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Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge

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+20 more 
posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 03:08 PM

The SCOTUS just ruled that what happened on Jan 6th wasn't even obstruction of an official proceeding... let alone an insurrection.

Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

The justices in a 6-3 vote on nonideological lines handed a win to defendant Joseph Fischer, who is among hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants — including former President Donald Trump — who have been charged with obstructing an official proceeding over the effort to prevent Congress' certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory.


That's the problem when you throw everything against the wall hoping it will stick ... most of it doesn't.

+17 more 
posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

There are Americans who spent 3 years in prison for this non-crime.

So not only did taxpayers fund these abusive and political prosecutions and imprisonments.

We'll also be funding the lawsuits and settlements that will be filed against the corrupt DOJ.

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

This is a HUGE decision from SCOTUS!

Nancy Pelosi's Trump and MAGA entrapment plan failed, and under Trump 2.0, she will pay dearly for her criminal actions.

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I don't see Pelosi making it much longer. She's 84 and I'm betting if Trump wins she'll retire. She and Biden can go eat ice cream and hopefully take McConnell with them.

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 04:16 PM
What might this ruling mean to all those already convicted? Will they be exhonerated?

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Nope. The Dems want to make an example of anyone who challenges them.

Biden's DOJ will take it case by case and drag their feet.

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Dandandat3

There are Americans who spent 3 years in prison for this non-crime.

So not only did taxpayers fund these abusive and political prosecutions and imprisonments.

We'll also be funding the lawsuits and settlements that will be filed against the corrupt DOJ.

Exactly couldn't have said it better.

I would sue the pants off the DOJ if I were one of the Jan 6th defendants.

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Dandandat3

There are Americans who spent 3 years in prison for this non-crime.

So not only did taxpayers fund these abusive and political prosecutions and imprisonments.

We'll also be funding the lawsuits and settlements that will be filed against the corrupt DOJ.

Hope all members of that fake congressional "Jan 6" committee get charged and THEY spend years in prison....and they need to get sued into oblivion...Nancy Pelosi has tens of millions of ill gotten cash she should get relieved of....

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 08:45 PM
I hope Trump pardons all of them when he wins.

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
What might this ruling mean to all those already convicted? Will they be exhonerated?

Those charges will be vacated.
The problem is that the Biden DOJ will push for an alternative so the folks prosecuted unfairly will still do a similar sentence.
If Trump doesn’t pardon the nonviolent protestors I’ll be very surprised.
That should be item one on his agenda for his next four years.

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