a reply to:
Admission is such a word admitting some confusion.
After Ouranos had been supplanted by Kronos
Chronos sought to be admitted into the pantheon.
Kronos disapproved the admission
for people might confuse Kronos with Chronos.
Pronounce it. They sound the same.
Without writing, who could say?
After Zeus supplanted Kronos
the admission of Chronos was approved.
Then came writing
eventually leading to Relativity
and space-time continuum lingo or paradigm.
I wonder:
If all we had was classic mechanics which was developed after agriculture, horticulture, and writing, would we have reached the Moon? Would we have
satellites and GPS? Would the acceleration of gravity near Earth surface still be approximately 32 ft per second squared? A weighty question.
I don't think that I will answer these questions, time may not be on my side.
About 9 hours ago my phone rang. Caller ID said it was Jon.
When "Jon" came over, we were talking about cars.
Then I asked him what he was doing for work.
"Some concrete jobs" he said.
So I laughingly responded "Is your BA in Mathematics coming in handy with that?"
He looked at me quite puzzled.
My landlord then informed me "that's Sam. Not Jon."
Weird! I've known both Sam and Jon for over thirty years. But didn't recognize Sam as Sam.
So either pre-conditioning to expect to be seeing Jon over rode my face to face observation, or I am suffering from dementia. Maybe both. I really
don't think that I can think my way out of dementia.
Time will tell, whether I know it or not.
I do still remember promising a story about gravity. The same sort of conundrum of classic mechanics versus relativity theory would be the feature. I
got lazy about calculations.
So the skydiver jumps out and feels the weightlessness of freefall, and thinks "Yes! In relativity, freefall is the inertial state!"
He continues falling debating when he should release the chute. But then he gets to debating in his mind whether to go with relativity calculations or
classic mechanics. He sort of looses track of his current situation, Earth getting closer. Eventually, he would come to the conclusion that he need
not think about it, just do it (release the chute)
The question then left unanswered is, "Did he reach that conclusion in time?"
edit on 24-8-2024 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)