opinions.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: malte86

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: malte86

Congratulations. The whole Leftist guilt complex is getting exposed and it's always a good try to get excuses for failure lined up ahead of time. This could be a draft for a Kamala speech. 🤤 Democrat candidates this year are having problems categorizing the scripted lies. They need to separate the high impact lies from the low impact lies, and they need to reduce the lies that conflict with each other. Otherwise, the unburdened twists remain a mystery. 😃

I have never voted for the left and probably never will. However, your political understanding is different from mine, because for you, left is a synonym for everything that does not align with your worldview. Can you provide me with specific examples where lies were told? And have you ever fact-checked any of Trump's claims?

Perfect Kamala Style response. 100% 😊

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

My opinion on opinions

The left doesn't like opinions that don't agree with their agenda.
Better make sure that your opinion matches their opinion on opinions.

Our left in Germany is friendly toward Putin, has demonized vaccinations, has some antisemitic tendencies, and does not like the USA. None of this reflects my opinion. How about you?

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: malte86

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: malte86

Congratulations. The whole Leftist guilt complex is getting exposed and it's always a good try to get excuses for failure lined up ahead of time. This could be a draft for a Kamala speech. 🤤 Democrat candidates this year are having problems categorizing the scripted lies. They need to separate the high impact lies from the low impact lies, and they need to reduce the lies that conflict with each other. Otherwise, the unburdened twists remain a mystery. 😃

I have never voted for the left and probably never will. However, your political understanding is different from mine, because for you, left is a synonym for everything that does not align with your worldview. Can you provide me with specific examples where lies were told? And have you ever fact-checked any of Trump's claims?

Perfect Kamala Style response. 100% 😊

That's not an objective assessment, it's an ideological one. In that regard, I'm not really wrong, right?

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 04:56 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: malte86

How can one form an opinion that is close to reality?

I go to the grocery store a couple of times a month.

I see people being civil and accommodating. They smile too.
I don't see people being belligerent and all "standing their ground".

It would be nice if everybody could enjoy shopping as much as I do. It isn't like I did anything special to deserve the enjoyment. It took millions of people doing various jobs in many fields in many countries for this to happen. I guess that is what's called cooperation and accommodation.

edit on 26-8-2024 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: malte86

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: malte86

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: malte86

Congratulations. The whole Leftist guilt complex is getting exposed and it's always a good try to get excuses for failure lined up ahead of time. This could be a draft for a Kamala speech. 🤤 Democrat candidates this year are having problems categorizing the scripted lies. They need to separate the high impact lies from the low impact lies, and they need to reduce the lies that conflict with each other. Otherwise, the unburdened twists remain a mystery. 😃

I have never voted for the left and probably never will. However, your political understanding is different from mine, because for you, left is a synonym for everything that does not align with your worldview. Can you provide me with specific examples where lies were told? And have you ever fact-checked any of Trump's claims?

Perfect Kamala Style response. 100% 😊

That's not an objective assessment, it's an ideological one. In that regard, I'm not really wrong, right?

It is objective. 😀

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: malte86

*Left wing cheers for politicized moderation, criminalizing opinions, and government violating rights via tech/NGO proxies*

*Left accuse the sites that won't participate of being "right wing echo chambers"*

Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. What a huge surprise that people censored on 99% of the Internet have congregated where they are still allowed. What a huge further surprise that on those sites there is also a concentration of nasty people that have been censored elsewhere.

Anybody paying attention for the past two decades knew that the authoritarians were corralling dissenters into digital reservations. Essentially, the Obama administration picked up the digital version of the Bush era "free speech zone" policies. Now the globalist/corporatist/MIC collective is trying to snuff those out or take them over like they did with the Occupy Movement.

It's under the guise of "safety". Yeah, the Internet is the real risk... not the billions and billions of arms the US is shipping to sketchy "allies" all over the world. The real risk is words that people don't like. It's not the vast majority of wealth being concentrated more and more in an elite class that flies private jets, uses more resources in a day than whole regions of Africa use in a week, is above the law, and influences governments to further enrich themselves. Ironically, they do this all while telling me that meeting my very basic nutritional needs with unprocessed foods my body doesn't reject is destroying the planet.

I'm sure the billions of people in third world countries that will suffer famine for an ill-conceived shift to centralized corporate food production recognize that Gates and Soros and Schwab and all the politicians lined up at the trough are simply better then them. These rich, white, liberal, activists, are just better than everyone else. It's not like these people are self-admitted eugenicists that openly support reducing the population of useless eaters... they're just wise, calm, and better than than the unwashed masses of poors.

I hope you all enjoy your future gulags. It matters little if authoritarian neocon corporatists drape themselves in PRIDE colors or an American flag, this all ends the same way when you accept the loss of freedoms for the illusion of safety. The right wing neocons will inevitably pick up the mantle when the pendulum swings. Oh what a sight it will be to behold when all the whinging drama queens, that have LARPed about being oppressed by right wing fascists for that last decade, finally have something to really whine about.

But don't listen to me. According to the left I'm a right wing extremist because I support reasonable access to abortion while being against legalized infanticide, eliminating the corporate/Wall Street/government agency revolving doors, ensuring fully informed consent for all medical treatments, protection of civil liberties, limiting police powers, people not being exploited by corporations, stopping the US war machine, women and children being protected from predators in places they are vulnerable, education that teaches the poorest students the same as the rich ones, equal treatment of all people no matter what identity demographics they have, people having access to clean water, no people going hungry, and stopping the corporate exploitation of natural resources through 1st world hegemony.

I'm not alone. You just don't hear from us much because we're tired of dealing with delusional sycophants and people that place their activism at a higher priority than their personal integrity. We're sick of war, we're sick of being lied to, and we're sick of pretending that mental defectives being held up as role models is normal or acceptable.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: malte86

Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. Ah, the old mirror trick. 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edit on 2024-08-27T04:55:04-05:0004Tue, 27 Aug 2024 04:55:04 -050008am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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