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Tim Walz Caught Inflating Background Again, Making It Look Like Harvard Behind China Classes

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posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:17 PM
A report is now exposing more lies from Democrat VP Candidate Tim Walz!

Now this one is about claims that Walz's teaching gig in China was part of a Harvard Program.

Apparently no one can verify Harvard is the sponsor. Some Harvard "students" apparently are however, but not Harvard University!!

Walz is now up there with Elizabeth Warren with her lies and big profits using Harvard.

These are all high impact lies usually told and exploited by mental case pathological liars and mental case sociopaths.

Gotta wonder what makes people tick. ☠️

💮 Can anyone confirm any of Walz's lies being true??

Democrat vice-presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) was caught inflating his background and making it seem like Harvard University was behind a teaching program in China in which he participated, according to a recent report.

A report from the Washington Free Beacon found that Walz had lied about being “named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce,” and seemingly implying that Harvard University was behind a teaching program, and had picked Walz for “an opportunity” to teach in China through a university program. The program, WorldTeach, was founded in 1986 by several graduates from Harvard University, according to the organization’s LinkedIn page.

Both lies appear in his biography in an archived version of his campaign website in 2006 as he was running for Congress.

This comes after Walz previously falsely claimed that his children were conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), claimed that he had carried weapons of war “in war,” and that he had retired as a “command sergeant major” when he had actually retired as a Master Sergeant.

Report: Tim Walz Caught Inflating Background Again, Making It Look Like Harvard Behind China Classes

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:26 PM
That's pretty good.

How bout this one.

Walz claimed he was given an award by the chamber of commerce and they said no we didn't and you need to remove any references to us as we have endorsed your opponent. LOL 😂

I am not going to draw a conclusion about your intentions by including this line in your biography,” Kennedy wrote. “However, we respectfully request that you remove any reference to our organization as it could be considered an endorsement of your candidacy. It should be pointed out, however, that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has endorsed your opponent, Congressman Gil Gutknecht, for his support of small business issues.”

This is the most transparently phoney ticket I've seen in my lifetime. I swear they want us to revolt.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:43 PM
It seems Walz is turning out to be a pathological lier.

Would it have been better if Harris picked Shapiro over Walz?

Probably not; in todays Democrat party being a pathological lie is more forgivable than being Jewish.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: 5thHead


posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

It's nothing but lies with this guy.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 05:34 PM

ov. Tim Walz, Democratic vice presidential candidate, once taught high school students about the alleged virtues of communism after he received extraordinarily favorable treatment during his time in China.

Back in November 1991, Walz was living in Alliance, Nebraska, and teaching social studies at the local high school. As part of his curriculum, Walz taught students about life in China, falsely insisting that its communist political system was one of inherent fairness.

[]< br />
Our youth are being raised from grade school to institutions of higher learning to embrace socialism, the 'free ride'. Lazy, entitled little turds that have been molly-coddled their entire lives are in for a rude awakening one day.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 06:43 PM
But...But...But....the best deceivers always win the White house. Honest people who tell the whole truth should never run. Those not good enough to cover their misdeeds should not run either. Look at Hillary, she sucked at covering up her mistakes even though she was the best deceiver. Trump still became president even though he was not nearly as good at deceiving people as Hillary was..

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

What lies has Trump told? When did he decieve?

I still haven't seen the lies people say Trump tells. Everything spewed by Democrats are subjective ("the BESTEST economy ", "he's a great guy", etc. ), where are the lies?

Everything the left said about him have proven to be lies.

I don't believe he ever met that Carol (?) chick he supposedly fondled. Those lies were against him!

He said Obama Administration was spying on him (one of the "lies" Democrats refer to ) and he was right.

He's been right about everything. So, who is he deceiving?
edit on 25-8-2024 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rickymouse

What lies has Trump told? When did he decieve?

I still haven't seen the lies people say Trump tells. Everything spewed by Democrats are subjective ("the BESTEST economy ", "he's a great guy", etc. ), where are the lies?

Everything the left said about him have proven to be lies.

I don't believe he ever met that Carol (?) chick he supposedly fondled. Those lies were against him!

He said Obama Administration was spying on him (one of the "lies" Democrats refer to ) and he was right.

He's been right about everything. So, who is he deceiving?

That is the problem, Trump is not a deceiver, I mentioned that the only reason he got to be president was because Hillary got caught. Biden is a deceiver of high quality, a career politician with high deception qualities. It appears that Kamala will parrot deceit to get the job too, but actually she is not real good at doing it or covering it up. So her mistakes will be what brings her down. No Trump does not lie much, but the Democrats constantly say he is lying. Trump says what he basically he is telling the truth about his beliefs...but sometimes the Dems set him up to repeat lies their followers created. If I were Trump, I would admit I was buffaloed once in a while to show people he was led to believe a lie instead of always trying to cover up that he screwed up. Just like the dems saying he said to inject bleach, he was talking about something some professional was telling him about killing the virus and he never said to inject bleach. His talk about other covid cures had evidence behind it and he was trying to get a cheap way of helping with the disease with Hydroxichloraquine...but there was some side effects in a small amount of people with that being used. Those who might have Q wave susceptibility which probably was safer than the side effects of the vaccine they created.

I don't care for the tactics of the Democrat party at the highest levels of our government anymore.

This is all my opinion, I am going to start putting this opinion part in my post parts when discussing some stuff these days. I do not want to give fuel to the shills and trolls.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Gotcha! I just want to be clear for folks less intelligent. When we put Trump in the same sentence as Biden and Harris, it makes Biden and Harris look better.

Trump is no angel, but he's also not a liar. The Democrats NEEEEED him to be a liar, or their entire platform falls apart.

You see, Democrats run on lies. Pure and simple lies. All lies all the time. If Trump is seen as "honest", nobody will ever listen to Democrats again.

They need to see Trump as "sometimes liar", so they can say "see? The other side does it too, so it's okay"

It's never okay. Liars are evil.
edit on 25-8-2024 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rickymouse

Gotcha! I just want to be clear for folks less intelligent. When we put Trump in the same sentence as Biden and Harris, it makes Biden and Harris look better.

Trump is no angel, but he's also not a liar. The Democrats NEEEEED him to be a liar, or their entire platform falls apart.

You see, Democrats run on lies. Pure and simple lies. All lies all the time. If Trump is seen as "honest", nobody will ever listen to Democrats again.

They need to see Trump as "sometimes liar", so they can say "see? The other side does it too, so it's okay"

It's never okay. Liars are evil.

It is important for me to state...I know quite a few moderate Democrats that are somewhat conservative and do not like to lie. They go church, they have coffee in the restaurants with moderate Republicans. They want to stay close to the middle politically but have voted Democrat most of their lives and have been sucked into the deception the far left Democrats are throwing at them...You are either with us or against us.

Now there are some on the far right that are not good either, and the Democrats spreading deceit do propaganda to exploit those minority of more far right people and force inappropriate blasphemy on all the Republicans and conservatives making it appear that all conservatives are racist and sexist. They are using the new words systemic racism...which is not really real.

I suppose they will make up a name for me not liking pushy Jerks. It does not matter what color a person is, there are Jerks in every race or ethnicity. There are also a lot of nice people in every ethnic or racial groups too. I do not like the far right shoving things down my throat just like I do not like the far left shoving things down my throat. Everyone has equal rights in this country, but nobody has the right to lie to gain wealth, power, or prestige even if it is for a group of people. That is my opinion, a lie or twisting of information to make it look like something it is not is not good for any society.

Seems that the deceivers in our capital are in control and they will make a mountain out of a mole hill to get their way. The liberals want to take over, their numbers are finally high enough that they can seize power and dominate and enslave conservatives. This will lead to major problems in our country, because the vast majority of people who produce food for our nation are from conservative areas. The city people have a lot of power and most of them do not produce foods or things necessary for our survival. There are not mines in cities, there are not farms in cities, they even put nuclear power plants and army bases away from major cities which are targeted by our adversaries if there is war. Chicago and new york can not supply food for their population, most comes from conservative farmers. Detroit used to be pretty conservative when there were lots of factories there, now it is turning Democrat with liberal aspects.

The Democrats think they have all the female voters in the bag for seems they think just because she is a woman that all woman are going to vote for her. I have no problem with a woman running this country, but I do not think Harris is a worthy woman. There are probably a lot of better women in the country than her for that position. A woman voting for Harris just because she is a woman is sexist. Women should demand a good candidate for a woman president, someone that will really do good for our country. Harris seems to giggle and laugh when she deals with something she does not want to deal that presidential material?

I do not know Harris, I only see she is spewing twisted lies which she probably did not even write or had no input in the creation of, they are probably created by hired help to help her win. I can not say she is good or bad, it seems what she is saying is not her own words or ideas. But a presidential candidate should tell us their true feelings, not lies to make them appeal to different groups, political lies that they rarely ever do follow through with.

I hope if she wins the election that she will do what is good for society, lock up criminals...not political adversaries like the Democrats are trying to do. I hope she tells people the truth, not twisted lies containing just enough truth to make them sound believable.

I would prefer Trump to win but I sure hope if he wins that all the BS the Democrat liberals have thrown at him does not distort him into losing his original ideals of pulling Americans together and cleaning out the swamp.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 10:48 PM
Good gawd this moron is so dishonest and a pathological liar, same with Harris. Par for course for the Democrat Party👍

I really can’t believe how anyone would want either of these clowns in office. It’s not like Biden hasn’t made us a big enough global laughing stock as it is and now people want these two in office??? We’re so screwed if they win. The wheels on the bus go round n round… oh and did you know school bus’s are yellow? KH taught me that.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rickymouse

What lies has Trump told? When did he decieve?

I still haven't seen the lies people say Trump tells. Everything spewed by Democrats are subjective ("the BESTEST economy ", "he's a great guy", etc. ), where are the lies?

Everything the left said about him have proven to be lies.

I don't believe he ever met that Carol (?) chick he supposedly fondled. Those lies were against him!

He said Obama Administration was spying on him (one of the "lies" Democrats refer to ) and he was right.

He's been right about everything. So, who is he deceiving?

I asked my wife's gay niece what lies and I so far 5 days since I asked have crickets. She may have banned me from her FB account .

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 08:23 AM
talking points for this one have not dropped yet, give them an hour or two please.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: network dude
talking points for this one have not dropped yet, give them an hour or two please.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rickymouse

What lies has Trump told? When did he decieve?

I still haven't seen the lies people say Trump tells. Everything spewed by Democrats are subjective ("the BESTEST economy ", "he's a great guy", etc. ), where are the lies?

Everything the left said about him have proven to be lies.

I don't believe he ever met that Carol (?) chick he supposedly fondled. Those lies were against him!

He said Obama Administration was spying on him (one of the "lies" Democrats refer to ) and he was right.

He's been right about everything. So, who is he deceiving?

I asked my wife's gay niece what lies and I so far 5 days since I asked have crickets. She may have banned me from her FB account .

Her friends responded and so I messaged her. She said STOP I am crazy.. So, the bottom line is still she hasn't replied to the "list of actual lies Trump said" as I asked her to do.

edit on 26000000003120248America/Chicago08am8 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Will any of the ATS regular talking heads answer this one?

I'm curious to what they'll say, without posting the stupid "1001 Trump lies" that includes his saying the Obama Administration was spying on him which was true. Their list of Trump lies are actually lies or bloviated subjective opinions. Where are the Trump lies?
edit on 26-8-2024 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 10:47 AM
Tim Walz faces another accusation of misrepresentation in unearthed, blistering letter: ‘Remove any reference’

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is facing another accusation of misrepresenting his background after a Nebraska Chamber of Commerce letter from 2006 resurfaced amid his campaign for vice president.

When Walz first ran for Congress in Minnesota, he touted on his campaign website that he received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce in 1993 for his work with the business community, according to a 2006 article from the Post Bulletin.

However, he never received such an award, which was outlined to him in a blistering letter from the then-president of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, Barry L. Kennedy.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Walz has been caught lying about:

His rank.
His combat experience.
His funding by the CCP.
His awards.
His coaching experience.

(...have I missed anything?)

ALL for personal gain...and he's only been Harris' VP pick for a matter of weeks.

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