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Congress Says Democrat Candidate for Vice President - TIM WALZ - May Be LOYAL to CHINA.

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+8 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 09:46 PM
Sunday, August, 25, 2024

Earlier this month, the U.S. House Committee on Government Oversight, came across information indicating that Joe Biden's replacement in 2024 Presidential race, may have chosen a severely "compromised" running mate.

After Vice President Kamala Harris helped push sitting President Joe Biden out of the Presidency last month (eff: 1/20/2025) and take his place as the Democrat's candidate, she picked Minnesota Governor TIMOTHY JAMES WALZ as her 2024 V.P. running mate.

But there's a HUGE potential problem with Walz. The chairman of the House Oversight Committee wants the American public to be aware of these RED flags...

Reporting indicates Governor Walz has concerning ties to the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

In 1993, according to the Star-Herald, as a teacher, Mr. Walz organized a trip to the PRC with Alliance High School students, where costs were paid by the Chinese government.

In 1994, Mr. Walz set up a private company named “Educational Travel Adventures, Inc.,” which coordinated annual student trips to the PRC until 2003 and was led by Mr. Walz himself. The corporation was reportedly dissolved four days after he took congressional office in 2007.

Since his first trip to China, Governor Walz has visited the PRC an estimated 30 (thirty) times.

While serving in Congress, Mr. Walz also served as a fellow at the Macau Polytechnic University, a Chinese institution that characterizes itself as having a “long held devotion to and love for the motherland.”

Governor Walz spoke alongside the President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which, a year later, the Department of State exposed as “a Beijing-based organization tasked with co-opting subnational governments,” including efforts “to directly and malignly influence state and local leaders to promote the PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA (PRC's) global agenda.”
MORE at:

--FBI Director Christopher Wray is supposed to give to Congress by August 30th, information regarding Congressman-turned-Governor Walz's interactions with Chinese entities, and what investigations are closed, still ongoing, or may be opened.

See the Letter from Congress to Wray Here:

--Last month, disgraced U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was convicted of some of the crimes Governor Walz is suspected of committing.

Senator Menendez put Qatar and Egypt ahead of USA interests:

--A quick look at news articles about Tim Walz, spanning 1990 to Present, makes you wonder WHY Kamala Harris picked this "friend of China" as her running mate...putting him 1 heartbeat away from being President of the United States.

Is Kamala Harris is Getting Bad Advice? Or Exercising Poor Judgement? No one Better than Walz was willing to be her Running Mate?

-WeMustCare 😎

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:01 PM
Walz has praised socialism and communism publically on numerous occsions. He's already told people who he is, just like Kamal has-so why do so many people doubt them?

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:06 PM
It would be very easy for the chinese to contribute money to the Democrats in this country through Chinese Holdings here in the USA. Is this why Kamala chose him, because of campaign contributions possibly increasing?

I have nothing against China, they are an adversary of the USA but have been decent trade partners even though I feel we are taking advantage of their workers so we get cheaper goods. I think the Chinese are getting tired of that, living in poor environmental quality so we can get cheap goods. I kind of feel sorry for their people with all the polution, we should be making our own crap.

That is my opinion anyway, the only evidence I have is conjecture. It is possible that there could be something in my first paragraph that is is just a conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it and if there is evidence, I feel it is well hid because there are lots of intelligent Chinese and very good people who could work in the Democrat campaign that could launder money. It could also be happening with the Republicans too from out of country contributions, but I would guess the China connection would be better with the democrats in this case.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Maybe when there’s a clueless prostitute running the White House with an effeminate communist…maybe then you’ll be ready to talk about the reality of our reptilian overlords?

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Sunday, August, 25, 2024

"Since his first trip to China, Governor Walz has visited the PRC an estimated 30 (thirty) times.

While serving in Congress, Mr. Walz also served as a fellow at the Macau Polytechnic University, a Chinese institution that characterizes itself as having a “long held devotion to and love for the motherland.”
MORE at:

30 times??? It's gotta be the food! 🤤


posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Walz has praised socialism and communism publically on numerous occsions. He's already told people who he is, just like Kamal has-so why do so many people doubt them?

You have to go looking for it. Unless and Until ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-MSNBC-WGN-NYTimes-WaPo do a story or stories on Walz praising socialism/communism, the vast majority of the public will never know of this. PERHAPS the debate will expose him if Vance brings articles to hold up before the camera, and mentions a website where all evidence can be seen by viewers after the debate. (I don't know why candidates don't do this. Put the damn "fact checkers" out of business.)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
It would be very easy for the chinese to contribute money to the Democrats in this country through Chinese Holdings here in the USA. Is this why Kamala chose him, because of campaign contributions possibly increasing?

I have nothing against China, they are an adversary of the USA but have been decent trade partners even though I feel we are taking advantage of their workers so we get cheaper goods. I think the Chinese are getting tired of that, living in poor environmental quality so we can get cheap goods. I kind of feel sorry for their people with all the polution, we should be making our own crap.

That is my opinion anyway, the only evidence I have is conjecture. It is possible that there could be something in my first paragraph that is is just a conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it and if there is evidence, I feel it is well hid because there are lots of intelligent Chinese and very good people who could work in the Democrat campaign that could launder money. It could also be happening with the Republicans too from out of country contributions, but I would guess the China connection would be better with the democrats in this case.

She picked him because they are both communist with communist ideals. It’s that simple. I’ve been screaming about the spread of communism in the US for many years. Maybe some are waking up now.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 12:08 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Do Republicans have anyone with such good diplomatic ties to China?

All of the sources aren't hinting he's praising the government, he's praising the people. He outwardly supported a bill that was in favor of Hong Kong remaining a democracy.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 08:38 AM
Well at least he can feel loyalty to something.

Sometimes I see people in the limelight and I think, ,"I would never have a beer with him/her." That guy defines that for me. He is like the annoying kid in class that you just can't shake for some reason. No matter where you go, there he is being stupid and annoying.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: EyeoftheHurricane

originally posted by: rickymouse
It would be very easy for the chinese to contribute money to the Democrats in this country through Chinese Holdings here in the USA. Is this why Kamala chose him, because of campaign contributions possibly increasing?

I have nothing against China, they are an adversary of the USA but have been decent trade partners even though I feel we are taking advantage of their workers so we get cheaper goods. I think the Chinese are getting tired of that, living in poor environmental quality so we can get cheap goods. I kind of feel sorry for their people with all the polution, we should be making our own crap.

That is my opinion anyway, the only evidence I have is conjecture. It is possible that there could be something in my first paragraph that is is just a conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it and if there is evidence, I feel it is well hid because there are lots of intelligent Chinese and very good people who could work in the Democrat campaign that could launder money. It could also be happening with the Republicans too from out of country contributions, but I would guess the China connection would be better with the democrats in this case.

She picked him because they are both communist with communist ideals. It’s that simple. I’ve been screaming about the spread of communism in the US for many years. Maybe some are waking up now.

I get the feeling many Democrats would prefer communism to free-enterprise.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: WeMustCare

Do Republicans have anyone with such good diplomatic ties to China?

All of the sources aren't hinting he's praising the government, he's praising the people. He outwardly supported a bill that was in favor of Hong Kong remaining a democracy.

I can't think of any Republicans as good to China as the likes of Walz or Swallowwell.

But Trump was able to keep Xi in check for 4 years though.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:37 PM
Among other snags, WALZ is hurting Kamala's image as a viable candidate.

KAMALA HARRIS raised less money during the DNC convention, than Trump raised during the RNC convention, and less money than Biden did during the 2020 DNC convention.


Without the media propping her up, Kamala's Presidential campaign would already be on life-support.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: strongfp

You are correct. Walz hasn't been connected to trading favors for valuables from China, like the Bidens.

A Congressional investigation uncovered the Biden crime(s). A similar investigation into Walz is just now starting.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 12:38 AM

VP Candidate Tim Walz's brother says;

"I don't want to see Timmy making major decisions about anyone's future. He's not qualified."


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