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Wa Po Journalist Asks White House Can Trump Musk Interview Be Stopped

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posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: underpass61

I guess if you say it enough it must be true.

A perfect example of why the left’s memes suck, thx for the conformation 👍🤣

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

No problem bro. I'm here for you.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

This is what I was getting at the other day with my question in 'General' asking what it's called when someone is fuming so uncontrollably over being teased too much that they start throwing out things which are like totally non-funny (without realizing it).

I know there's got to be a word for it, but I don't know what it's called.

It's like..."GAH!! And, and...your mother wears...uhh, uhhh...pussy colored PAJAMAS to bed!!! AAAAAAEEEEIIIGGHH!! DAMMIT!!"

HUH?????? OH!...Okay.....LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

edit on 8/13/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 05:33 PM
Kamala is so worried people will take away knowledge
from the interview, she had to try and disrupt it.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:41 AM
So I heard this bozo saying "need to stop the spread of """misinformation""" referring to the interview of the former president and elon musk.... and I heard that so many times over the past few years.

Past couple days I heard something out of the UK or EU? saying that americans need to watch what we say online and calling trump and elon's (future) interview....hate speech.

Hate speech doesnt mean "Speech that you hate", lol. Im sick of these weenies crying about people dragging topics out into the light, when it hurts their cause and somebody starts dropping truth bombs (or hell, they just speculating), so many get all butt hurt and start pointing the finger "you cant say this and that blah blah blah". Sure I understand the other side does it all the time, but I also understand they have the freedom to say whatever the heck they want, wether its wrong or not....what kind of person does it take to completely let that go by the wayside, and completely overlook our freedom as americans.

its becoming, a prevalent thing in our culture. I have videos on my youtube feed of Christians going out and ministering to people and then people getting violent and shutting them down or stealing signs, knocking over their cameras, etc....same thing when its a political discussion near a college campus....people get testy and COMPLETELY FORGET THAT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US HAS THE SAME DAMN RIGHTS AS THE NEXT PERSON AND NOTHING FREAKING CHANGES THAT.....EVER. But somehow when it goes against what theyve been told or they just dont seem to like it......all that goes out the window, the consititution, recognition of freedom of speech, rights, all that, everything just toss it right out into the street with the baby and everything. Then people start turning into greedy selfish monsters, doing everything they can to "shut down" what is being said....and often (by any means necessary), often getting themselves into trouble in the process too.

I fear that this kind of attitude is just going to spread like an infectious disease until it crawls and creeps up the leadership in our country (which it already is and has...i just mean moreso)..and eventually we do have a 1984 situation on our hands with controlled speech and language and thought police. (Yes i know weve already got one foot in that puddle)
Sure were seeing goofy people stealing signs and cameras, and speaking up about it now......
but wait till that chit creeps into a kamala white house. (God forbid, I cant believe I even spoke those words), lol. and they start picking apart our freedoms and rights, bit by bit.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Kamala has a few things going for her, but many things against her. She's got the ISP and MSM in the tank for her. They're doing negative Trump stories 24/7 and making up ridiculous glowing pro Kamala stories and ads. Like you're retarded in their minds or you've been living in a cave for four years Plus the whole of the DNC party apparatus working to install her. Plus the deep state establishment and big tech billionaires.
What she doesn't have is a record of accomplishment. They can lie about what she's done and what she's going to do, but not everybody is uncaring or naive enough to believe it. There's a solid low information easily disinformed voting group, but they haven't prospered since Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him. She's a mess record wise. A do nothing since 2021 and a conniving influence peddler before that. Maybe she was a good match with Insurrection Joe.
And she can't orate. She rambles and has no clear idea what to say unless its rehearsed and scripted.
So Trump talks and talks and stands up to the press and then talks to the people at Rallys and they love it. Kamala has to hide and have the press protect her. That's why they try to silence Trump again and again in any way possible.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:22 PM
August 14, 2024

WHY are so many news media organizations taking the time to bash last night's Trump-Musk interview as a NOTHING BURGER, if it was barely worth writing or talking about???

One Example of Hundreds:

At the very least, the interview must have ANNOYED 95% of our U.S. media organizations.

If so, annoying these anti-America terrorists made it a resounding success!


posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
August 14, 2024

WHY are so many news media organizations taking the time to bash last night's Trump-Musk interview as a NOTHING BURGER, if it was barely worth writing or talking about???

One Example of Hundreds:

At the very least, the interview must have ANNOYED 95% of our U.S. media organizations.

If so, annoying these anti-America terrorists made it a resounding success!


Tradition news organizations like NPR are threatened by emerging news organizations like X.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3

originally posted by: WeMustCare
August 14, 2024

WHY are so many news media organizations taking the time to bash last night's Trump-Musk interview as a NOTHING BURGER, if it was barely worth writing or talking about???

One Example of Hundreds:

At the very least, the interview must have ANNOYED 95% of our U.S. media organizations.

If so, annoying these anti-America terrorists made it a resounding success!


Tradition news organizations like NPR are threatened by emerging news organizations like X.

Apparently, 95% of them are threatened, angry, jealous.

Politico is another:

The first "target" for fixing, will be the Anti-America journalists, and the media outlet that pays their salary.

DANA BASH at CNN is a huge traitor to Americans.

She made up lies about what Trump and Musk said last night:

If Donald Trump wins, CNN will be compelled to fire Bash.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: hydr0cannibal

I fear that this kind of attitude is just going to spread like an infectious disease until it crawls and creeps up the leadership in our country (which it already is and has...i just mean moreso)..and eventually we do have a 1984 situation on our hands with controlled speech and language and thought police. (Yes i know weve already got one foot in that puddle)

Very good points, and thank you for your comments!

Where we are at, it is people basically worshiping The State.

"The State" sanctioned politically correct viewpoints,
sanctioned words, banned words, bad words,
sanctioned actions and banned actions.

Even though, as you have astutely pointed out,
these are not right and wrong things, they are just
different ways of seeing things, different ideas of
how to help people, different political viewpoints.

We are here, 1984. We are no longer welcome to
offer differing ideas, the past traditions of the
exchange of ideas is fading away quickly.

Lets hope that something good happens.

edit on 14-8-2024 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: Owlwatcher

What she doesn't have is a record of accomplishment. They can lie about what she's done and what she's going to do, but not everybody is uncaring or naive enough to believe it. There's a solid low information easily disinformed voting group, but they haven't prospered since Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him. She's a mess record wise. A do nothing since 2021 and a conniving influence peddler before that. Maybe she was a good match with Insurrection Joe.
And she can't orate. She rambles and has no clear idea what to say unless its rehearsed and scripted.

She has no recent accomplishments, or as V,P, as
you have correctly highlighted. Her old doings
as a Commie California prosecutor were all
tainted with money grabs, political agenda's,
and revenge.

She would do the same thing as leader, if she
could she would steal it.

As far as I can ascertain, she was OBAMA's pick.

The common thread is MARXISM.

edit on 14-8-2024 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: burntheships

originally posted by: Owlwatcher

What she doesn't have is a record of accomplishment. They can lie about what she's done and what she's going to do, but not everybody is uncaring or naive enough to believe it. There's a solid low information easily disinformed voting group, but they haven't prospered since Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him. She's a mess record wise. A do nothing since 2021 and a conniving influence peddler before that. Maybe she was a good match with Insurrection Joe.
And she can't orate. She rambles and has no clear idea what to say unless its rehearsed and scripted.

She has no recent accomplishments as V,P, ...

'Recent' ???????

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

'Recent' ???????

Her very aged "accomplishment" from her
time as a prosecutor in California, that is
all she has. They were not well thought of,
they were all controversial at the time.

She went over budget, was fined. She was
all over the map, the only common thread
was getting money for the State through her
persecutions, filling the jails with free labor.

Her recent accomplishments, we are told,
are the same as Joes. Inflation, Crime,
Border Invasion, funding WARS, funding
Terrorists, etc.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 01:51 AM

While candidate Kamala Devi Harris hides from journalists and reporters, candidates Donald Trump and J.D. Vance will hold a press briefing with Q&A on Thursday, August 15th at 4:30pm Eastern.


posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: burntheships

One of their greatest fears...

The formation of a strong Trump-Musk bond:

A Trump-Musk-Scavino LIVE analysis on Twitter-X of the DNC convention's opening day (Biden speaks) is possible for Monday, August 19, 2024. (Under discussion. Nothing firm yet.)


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