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how did the Area 51 rumor start?

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posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:58 AM
we know that, back in 1947 a spaceship apprantly crashed, but who said anything about Area 51. for all we know area 51 could have been a lot longer than we think, bulit a least around the time of the first world war.
if you want some intresting pics buy the latetest issue of playstaion maginze. apprantly, they took pics of area 51, they found spy camras, gurad huts. and sign saying that gurads are allow to KILL ON SITE!!!!!


posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:25 AM
If you do some research into what happened at Roswell you'll find your answers about Groom Lakes alleged involvement.

Doubtful a PS magazine would have actual photos from within the base, but the signs are nothing new. They can and will kill you if they feel it necessary to defend the secrecy of the base.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:47 AM
The local newspapers reported this in 1947, not 40 years before.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:06 AM
Area 51 is where the U-2 and SR-71 was first tested, that was the original mission of that facillity.

In the late 90's it aparently was discovered.

Good question though.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:10 AM
old news, area 51 is wird

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:18 AM
Quite simply enough. It was visible from public land. People made inquiries about the base, and since the reply was "there is no base there", and they'd seen it with their own eyes, then naturally, speculation then went rampant as to what was going on there.

Any serious inquiry into the base's history can easily turn up that it was of course for the U-2 and then subsequent stealthy aircraft programs. A mission profile it continues to fill....

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:38 AM
There are tons of information about this, particularly on this site, but here's a short answer.

There was absolutely nothing there until the 1940s, when the area West of Area 51 was used as a site for testing atomic bombs. Shortly thereafter, a base was built to develop top secret airplanes. There was no need for a secret base until the cold war began in 1947 and we needed spy planes and high-tech bombers.

Interest in Area 51 is nothing new - it certainly didn't develop in the '90s - it was only reinvigorated then because of a combination of factors. Magazine articles lead to more discussion on radio programs and that lead to television programs, etc. The public unveiling of the F-117A and the end of the cold war and declassification of certain documents all incited interest in not only Area 51, but government black programs in general.

Hope this helps. Use this site's search feature if you want the complete history of Area 51.


posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Area 51 isn't a rumor, it's an area designated "Area 51" on maps.

It's NNW of Las Vegas, in the vicinity of Groom Lake, and is a tightly secured facility where govenment "black" projects are conducted.

The area is so "classified", thaqt the "camo-dudes" have the authority to make anyone "disappear" if they happen to trespass.

Taking pictures of the projects would be considered treason and punishable by a prison term (if you're lucky).

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Area 51 isn't a rumor, it's an area designated "Area 51" on maps.

It's NNW of Las Vegas, in the vicinity of Groom Lake, and is a tightly secured facility where govenment "black" projects are conducted.

The area is so "classified", thaqt the "camo-dudes" have the authority to make anyone "disappear" if they happen to trespass.

Taking pictures of the projects would be considered treason and punishable by a prison term (if you're lucky).

Okay, let's not go overboard. If you trespass, you'll be arrested.

Taking pictures of something secret doesn't constitute "treason." It may constitute "espionage," but it more likely means the forcible removal of your camera and film from your person.


posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:21 AM
I believe everything is the ONLY thing you may see is a sihouette of a new classified plane/vehicle during a test...

do a bob lazar search...

the most interesting comment I read, was that an alien craft was recovered...and the inside was huge , compared to the outside [ reminiscent of the TARDUS on DR. WHO ]
it was probably bollocks , to fake out the folks that follow the sci-fi stuff...

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 12:53 PM
There are three kinds of information about Area 51.

1. Wild, Unsupported Speculation
2. Reasonable Speculation
3. Facts

Obviously not everything is underground (wild speculation), as there are several hangars above-ground. There is also a swimming pool, baseball diamond, runways, etc., above-ground, so while you may conject that there are some portions of the campus underground, saying something like "I believe everything is underground," just doesn't make sense.

The other thing you mention is wildly speculative and probably fictional.


posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 12:00 AM
ok zipdot,

not EVERYTHING underground....SHEEESH.....!!!!

most everything worth a peek at , the guts of the clock as it were is underground...away from prying eyes

is that better ?

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Zipdot
There are three kinds of information about Area 51.

1. Wild, Unsupported Speculation
2. Reasonable Speculation
3. Facts

Obviously not everything is underground (wild speculation), as there are several hangars above-ground. There is also a swimming pool, baseball diamond, runways, etc., above-ground, so while you may conject that there are some portions of the campus underground, saying something like "I believe everything is underground," just doesn't make sense.

The other thing you mention is wildly speculative and probably fictional.


If I remember correctly, there is a small store or used to be close to Area 51, and it got noticed by local folks there, that many people would park near the store and then board a bus to be shuttled to Groom Lake, and the locals got curious, and then not long after that, security was quadrupled and now the employees are being flown in.?

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by toasted
ok zipdot,
not EVERYTHING underground....SHEEESH.....!!!!
most everything worth a peek at , the guts of the clock as it were is underground...away from prying eyes
is that better ?

Hehe, well, some people think that the nearby mountains open up to a giant indoor base, camoflouged from satellites. Also, you might be interested in "Area 19." A power line runs for a long time into the absolute middle of nowhere and terminates. There is nothing at the termination point.


posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by sonicX007
we know that, back in 1947 a spaceship apprantly crashed, but who said anything about Area 51. for all we know area 51 could have been a lot longer than we think, bulit a least around the time of the first world war.

Our best research data dates the base to the early 1950's. The area has been used since the Early 40's as part of the bombing and gunnery range. The base known as Area 51 was built in the early 1950's as a small secret flight test and research center. How the Roswell UFO ended up at Groom Lake, is a mystery to me. My GUESS is that it has to do with the Hanger 18 Legend. People say that the Crashed UFO was stored in Hanger 18 for the last 50+ years. However the Hanger 18 from the Roswell Story is at Wright-Patterson AFB in Daton, OH.

According to the story, the Crash Debris from Roswell was flown to Wright-Patterson AFB, where it was stored overnight inside of Hanger 18. The next day, it was picked up and moved to another location in the Southwest part of the US. Noone Really Knows Where it is, But many people probably think it Might be Area 51 because of all the secracy at the base! Personally, I don't see why you would keep a spacecraft (if that is what the UFO really is) that was destoryed at a research center. I would think that some kind of secret NASA (NACA back then) facility would make more sense to me! After all, what do you expect a DOD scientist to know about outer space and other worlds? NASA studies space, so they should have a better understanding of technology from another world, than a weapons scientist from the Defense Department.

That's my 2 cents on Roswell.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance


posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 06:44 PM
In July 1955 Construction of Area51 was completed. It was made for the Lockheed U-2. After the U2 they startet testing other millitary planes.


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