posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 11:55 PM
This could also belong in the Televison forum, but this is a rant, so it belongs here!
"Grey's anatomy" - Sick sick SICK of Doctor shows. Doctors in training in lust. Could care less how sleek, edgy or sexy it is.
The following past TV shows I have hated;
Big Brother series, Love Cruise, Temptation Island, Love Hotel, Real World (went down hill after San Francisco), Road Rules, Road Rules Vs Real World.
And most any shows that are about Lawyers in love, Doctors in Love, doctors in an ER, Cops and Detectives investigating crimes, doctors trying to over
come the repressive system, lawyers trying to overcome the repressive system, a lame FBI drama, or some people stuck on an island.
SitComs with a family a cute wise cracking kid and a dog, minus a mother or a father plus a grumpy old man or woman plus a nosey neighbor and a caring
Dumbest TV show ever; HAPPY DAYS!!
Ron Howard was the smartest cast member because he left before it became really stupid and insane.