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World Bank Warns: AIDS Could Cause 'Economic Collapse'

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posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 06:25 AM
Weird that the World bank has to warn about the damage of a disease to the economy, no asotiation, no medic foundation but the world bank.

There must be something going here, anyway take a look yourself, of course the article has its points but still amazing who came up with the intention of making this public...

July 23, 2003?A new World Bank research report warns that HIV/AIDS causes far greater long-term damage to national economies than previously assumed, for by killing mostly young adults, the disease is robbing the children of AIDS victims of one or both parents to love, raise and educate them, and so undermines the basis of economic growth over the long haul.

This suggests that a country like South Africa could face progressive economic collapse within several generations unless it combats its AIDS epidemic more urgently.

According to the new report "The Long-run Economic Costs of AIDS: Theory and an Application to South Africa" most studies of the macroeconomic costs of AIDS, as measured by reduced GDP growth rates, do not pay enough attention to the way in which human knowledge and potential are created and can be lost.

This is one of the key channels influencing long-term growth. In Africa, for example, where the epidemic has hit the hardest to date, existing estimates range between a modest decline of 0.3 and 1.5 percent in GDP growth annually. In contrast, the report argues that the costs are likely to be much higher.

"Previous estimates overlooked the impact of HIV/AIDS on children if one or both parents die, how they can suddenly become orphans, how they become vulnerable to dropping out of school, and how, in this way, the disease weakens the ability of today's generation to pass on its skills and knowledge to the next," says Shanta Devarajan, co-author of the new research findings, and Chief Economist of the World Bank's Human Development Network.

"In those countries facing an HIV/AIDS epidemic on the same scale as South Africa, for example, if nothing is done quickly to fight their epidemic, they could face economic collapse within several generations, with family incomes being cut in half."


Note: i posted the whole article because the link is too long to post here, it doesn?t work when u click on it,
From there is the first article if u want to see the source of it.

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by CoLD aNGeR]

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[edit on 31/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 06:32 AM
I remember when HIV exploded onto the scene in the mid 80's and the media were saying that due to the upcoming depopulation of Africa/Asia due to the virus, WWIII would be triggerred.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 07:30 AM
Why would it trigger WW3? Whats the connection? Minerals?

I have read similar especially that entire country borders will have to be rewritten as the populations decrease.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 07:47 AM
Again due to depopulation.

If one place has a much higher incidence and therefore decline in population it would make it easier for a hereditary enemy to take advantage and attack them.

Thinking out loud now re your mineral comment - this would probably be supposed 1st world countries arguing over who gets the goodies when they come in to give humanatarian help and rebuild infrastructure ensuring they can 'legally' loot anything they need for the good of the country they are helping.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:18 PM
Economic collapse is in the cards. It has been planned since before 9-11. The PTB (powers that be) have been looking for an excuse to bring in the new system of cashless currency and destroy the last super power.
Here is a scary article about the ecomonic collpase of the U.S.

"Now, I was never a conspiracy theorist. But, when one investigates money, and finds the economic deck stacked in such a way as to ensure the final collapse of the USD, one realizes that such deck stackings are not accidents by a long shot.

The USD situation is such now, that, the US is dependent upon financiers and central banks outside the US for its life blood - namely new credits."

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