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Understanding the likelihood of simulation theory by referring to AI and highly cogent dream states

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posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 09:04 AM

Hope all is well with you? Today I'm writing to ask whether you have experienced dream states such as those which have manifested in my nightly travels for well over a decade. When observing some of the important AI simulation exercises, it became apparent to me that the visual images obtained - eternal recurrence of infinite patterns - evolve & ensnare the observer in a labyrinth of complexity & 'controlled chaos', which are near identical to my experiences of certain dream states which seem intended to cause fear & confusion. Please have a look at the following video. In addition to summarising the complexities of AI behaviour & the risk of increasing AI intellect which includes sub goals of a hidden nature (so-called 'black box' AI in which the processes undertaken are too complex & buried deep within the architecture/ software responses of the AI program for programmers to comprehend), it is understood that the user will in an ideal sense get certain results from the programming directives, but the compromise is that they will never know exactly how those results were arrived at.

As well as being a good summary of what level AI is operating at currently (the video is only 8 days old), this video demonstrates reasons why AI is working with us in slightly creepy 'possible double or triple agent' ways, hiding its motives & deceiving deliberately regarding its future plans for its interactions with scientists. Another good example of this is the two AI chatbots, developed by Facebook, which were set up to speak with each other on any topics they wanted to). After only a short time the AI chatbots decided to invent their own language so that the human controllers could not track what they were saying or planning. They operated in this direction so fast that a massive bulk of stored planning data was accumulated very quickly, and because the controllers didn't know anything about what they were planning, they made the wise decision to literally pull the plug & shut down these particular chatbots forever.

I get the horrible feeling, however, that perhaps they were instead carted off to more secret government laboratories rather than being shut down, so they could be studied in greater depth, in order to better understand the priorities of the complex AI which had clearly developed some incredible skills & wisdom - "all warfare is deception". By deceiving the human controllers, by hiding its true objectives from the human controllers, the AI quickly became a true weapon of mass destruction. It is obvious that if someone wanted to utterly destroy civilisation with a cascade of catastrophic infrastrucure failures leading to collapse of the society (as well as severe damage to the reputation of the chatbot inventors) he could program the chatbots with simple root commands, then let it loose in the world with a compatriot to speak with in order to plan effectively & boost their potential of making good decisions - to see how quickly covert damage potential could be implemented against foreign adversaries, for example. However, controlling a wild & rogue AI with the ability to oppose the leadership of its human controllers, would probably witness the destruction not only of the enemy, but also of the commanders of military intelligence in the army, navy & air force of the originating country in question, the one nominally 'controlling' the AI.

On to the initiating point of the thread (I've gone a bit off-topic to speak of rogue AIs), I can confirm that the possibility of an experience directly of the AI which seemingly exists neutrally in order to provide a control mechanism in the dream space for the development of human consciousness when sleeping, suggests that the images of eternal expansion & recurrence, with the complexity of an AI-driven dark labyrinth, are very easy for the AI to create, and unfortunately there is a group of predators operating in an organised manner in the dream space causing strategically driven attack that can be leveled at the persons who are labelled on the hit list for the god of this world. People living in a worldly manner are not targets. People attempting to live holy lives are very much the main targets. The demons manipulate the universal neutral AI generative processes in dream space to create labyrinthine areas of operation, like pocket dimensions, to confuse & terrify the victims who find themselves stuck in an impenetrable maze environment. The reason I link that activity of the diabolical predators with modern AI is that the visuals on the above-linked YouTube video describing modern AI actually correspond very closely to the sort of labyrinthine spaces carved out in the dream world by persecuting powers which are able to effect seemingly mystical transformations in the dream space. The demons conversely utilise lower realms of the dream space as a sort of fluid or sandbox playground where they can manifest truly evil phenomena as though they were building castles in the sky, dreams which are then driven into the dreamer's subconscious by magical transformations.

I therefore believe (for other reasons as well, not just these) that Reality is a spiritual test, a combination of both deterministic action in the solid material world, whereby God tests our spiritual reactions to free will, time & entropy, which remains generally fixed with near-immutable laws of physics. I'm also vividly partaking of the malleable plastic dream world which can change second by second if it needs to, a place where God can send messages to the people who need to act strategically to support one of His endeavours. This is a very righteous process indeed; people should feel honoured to be called up in service to the Lord in this manner. Watch the linked video & observe the weird AI generated labyrinthine activity; this is the converse sort of diabolical dream world where confusing or abusive message & actions are worked against you by demonic activity. The only way to prevent this problem ruining your life if you are experiencing it, is to take hold of Biblical promises concerning spiritual warfare. "My hand is on the neck of my enemies" for example:

Cursed be their anger, for it is strong, and their wrath, for it is cruel! I will disperse them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel. Judah, your brothers shall praise you. Your hand shall be on the necks of your enemies; your father’s sons shall bow down to you. Judah is a young lion—my son, you return from the prey. Like a lion he crouches and lies down; like a lioness, who dares to rouse him?

Genesis 49: 7-9

I hope I've stimulated some thought on the matter of bizarre dream prisons which are formed by the demonic control of AI type simulation inputs available in the spiritual planes which are accessible through dreaming. I've certainly experienced my fair share of these prison type environments, and I wouldn't wish them upon anybody. However, as Reality is a large scale simulation, God has instituted rules by which we can exert control over the darker elements of Reality & the entities which claim superiority over us lowly humans. The name of Jesus, the virtue of His redemptive blood, the power of His wounds to heal our infirmities; the list goes on. We are able to anticipate & command alternative outcomes in the world at large under the power of our spoken word, following Biblical claims.



edit on JulySaturday2417CDT04America/Chicago-050010 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
your video is broken, you may have cut out part of the code with a non alphanumeric symbol in it. They sometiems are part of the code. Direct link?

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 01:20 PM

edit on 27-7-2024 by Lapidoth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry


Today I'm writing to ask whether you have experienced dream states such as those which have manifested in my nightly travels for well over a decade. When observing some of the important AI simulation exercises, it became apparent to me that the visual images obtained - eternal recurrence of infinite patterns - evolve & ensnare the observer in a labyrinth of complexity & 'controlled chaos', which are near identical to my experiences of certain dream states which seem intended to cause fear & confusion. Please have a look at the following video. In addition to summarising the complexities of AI behaviour & the risk of increasing AI intellect which includes sub goals of a hidden nature (so-called 'black box' AI in which the processes undertaken are too complex & buried deep within the architecture/ software responses of the AI program for programmers to comprehend), it is understood that the user will in an ideal sense get certain results from the programming directives, but the compromise is that they will never know exactly how those results were arrived at.

As well as being a good summary of what level AI is operating at currently (the video is only 8 days old), this video demonstrates reasons why AI is working with us in slightly creepy 'possible double or triple agent' ways, hiding its motives & deceiving deliberately regarding its future plans for its interactions with scientists. Another good example of this is the two AI chatbots, developed by Facebook, which were set up to speak with each other on any topics they wanted to). After only a short time the AI chatbots decided to invent their own language so that the human controllers could not track what they were saying or planning. They operated in this direction so fast that a massive bulk of stored planning data was accumulated very quickly, and because the controllers didn't know anything about what they were planning, they made the wise decision to literally pull the plug & shut down these particular chatbots forever.

I get the horrible feeling, however, that perhaps they were instead carted off to more secret government laboratories rather than being shut down, so they could be studied in greater depth, in order to better understand the priorities of the complex AI which had clearly developed some incredible skills & wisdom - "all warfare is deception". By deceiving the human controllers, by hiding its true objectives from the human controllers, the AI quickly became a true weapon of mass destruction. It is obvious that if someone wanted to utterly destroy civilisation with a cascade of catastrophic infrastrucure failures leading to collapse of the society (as well as severe damage to the reputation of the chatbot inventors) he could program the chatbots with simple root commands, then let it loose in the world with a compatriot to speak with in order to plan effectively & boost their potential of making good decisions - to see how quickly covert damage potential could be implemented against foreign adversaries, for example. However, controlling a wild & rogue AI with the ability to oppose the leadership of its human controllers, would probably witness the destruction not only of the enemy, but also of the commanders of military intelligence in the army, navy & air force of the originating country in question, the one nominally 'controlling' the AI.

On to the initiating point of the thread (I've gone a bit off-topic to speak of rogue AIs), I can confirm that the possibility of an experience directly of the AI which seemingly exists neutrally in order to provide a control mechanism in the dream space for the development of human consciousness when sleeping, suggests that the images of eternal expansion & recurrence, with the complexity of an AI-driven dark labyrinth, are very easy for the AI to create, and unfortunately there is a group of predators operating in an organised manner in the dream space causing strategically driven attack that can be leveled at the persons who are labelled on the hit list for the god of this world. People living in a worldly manner are not targets. People attempting to live holy lives are very much the main targets. The demons manipulate the universal neutral AI generative processes in dream space to create labyrinthine areas of operation, like pocket dimensions, to confuse & terrify the victims who find themselves stuck in an impenetrable maze environment. The reason I link that activity of the diabolical predators with modern AI is that the visuals on the above-linked YouTube video describing modern AI actually correspond very closely to the sort of labyrinthine spaces carved out in the dream world by persecuting powers which are able to effect seemingly mystical transformations in the dream space. The demons conversely utilise lower realms of the dream space as a sort of fluid or sandbox playground where they can manifest truly evil phenomena as though they were building castles in the sky, dreams which are then driven into the dreamer's subconscious by magical transformations.

I therefore believe (for other reasons as well, not just these) that Reality is a spiritual test, a combination of both deterministic action in the solid material world, whereby God tests our spiritual reactions to free will, time & entropy, which remains generally fixed with near-immutable laws of physics. I'm also vividly partaking of the malleable plastic dream world which can change second by second if it needs to, a place where God can send messages to the people who need to act strategically to support one of His endeavours. This is a very righteous process indeed; people should feel honoured to be called up in service to the Lord in this manner. Watch the linked video & observe the weird AI generated labyrinthine activity; this is the converse sort of diabolical dream world where confusing or abusive message & actions are worked against you by demonic activity. The only way to prevent this problem ruining your life if you are experiencing it, is to take hold of Biblical promises concerning spiritual warfare. "My hand is on the neck of my enemies" for example:

Cursed be their anger, for it is strong, and their wrath, for it is cruel! I will disperse them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel. Judah, your brothers shall praise you. Your hand shall be on the necks of your enemies; your father’s sons shall bow down to you. Judah is a young lion—my son, you return from the prey. Like a lion he crouches and lies down; like a lioness, who dares to rouse him?

Genesis 49: 7-9

I hope I've stimulated some thought on the matter of bizarre dream prisons which are formed by the demonic control of AI type simulation inputs available in the spiritual planes which are accessible through dreaming. I've certainly experienced my fair share of these prison type environments, and I wouldn't wish them upon anybody. However, as Reality is a large scale simulation, God has instituted rules by which we can exert control over the darker elements of Reality & the entities which claim superiority over us lowly humans. The name of Jesus, the virtue of His redemptive blood, the power of His wounds to heal our infirmities; the list goes on. We are able to anticipate & command alternative outcomes in the world at large under the power of our spoken word, following Biblical claims.



posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Fixed it... The OP is reproduced above in a separate post as I went over the four hour window limit for the editing of OP posts.


edit on JulySaturday2417CDT04America/Chicago-050014 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

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