posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 02:46 PM
I’ve got 3 kids, two are twins. They’re adults now, but I can pass on some wisdom.
I breastfed mine forever, so if she DOES go that route make sure she stays hydrated. Her body can’t make enough milk if she’s dehydrated. If she
decides to do formula, it’s expensive (and hard to come by a couple of years ago because of “supply chain issues”). In lieu of a bottle warmer,
she can heat up water and submerge the bottle in it (not the tip) and swirl it around to warm up all of it. That keeps hot spots from forming.
She’ll need to test it on the inside of her wrist. Warmish, but not hot.
I had cats all through each pregnancy. Still do. But my husband cleaned out the box and we kept a clean house.
Smoking around her or the baby is NOT OKAY.
No alcohol or drugs while pregnant! She needs to also stay away from canned tuna fish! Lots of mercury in it.
I agree about not skimping on a great carseat. Some convert to a toddler seat as they get older. I believe the child has to be in a carseat until they
hit 80 pounds and age 8.
Keep stuff out of the crib. Babies can suffocate easily.
I always used stuff called “Butt Paste” on their tushies, but the important thing is to keep diaper rash away.
Burp cloths, baby wash, baby powder (not talc), etc. All that has been mentioned. I agree that you shouldn’t buy bulk diapers! They grow fast!
I wish dad was in the picture, and a good man. I couldn’t have done it without my husband, but being a good single mom is better than having an
abuser/alcoholic/slacker around.
My father, who had 5 kids, always said that you’re never financially prepared to have kids, but you rise to the occasion. They need stability, love,
kindness, AND boundaries. I think we did a pretty decent job raising ours. They are all responsible adults that contribute positively to society. If
she does this right, she will have the greatest love she’s ever had. 💕