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My G.U.C.T, or Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory

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posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 08:20 PM
Hello, ATS. As I delved into my 2024 election research mode, I believe I have uncovered what I’m calling my G.U.C.T. or Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory.

It begins first by recognizing that the two major US political parties are actually just two-sides of the same Corporate Duopoly. “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies... is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”
― Carroll Quigley (

The Biden Admin is loaded with members from WestExec Advisors and Pine Island Capital, a consulting firm and investment company:

“Under a financial disclosure filed by the Biden transition team in December 2020, Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken declared that clients of WestExec included "investment giant Blackstone, Bank of America, Facebook, Uber, McKinsey & Company, the Japanese conglomerate SoftBank, the pharmaceutical company Gilead, the investment bank Lazard, Boeing, AT&T, the Royal Bank of Canada, LinkedIn and the venerable Sotheby's". In a similar form, Director of National Intelligence-designate Avril Haines disclosed that WestExec had worked with data-mining company Palantir Technologies.” (

A Harris presidency would most certainly see little change in corporate sponsorship.

But even if Harris and her to-be-named running mate (I’m guessing Mayor Pete) lose, the Establishment will still have one of their pawns in the White House.

JD Vance (born James Donald Bowman and then later adopted and had his name changed to James David Hamel) was raised in Ohio. He joined the Marines in 2003 where he served in the Public Affairs section ( ).

After leaving the service, he attended and graduated from Ohio State. He later graduated from Yale Law School where he was an editor for the Yale Law Journal ( ). It was towards the time of his graduation where he changed his name to JD Vance.

In 2016 he went to work for Peter Thiel at Mithril Capital. Peter Thiel is also the co-founder of Palantir, a WestExec Advisors client.

In 2018, one of Vance’s projects, Circuit Therapeutics applied for a patent: “System and method for sonogenetic therapy” ( ) If you’re unfamiliar with the term as I was, here’s a wonderful explanation:

"Sonogenetic therapy involves genetically modifying certain neurons to be remotely activated by ultrasound." ( )

In 2019, Vance and his VC partners, Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Marc Andreessen, founded Narya ( ) Another enterprising individual cataloged Narya’s investments here:

Those companies are involved in gene therapy, space security, mRNA tech, property valuation, insurance, Medicare navigation, farmland investing, something called “Atomic Industries

‘Combining technology and manufacturing to create a world where the world of atoms can move at the speed of bits”, the video service Rumble, and finally Hallow, a prayer app for Christians.

"Prayer is the best way to prepare to meet the Lord when He comes. Try the Hallow App." -an actual testimonial on the website’s homepage.”

Relatedly, another of Marc Andreessen’s investments, Gecko ( ) makes robots that use ultrasonic transducers (remember Circuit Therapy).

So, based upon that information I present to my fellow ATSers my GUCT.

It won’t matter if the Democrats or Republicans win this election because both are controlled by the same corporate entities. WestExec Advisors and Pine Island Capital will continue the “wars and rumors of wars” ploy, while Narya will create the “ethereal” elements. Using their satellites, they will project sonogenetic images of The Second Coming and an alien invasion. Hallow will be used to corroborate the mental projections while Rumble will play the alien invasion scenario. These two sides will be pitted against one another, with Christians attacking “demons” and non-Believers attacking “aliens.” This will allow the Establishment to reduce the population to a manageable level. The remaining population will be kept around for genetic harvesting, as the Elites will extend their lives using modern placental and other rejuvenation techniques:

So, there ya have it, my Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory. I look forward to having it supported, refuted, or maybe even a little bit of both 😀

edit on 5-8-2024 by antislogan because: grammar

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 08:44 PM
I believe that you are correct. Here's my take: It's my opinion that like his first term, if (and it's a bigly if) he manages to to get elected again, he will have the same entrenched forces working against him with him being unable to get rid of them - I would not be surprised if some of the refused to be fired and just kept showing up. And of course the mid-terms when the democublicans(tm) get the majority so we can have some more impeachment fun.

That said, the downward spiral of what used to be America will continue with no end in sight. Less freedoms, less free speech, more lawfare.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: antislogan

Well-presented and interesting read, thank you.

I think it's safe to say that whatever mad Ahab is steering the ship is leaving nothing to chance. We can also plainly see the utter apathy and contempt with which the world's governing forces (both the "elected" and those they answer to) view the average human life.
It seems to be a game with a goal of causing as much befuddlement, isolation, and misery as possible. Is the end game a vastly reduced, enervated, hopeless and traumatized populace from which to harvest energy and body parts?
Anything seems possible from what we've been shown.
What "they" have not and can not plan for is the element of human courage and discernment, as well as the potential for chaos to disrupt the best laid plans and (opinion incoming) above all the power of God.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:29 PM
Most big campaign contributors will give money to both parties to maintain influence no matter who wins the elections. These big financial and corporate entities never put all their eggs in one basket. That way they can benefit no matter who wins, They greatly influence both the Democrats and Republicans in the country.

Lots of the money comes from outside of this country too, which should be illegal but there are lots of loopholes.

Right now the Democrats are getting more money from these big interest groups or corporations, but it has gone back and forth for decades.

Face it, the politicians seem to look out for the ones who support their campaigns the most, not the American citizens themselves. Money talks, BS walks

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: antislogan

It begins first by recognizing that the two major US political parties are actually just two-sides of the same Corporate Duopoly.

Need we read any further ?

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: antislogan

Well, I read on.

In my earlier days we called it ''The Establishment'. Back in those days there were those who thought that we should push back against the corporate power structure that was worming it's way into ,and us, the people, out of, government. That was in the late 1960s. Since that time I have seen next to nothing to suggest that that has changed other than it is now over.

That Establishement is the outgrowth of the accumulation of both wealth and the means of production. Add the control of trade into that mix and there we have it. Those days, the we I mentioned were called commies and pinkos but now are called commies, socialists and progressives.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: antislogan

I think J.D. Vance was part of a deal with the establishment. I also think Trump has done it again. Last time it was Pence, Barr and Bolton. This time I believe Vance is the mole, and probably the only reason Trump will make it to the finish line.... whatever that means.

Look how abrasive Vance's comments are. One could argue his positions cast a negative cloud over the campaign, especially remarks against women. WTF is that all about??

You're right about them installing their people as backstops. Every single agency is wholly compromised and nothing will matter unless Trump completely guts the DOJ, Pentagon and Intels, for starters. What's the likelihood of that happening? Just ask JFK.

I'm not pushing a defeatist attitude by saying that. I'm just saying, history shows us clearly that Trump cannot do it by himself. That's all.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: antislogan

So basically what every CT investigator has been screaming from the roofs for decades... "Follow the money"

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 08:14 AM
Regardless of all of this which I do not completely disagree with. I still believe that DJT is against those corporations that wants to destroy us to create their one world government or just population control or just control in general. I think he is at odds with them and I believe he is the only one that will fight them. He may not get it done but I know he is trying. The flip side of that is that we know exactly what will happen should the dems win. Its game over for everyone. We will be in the tank for years to come.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: antislogan

Absolutely this election season says "it is past time for the criminals in high places of the western world to go to GITMO" to repeal their double standards that they have used on us for centuries.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

Either you are spot on, OR,

This time is the setup. This time the criminals get theirs for stealing elections.

Otherwise, Alex Jone's comment on "prison planet" will be so honestly true. No fan.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 04:10 PM

It won’t matter if the Democrats or Republicans win this election because both are controlled by the same corporate entities.

a reply to: antislogan
I like your OP, simple with some nice backround on JD Vance. It seems similar to what happened last time, Paul Ryan recommeneded Pence. Both were moles, but I digress. Let us say you are right with the uniparty and the ties that JD Vance has to the puppet mastets. That leaves us with a couple of scenarios, speaking broadly.
Scenario 1 as you put it would mirror Trump's first term leaving the US with mild gains and some policy benefits from Trump only to be outdone by the deepstate, global power structure and moles backstabbing Trump with the help of the msm. That seems to be happening now with the lawfare, assassination attempt and the msm campaign of negativity. Seems easyily executed. JD Vance would have to be a mole along with others in Scenario 1.
Scenario 2 Trump and his, very small I mean really small, inner circle have foreseen this and JD Vance is a double agent. Trump would have to go full steam ahead with tribunals and have some inside help from deepstate double agents along with global power brokers helping Trump. I have doubted Trump would be able to make it as far as he has and pray scenario 2 is the one that plays out. If we agree with your premise then it seems we will know early on into a Trump second term if the puppeteers are going to triumph. One thing we can agree on is that under any scenario you could come up with Trump is a long shot to taking down the deepstate and the global power structure all while convinving Americans(he has already convinced half) that there needs to be military tribunals and executions for traitors who have betrayed their country and its citizens. The next few months seem to be an accumilation, the final steps to complete a global machination decades in the making. Wow, and to think some believe Trump is the bad guy and those who support him are cult members. Last I checked Biden walked up onto the wrong jet after some word salad offered up by Kamala, who has disavowed every policy stance and cause she has ever believed in, through her campaign because she hasn't spoke to Americans, the press or had any type of communication with the electorate but we are suppose to think she is ahead of Trump in the polls. We are in for some crazy days. It doesn't look good but I am on team Trump, scenario 2.

edit on 6-8-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 05:07 PM

Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

Absolutely 100% correct .

Each Party Represents a River . Each River takes a different path but inevitably empties into the same Ocean .

Vote how you want .... We will end up with the same outcome eventually.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

You think I want to be right?? No way!

I'm merely forming a hypothetical based on past experiences. I've come to realize, FIRMLY, that the presidency is allowed, not won. So by that rational, I personally believe Trump has to make a concession, or a series of them yet to be revealed.

The support for funding of Ukraine/Israel, with full knowledge that there was nothing for the border, but actually MORE money for NGO's, etc. was practically Trump's baby second only to Johnson and Schumer. That was a concession.

But I'm sure Trump is just setting all these people up. You'll see. 🙄

The VP pick for Trump is super critical considering Trump's age and the overall political climate. I don't like "his" pick. The man gives me shady vibes.

He's a Yale graduate, are there any connections to certain clubs or societies in which he became associated with or a member? Might be interesting to know.

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Not exactly a "skull and bones-esque" kinda school, but who knows.🤷🏻

edit on 6-8-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 07:35 PM

Every single agency is wholly compromised and nothing will matter unless Trump completely guts the DOJ, Pentagon and Intels, for starters. What's the likelihood of that happening? Just ask JFK.

a reply to: VariedcodeSole

If Trump does make it back to the presidency I agree that he will have to dismantle the intelligence community, the IRS and other agencies that have become infested with deepstate bad actors, weaponized. Trump will need a lot of help, I hope he gets it. It seems unlikely but that is what we're up against. You have to admit that Trump getting this far from jan 6th 2020 to now is remarkable, so maybe he can do it. This country needs Trump to fullfill his promise. The only way I see this working is double agents, whistleblowers and military tribunals. Some of those rats will be more than happy to snitch to save their asses but first an example needs to be made of some, just like they tried to make an example of Trump. Gotta get them at their own game it's the only way. It's gonna get ugly.

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