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posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: 777Vader

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: Mahogani
291 pages of excuses for not finding anything actionable.

Comer and Jordan should be ashamed of themselves for wasting 4 years and not coming up with anything that can be prosecuted, in court, or in Congress.

With filing this final report, they admit the investigation is over?

They decided not to suggest prosecution of Joe.

Yes, they decided not to suggest prosecution, but only because they didn't find anything.

...or Joe took a deal. Nobody here will ever know.

You think there could be some shady deals Jordan and Comer made and didn't put it in their 291 pages of excuses?

You realize they look like a couple of doorknobs after years of investigations, promising impeachment, and then filing a closing report that has nothing in it?

If it makes you feel better thinking Biden made some deal, go for it, but I think we all know everything they have is in those 291 pages. And that's nothing.

If it was not for his sycophants in the DOJ he would have had bigger problems. They ran interference for the investigation and even you should not deny that fact! Seems odd that when democrats get caught the doj runs interference every time. They had Hilary too at one point but decided to push their narrative of events to excuse it. Funny that it was the doj giving reasons why they should not be prosecuted, not the place of the investigators to do that.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
you still trying to make us believe bs huh?

Ha, how much do they pay you and is it by the word salad or just by attempts?

Who cares if they impeach him or not? Joe is done.

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: 777Vader

So, what impeachable offense/s has Biden been charged with?

Also, have Trump and his relatives been involved with international fiscal dealings to their advantage while Trump was in office?

Have Trump or his family used Trump's position of President as an incentive in securing international business deals?

And are such business dealings actually crimes in the USA?

4 years of expensive 'investigation' to release this nothingburger?

Should there be some sort of reckoning about misspending of public money? How much has it cost, and is there any process to recoup the loss?

How much of public money will Americans tolerate being siphoned into someone's cushy job, over apparently baseless allegation? Shouldn't they come up with hard evidence in a reasonable time-frame, or drop the investigation if it is going nowhere?

My post was entirely a list of questions. There were no statements.

Incredible comprehension on your part.


posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: 777Vader

So, what impeachable offense/s has Biden been charged with?

Also, have Trump and his relatives been involved with international fiscal dealings to their advantage while Trump was in office?

Have Trump or his family used Trump's position of President as an incentive in securing international business deals?

And are such business dealings actually crimes in the USA?

4 years of expensive 'investigation' to release this nothingburger?

Should there be some sort of reckoning about misspending of public money? How much has it cost, and is there any process to recoup the loss?

How much of public money will Americans tolerate being siphoned into someone's cushy job, over apparently baseless allegation? Shouldn't they come up with hard evidence in a reasonable time-frame, or drop the investigation if it is going nowhere?

Literally interchange Trump with Biden in this. Dem gaslighting is real. Seriously, go word for word and interchange the two.

I'll just leave this here.

ETA: Trump has been the most investigated president in history. It's been, what, a decade and they charged him with obvious nonsense. He's the least corrupted politician in history.

Except that after the investigations, Trump has been convicted and impeached.

But, yeah, they were both investigated. Fairly astute of you to have noticed that.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: 777Vader

So, what impeachable offense/s has Biden been charged with?

Also, have Trump and his relatives been involved with international fiscal dealings to their advantage while Trump was in office?

Have Trump or his family used Trump's position of President as an incentive in securing international business deals?

And are such business dealings actually crimes in the USA?

4 years of expensive 'investigation' to release this nothingburger?

Should there be some sort of reckoning about misspending of public money? How much has it cost, and is there any process to recoup the loss?

How much of public money will Americans tolerate being siphoned into someone's cushy job, over apparently baseless allegation? Shouldn't they come up with hard evidence in a reasonable time-frame, or drop the investigation if it is going nowhere?

Literally interchange Trump with Biden in this. Dem gaslighting is real. Seriously, go word for word and interchange the two.

I'll just leave this here.

ETA: Trump has been the most investigated president in history. It's been, what, a decade and they charged him with obvious nonsense. He's the least corrupted politician in history.

Except that after the investigations, Trump has been convicted and impeached.

But, yeah, they were both investigated. Fairly astute of you to have noticed that.

Convicted and impeached on what grounds, legitimately?
The weaponization of arms of government and bureaucracy is also real. It's happened throughout history, and we can't allow it to happen again here in America.

Even most anti-Trump people are either scared or annoyed with how much harassment he's endured.
edit on 20-8-2024 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 03:04 PM
Timeline of Biden Influence Peddling

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
Timeline of Biden Influence Peddling

These two are ringing bells....... 😀

We knew about these but the very idea was shot down as conspiracy theories!

These revealations and exposures are part of the reasons Biden was allowed a soft landing and why he was removed from The Election ahead of the publishing.

The classified materials bombshells are more reasons they have chopped him to little pieces. 🤣

There's more to come before November. 😊

5) Ukraine: Devon Archer joined the Burisma board of directors in spring of 2014 and was joined by Hunter Biden shortly thereafter. Hunter Biden joined the company as counsel, but after a meeting with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky in Lake Como, Italy, was elevated to the board of directors in the spring of 2014. Both Biden and Archer were each paid $1 million per year for their positions on the board of directors. In December 2015, after a Burisma board of directors meeting, Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden “called D.C.” in the wake of mounting pressures the company was facing. Zlochevsky was later charged with bribing Ukrainian officials with $6 million in an attempt to delay or drop the investigation into his company. The total amount from Ukraine to the Biden family and their associates is $6.5 million.

6) Russia: On February 14, 2014, a Russian oligarch and Russia’s richest woman, Yelena Baturina, wired a Rosemont Seneca entity $3.5 million. On March 11, 2014, the wire was split up: $750,000 was transferred to Devon Archer, and the remainder was sent to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, a company Devon Archer and Hunter Biden split equally. In spring of 2014, Yelena Baturina joined Hunter Biden and Devon Archer to share a meal with then-Vice President Biden at a restaurant in Washington, D.C. The total amount from Russia to the Biden family and their associates is $3.5 million.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

He could still be impeached for these crimes.

Maybe he is in Calif to make a bee line for the border?

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