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Operation Gladio WHY FILES How The Mob Financed The CIA's Secret Army

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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 08:45 AM
The video is about the OSS, CIA, Operation Paper Clip, the covert war against Russia using NAZI Werewolves, and Operation Gladio. We have all heard about the rumors of drug dealings by the CIA but the Why Files tells us why and even explains what bank was used to hide the vast sums of money... There is much information you can either believe or disregard however if all true we live in a very sick lying deceitful world in way to many ways.

Operation Gladio | How The Mob Financed The CIA's Secret Army

After World War II, the CIA hatched a covert plan to stop Soviet expansion in Europe. They created a secret army, recruiting an unexpected mix of allies. This clandestine operation, known as Gladio, spanned across all NATO countries.

What began as a defensive strategy quickly morphed into something far more sinister. Innocent civilians became casualties in a shadow war fought on European streets.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 03:31 PM
Just finished watching the episode and WOW!
There is just SO much to unpack.

Ike was right on target.
The Vatican is the original Mafia family.
The CIA is truly an evil shadow government; Operation Paperclip, drug smuggling, murders of JFK, RFK & who knows how many more, propagandists...

Again, so much to unpack.

President Eisenhower’s farewell address:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

Excellent recommendation!

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

AJ always puts the story together well with few errors but there
are some over the great span of stories he's covered. Despite Hecklefish lol.

It's a good format that ends with debunking that I don't always agree with.
Yet on the other hand he has me questioning a few of my conclusions
I've made on other topics. What matters is he is looking for the truth.
Not stretching it.

I'll watch this one now.


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