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Listen to these outrageous claims by Biden

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posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare
Right back atcha, my Brother!

Ask an Ye Shall Recieve!

Riddle Me This :

An innocent and naive woman in her 90's who has lived her entire life as a kept Housewife because her Husband desires to keep her Safe from the "Dangerous Outside World" finally experiences Freedom for the first time after the passing of her Dear Husband and while shopping, becomes abolutely MESMORIZED by an African American Womans Amazing Nautral Hair and reaches out innocently enough to touch something so BEAUTIFUL she cannot contain herself and has had so very little Social Interaction with that Aspect of Our National Identity that she does not understand Modern Cultural Norms regarding touching someone without their permission or Consent (hair is a very sensitive subject for many African Americans, because of but not exculsive to that Demographic and some people are VERY sensitive about being touched randomly by a sudden stranger in case you're New to the Modern World, and don't get me started about being a pregant woman with random Older Ladies excitedly showing up out of thin air while you're on the clock and just walking to your shift station because they SIMPLY CANNOT CONTAIN THEMSELVES over the need to stroke the swollen belly and lavish praise upon the New Mother to Be and Her Blessing) are these Elder Women who treat other Women and they're outfits and hair like Living Mannequins in a Department store in the Wrong or in the Right?

Are they perverts and mentally deranged? Or do they have a completely innocent reason behind their actions because of their upbringings?

Food for thought.

Google is being a jerk and I can't find what I need, but there is a widely common fixation that revolves around hair sniffing, and I've forgotten the term for it but it's not Freudian and obessed with sex instincts and so forth, but it's usually an unconscious behavior certain people exhibit because of things like scented shampoos, it's associations with innocence and purity (if you're a Woman like me, I could go on at length about having my braid or ponytail yanked violently because "he just likes you" and there are a fair share of horror stories from girls having guys lean in close to get a closer whiff of her shampoo with a pervy come on or just a quick an silent "moveing on, back to work)..been there done that...but there are also innocuous cases such a a New Mother or Father cradling their child and that smell of a baby's head at a certain age is oddly comforting and helps with the bonding process between Parents and their Offspring, and so on and so forth ad infinum.)

Anyway, I can't find the damn term I'm looking for despite my keywords because my internet results are so focused on Freudian PsychoSexual Analysis it's driving me mad, and Wikipedia is like being back in grade ACTUALLY gave me a top result about Armadillo Facts for some infuriating reason and round and round we go, Big Brother Lord Knows I love Ya but REALLY? REALLY? AM I REALLY THAT DANGEROUS?)

Anyway, hair sniffing and what the New Kids are calling Touch Language is very common in some cultures and some people and absolutely forbidden in others. Anyone with a large set of dynamically different personality types within their children will attest to the fact that some people simply prefer to keep things at a distance "Dont' touch me! I don't want to hug Grandma she smells like Prune Juice!) and it's a big hot button issue right now with a lot of folks and groups and Cultures I observe and study online because I have no life.)

So is Biden a pervert or a dottering idiot from a different time and place?

Is Ashely Bidens Diary an attempt at implicating her Father for her hypersexuality which may have just been a result of how her brain formed and a genetic thing or was she being groomed? Are Nudist Families who wander around in the buff in the privacy of their Homes with the shades drawn and are folks who enjoy nude sunbathing in proper locations reserved for such next on the Hit List?

Where to we draw the line on what is just weird crap Humans do differently and what constitues incarceration and what types of rehabilitation is nessecary to "cure" OCD and inexplicable fixations and adversions? How much money are we going to waste trying to find a magic pill or poison to sure the problems inherent in so many aspects of the Dynamic Clusterfudge that is Human Behavior and General Dynamics? Are weheaded back to Prefrontal Lobotomies and Asylums for EVERYONE?

Have you been to a therapist to see if you qualify for your own specialized diagosis and LABEL of probably being ignored as a child while you cried helplessly and desperately for attention and touch from an emotionally distant Mother or Father who was so busy taking care of things that She or He didn't have time for your needs at such a young age that you emtoionally repressed and have abandonment issues but no big deal, I'm tough now and it made me Stronger and everyone knows Men have LAWS and CODES OF CONDUCT and Lord Have Mercy everyone else is just a PERVERT and DERANGED SEXUAL DEVIANT because it's easier to remember and quicker to play a nice round of the good ol' Jump To Conclusions Mat?

Do ya get it?

Look, I think the guy has issues, but I'm at least enough of a hypocrite to admit I have my own and I'm not gonna judge a Bro Hug or Firm Handshake or other Male Bonding and Freindship Rituals as some sort of symptom of latent and repressed Homoerotic Love Language!

I swear to the Gods, I'm kind of laughing so hard right now behind my resting Bitchface it's ureal.



He's a DUDE.

Everyone knows by now Men are just as weird as Women and No One is Safe from Psychoanalysis in the NWO!

Welcome to the Suck, my friend. Careful not to lose your boots in the mudslinging.

Love ya man. Hope you got a laugh.

Carry on with your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

Don't forget to cast your ballot!


Yes, it official, America has Officially gone Insane.

Stay Smart. Stay safe. Laugh Hard. Laugh Often.

It's the Only Way were Gonna Make it Out Alive.


Sarcasm is hitting hard again.

I haven't slept in Lord Knows How Long.

I'm so so so so sorry to answer you as quickly as possible and be so chaotic in doing so but that's my Lot in Life.

Le Sigh.

I'm still on the fence about writing in Ham Sammich on my ballot.

It's a girl thing, sorry.

I have to make my Hubby's coffee now.

Later Tater!

Thanks again to all you lovely folks for putting up with me over the years.

edit on 7/9/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

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