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Rotten tomatoes to remove audience scores

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posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:05 AM
Anyone else notice this is a trend that is becoming pervasive on all media. You are. My aloud to voice what you think of the media you have been exposed to.

You are not aloud to be a critic(even tho only you can judge according to your own tastes this is not the borg regardless of how bad TPTB want it to be.) you must only take the option of the experts on everything even entertainment(because it’s more programming then entertainment these days) acceptance by desensitizing exposure, it’s a real thing.

So now on rotten tomatoes you have to be verified to have an opinion.

On crunchy roll you cannot discuss of comment anymore

You cannot dislike things on other media platforms.

You cannot share your opinion any longer what so ever.

Anyone notice this trend? Do you know what it is? What this trend is? Its communism! Communism does this once it takes hold into organizations because communism can never ever stand on its own accord. It requires, censorship, it require carefully curated lies to seem appealing. It’s like a spell that has to be cast and even minor dissidence can break it and make people see the truth. So even minor dissidents must be silenced.

You cannot “like” without “dislike” everything we know we know through contrast. You literally cannot explain something unless you have the contrasting ends of its spectrum you can define light without dark. Love without hate. You can’t have good movies with bad movies.

Anyway. My 2 cents. It’s minor I don’t even use rotton tomato’s because I don’t really watch movies they have sucked hard for well over a decade, all of em. I did use crunchy roll comments tho they were a 100% accurate way to see if an anime was any good. Literally the comment always always alway told the truth.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Athetos

The truth hurts and as we know Hollywood is buckling under the strain of the truth as one after another their message laden tripe falls flat on its face costing them billions , no doubt youtube strikes are in the offing for uncertified reviewers like Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker.

"Don't ask questions just consume product"

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Last movie I went to was Avengers in 2012. My kids wanted to see it, but haven't been to a theater since and the few movies I rented on Amazon were hit or miss. I don't really trust the movie reviewers. Some movies that they don't like I think are great and stuff that gets good ratings bore me to tears.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Comment sections of any media have always seemed to me to be ''shouting at a trash bin''. Commenting in a circle that did nothing but feed the commenters ego, giving a quick squirt of adrenaline to a false sense of ones worth.

See? I am engaged with the world. See? My opinion matters. Now i will go out to my car and put another bumper sticker on the window proclaiming my opinion.

In a manner this forum is like that though here at least there is some level of engagement between members yet even here the parameters are set by the rules and moderators. Here for the most part the content is provided by members rather than the company that owns the means of distribution. We should enjoy it and nourish it for as long as we can.

Comment sections however are not like this place. They are owned and operated by the company or corporation that owns them and hence has all legal rights to handle the content as it deems best for their business. The decision to limit or exclude visitor comments would not happen if it cut into their bottom line, that is their profit.

And that decision based on profitability is not so much communism but rather the basic tenets of capitalism. Its understandable that some might consider this communism because both communism and capitalism are ultimately avenues towards authoritarianism. The difference here as I see it though is that communism turns into authoritarianism much more quickly than does capitalism because capitalism takes time more time to centralize based on how long it takes for all of the profit to flow into the hands of the biggest winners.

Yet in the end despite what label we wish to place on what we both recognize, that is the controlling of popular culture, it is as real as you express above.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: gortex


Bullseye. Consume without thought. The drive to turn citizenship into consumership is the overall push of whatever one wishes to call the economic system that drives us.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:32 PM
I’ve watched this all coming down the pipe as well. IMDB is another big one that’s been “fluffing” numbers and adjusting scores for a while now. The fallout from the female Ghostbusters really made them step in and censor reviews and adjust ratings. It’s very easy to see some of the bot style user reviews.

I love horror movies and especially indie stuff, and with those you get a truer gauge of what you’re in for, but Hollywood, forget it. Expensive crap movies will have a way better score than they deserve because of money. I’ve also noticed a bunch of “gay” type movies or films with trannys will bomb them be adjusted to make it seem more accepted. Netflix has become nothing more than a propaganda outlet for all social justice warrior nonsense and they have to be paying somebody to get any kind of decent review from their absolute crap they put out.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Athetos

A few different angles to this phenomenon, that perhaps someone will find the right name for ?

When looking-up a business on Google-Maps : a large part of the "Google-reviews" are fake.
Either AI, or paid scumbags.
Some have fake business locations.
Maybe you saw it in the news a few years ago : a company in Toronto. hired a bunch of jobber-repairmen, all around the country, then posted fake business locations, and fake reviews.

So you pay top price for a late-night emergency plumber, but the guy shows-up with a crappy old pick-up, wearing flip-flops, with a wrench and a screwdriver in his back-pocket. (Jobber.)

Here's another example : CBC radio-2 weekly top 20.
They keep encouraging listeners to vote for their favorite songs, but their voice is only a part of the equation.

A couple of weeks ago, they announced the next song was the one that received the most votes : " coming-in in seventh place, on your top-20, the song that received the most votes ... "

Sometimes they mention, that they use multiple criteria, such as online-votes, US chart-success, and "other factors" ...

But they still call it "your top 20."

Sort of like "here's your news," is not the news that you want, but what they choose to push on you.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Athetos

Movies nowadays suck hehe. They know it and rotten tomatoes just knows that when people see like.......14% audience score and 99% critic score, it just says that regular people think the movie sucks for some reason. This is probably affecting viewership when people assume a movie sucks because it has a low audience score.

I think what is affecting viewership more is nothing original is coming out. They make sequels, prequels, remakes, reboots, and every comic book known to man under the sun and 50 sequels and prequels of each. I had no idea there were so many spidermen of so many different ethnicities until they started pumping out all these confusing for anyone who isnt a die hard watch every movie read every comic fan movies.

If you listen to Hollywood, you would think all anyone wants to see are race bait movies and comic books.

Some of my favorite movies of all time would never, ever be made today.

You would think if they wanted to make more money off these films and also help themselves to keep their industry alive they would only put new releases in theaters. Nowadays almost all new releases are available via some streaming service immediately and originally I thought this was a short sighted move by the Hollywood elites, but now I've realized that they would probably actually make less money if they only put new releases in theaters because NONE of the movies they are coming out with are exciting enough or different enough to make people WANT to go to the theater. Its sad, really. I love going to the movie theater but nowadays it is always such a struggle to find a film I even want to spend the time going to the theater to see!

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Athetos

Just opt out of their system. I notice that when I tell people things in person, or blurt them out loud in public for people to hear, they cannot seem to censor me.

Opting out of all services, especially the paid ones is the best weapon of the individual. Zombies will just keep giving the money to the a-holes that continue to roll back amenities/benefits/rights , which is why they continue to feel emboldened to roll back the rights of the consumer.

If everyone stopped using rotten tomatoes, or enough people did while being vocal as to why, the ad-revenue would dry up and you may actually see some policy changes. We have already seen this play out repeatedly over the years with various businesses as they attempted to force unpopular politics down our throats. Even free services can be forced to adapt if nobody is there to view ads, and then click them.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 06:35 PM
I was watching Legends on Netflix until it went Gay.
Then the Owner of Netflix gave 7 Million to biden harris Campaign.
I Stopped the netflix crap right away.
No More Netflix in this house.

a reply to: Texastruth2

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Athetos

Poof !!!
Rotten Tomatoes instantly becomes useless and irrelevant.

NO ONE will go there anymore for opinions on movies, as only opinions by "official critics" pushing "The Message" will be allowed.

Join the Bud light crew.

Brilliant !!

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: gortex

Ah ... movies. A fine technology of the early twentieth century. Not so much anymore.


posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 06:05 PM
They're doing this to video games too. a reply to: Athetos

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Tolkien
I often use to review movies. It is a dedicated movie community primarily to movies on Blu Ray optic discs. They review video and audio quality as well as general movie review for story. And the folks there truly know their movies.

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