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Another Russian mercenary leader has turned against Putin

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posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 11:41 PM

Link to Article | Link to Letter (in Russian)

Despite what the Russians scream about on the Western media about everyone wanting to invade Russia, start a war, and tear them down, it seems the way it will happen is from within. The West is mighty happy wallowing in our riches, sins, and baby blood (for youthful skin) to upset all that and start a war with Russia. We like our status quo, and that may be a bad thing in itself, but when you're at the top, you don't want to get off. I think everyone understands that sentiment.

But we don't mind seeing Putin's collapse from across the pond.

It appears that the Ukrainian incursion into Russia is already having an effect, and another powerful Russian owner of a private mercenary company has turned on Putin. We remember Yevgeny Prigozhin's march on Moscow last year, and Putin's slow reaction to stop it. Now with the exceptionally slow reaction, and so far a complete failure in protecting their own country, the powerful are starting to turn.

Georgy Zakrevsky:

The 53-year-old Zakrevsky is no liberal and no good guy. He served in the KGB and Soviet army, earned a law degree and got “involved with secret activity, information about which is forbidden.” He then moved on to “independent military consulting” and founded the mercenary outfit Paladin.

Paladin is scary. Its own website describes the group as follows: “A few years ago no one knew of the private military company. Now the whole world knows. Let the dilettantes think we’re killers; their views don’t interest us. People don’t turn to us to defend their pharmacies; they don’t ask for permission to use arms. We don’t need to prove anything.”

Here is what he had to say to Putin, and Russian soldiers, in his letter:

“Our country is not just on the brink of disaster or already right next to it; our country is already in trouble. In big trouble. Drones are flying all over central Russia, right up to Moscow and St. Petersburg. They even attacked the Kremlin. Our Black Sea fleet is being pushed out. It’s being pushed out as if we were not a great power with a great fleet, but some third-rate country.

“Our air force is practically not working because it is also being pushed out. We are standing in the same positions that we took more than two years ago, and partly in those to which we retreated. The population is dying out, becoming impoverished, drinking itself to death: no one cares. All they have time to do is bring in migrants.”

Zakrevsky minces no words in assigning blame for this sad state of affairs: “And all this was done by the so-called ‘president.’ The ‘Great’ Putin.”

After accusing army officers of incompetence and worse, Zakrevsky concludes his screed with an appeal “to those who are in the trenches. You know very well what kind of indecency is happening there now….You know very well the faces that are mocking you and your relatives…. We call on everyone to join our union to save our country. The point of no return has already been passed.”

Note that Zakrevsky doesn’t say “I call on you,” but “we call on you.” The plural is presumably a reference to “our union,” Paladin, but it may also be a reference to other military men, whether in the private mercenary companies or the regular armed forces.

This goes a step further than Prigozhin did. While Zakrevsky's fiery rhetoric and his attacks on the military leadership and officers are reminiscent of Prigozhin's videos, Yevgeny never attacked Putin personally. He always said to him his generals were lying to him, and even when he marched on Moscow last year, he said he wanted to remove the military leadership, not Putin.

Zakrevsky is talking directly to Putin. He ridicules him and wants him removed. We have not seen this before.

Is this a turning point? A point of no return, as he says? And what does he intend to do to show his resolve? Or will he suffer a horrible accident of grenades accidentally going off on his airplane? Or maybe nerve agent in his underwear? Gulag where Navalny died? So many choices a dictator has.

Zakrevsky’s appeal, which has supposedly been distributed widely among Russia’s military and civilian elites, can’t be dismissed as the unrepresentative grumbling of a disgruntled mercenary. Zakrevsky, like Prigozhin before him, represents Russia’s military class. If he’s unhappy and willing to risk his career — and possibly his life — by going public with his call for Putin’s removal, there must be many others who share his discontent. That may be why he hasn’t been arrested or killed — yet.

edit on 22-8-2024 by Mahogani because: typo

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

None of this will end well for anybody, regardless of what hemisphere you live in, what language you speak, what political ideologies you affiliate yourself with; none of it will end well for anybody.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
a reply to: Mahogani

None of this will end well for anybody, regardless of what hemisphere you live in, what language you speak, what political ideologies you affiliate yourself with; none of it will end well for anybody.


Do you think Putin will lash out and attack other countries?

And how would he have the forces to do that if he's fighting for his own survival from Russian military or mercenary groups? Civilians even?

I'm not saying it's at that point and he may always have a way out, but Russia collapsing from within would be the best end result for the whole world.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
a reply to: Mahogani

None of this will end well for anybody, regardless of what hemisphere you live in, what language you speak, what political ideologies you affiliate yourself with; none of it will end well for anybody.


Do you think Putin will lash out and attack other countries?

And how would he have the forces to do that if he's fighting for his own survival from Russian military or mercenary groups? Civilians even?

I'm not saying it's at that point and he may always have a way out, but Russia collapsing from within would be the best end result for the whole world.

And somebody on the other side of the ocean is saying that the US collapsing from within would be the best end result for the whole world. Or the UK. Or NATO.

(And at this point in world events, I think that those are equal if not more likely possibilities.)

What makes them wrong and you right?

(Here's some bonus advice: Don't believe everything you hear or read.)

edit on 2024 8 23 by AwakeNotWoke because: I could.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

I can see Putin taking flying lessons from a hotel window, or catching an 'illness' from a door handle. After Ukraine gave Russia a taste of it's own medicine, the Russian oligarchs won't take much more of this and the Russian people are in some what of a panic, which is only going to get worse if Ukraine keep pushing into Russia.
It won't be long before Putin has no one left to blame....

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

The operative term is "mercenary". They are HIRED swords, if you will.

Anyone who thinks they will be wholeheartedly loyal needs to crack open a Webster's and reread the definition.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole
a reply to: Mahogani

The operative term is "mercenary". They are HIRED swords, if you will.

Anyone who thinks they will be wholeheartedly loyal needs to crack open a Webster's and reread the definition.


But, then, you look at the alternative route that the U.S. military has taken - woke, tranny-loving pervs, queers and cross-dressers in positions of authority and a fighting force comprised in large part of women, fags and entitled twits.


posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole
a reply to: Mahogani

The operative term is "mercenary". They are HIRED swords, if you will.

Anyone who thinks they will be wholeheartedly loyal needs to crack open a Webster's and reread the definition.


But, then, you look at the alternative route that the U.S. military has taken - woke, tranny-loving pervs, queers and cross-dressers in positions of authority and a fighting force comprised in large part of women, fags and entitled twits.


But why don't you tell us how you really feel about the US military?

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole
a reply to: Mahogani

The operative term is "mercenary". They are HIRED swords, if you will.

Anyone who thinks they will be wholeheartedly loyal needs to crack open a Webster's and reread the definition.


But, then, you look at the alternative route that the U.S. military has taken - woke, tranny-loving pervs, queers and cross-dressers in positions of authority and a fighting force comprised in large part of women, fags and entitled twits.


But why don't you tell us how you really feel about the US military?

I don't have to. They are telling us on their own ...

(Titles corrected by me)

CROSSDRESSING individuals may now openly join the U.S. military

The First Out CROSSDRESSING Active-Duty U.S. Army Officer: "My Story Is Not Unique"

RICHARD Levine: Transgender official sworn in as four-star admiral

A woke army will be defeated by the enemy "misgendering" the infantry.

I could go on, but anybody not clued in yet simply does to want to be.

edit on 2024 8 23 by AwakeNotWoke because: I could.

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