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Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo politicizes death of 12-year-old while urging others not to

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posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 03:13 PM
Here we have a hypocrite judge in Texas that tries to politicize and blame Trump for the recent murder of Joceyln Nungaray.

The "Blame" is directed at Trump calling for that recent Border Bill that got exposed as a Democrat Ruse to be voted down even though Trump has been out of any official capacity office since Jan 2021. ☢️

A reporter calls her out and she melts down (just a little).

This Judge is a real actress. Watch and see 😀

Democrat PR Campaign strategy is being pinpointed to lower levels in their efforts to retain as many voters as possible!!

She looks like a little play doll!!!! roflol

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo politicizes death of 12-year-old while urging others not to

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo contending "evil happens regardless of immigration status" urged fellow leaders not to politicize the 12-year-old's alleged murder at the hands of two undocumented Venezuelan men.

Hidalgo then launched a criticism of Republicans in Congress and former President Donald Trump for creating the conditions which contributed to Joceyln Nungaray's death.

"When the former President decided that he didn't want Biden to have a lid on immigration, he told his party to pull out of that agreement. So, blaming things on the current immigration policy is absolutely political, and it really breaks my heart that people would politicize the sadness of that tragedy," said Hidalgo.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 03:22 PM
LOL, what a pathetic display.
Yep, it's Trump's fault that Joe reversed all his border policies in the first month, and now things aren't going well with immigration.

If those mean republicans would have just given Joey a bunch of money and allowed him to hire more processors, he could have gotten many more people into the country. It's a mystery as to why they didn't jump at the chance to do that.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Maybe she will do a 988 self destruct, making America a better place!

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 04:34 PM
You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that George Soros is lurking nearby.

Soros funds Texas criminal justice "reform"

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 04:52 PM
She’s another SOROS plant DEI hire know nothing wanna be actress.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo violated state law when she endorsed a candidate challenging District Attorney Kim Ogg during a press conference that used public funds, the Texas Ethics Commission said this week.

Ogg’s office successfully sought a criminal indictment against three of Hidalgo’s former aides, accusing them of steering a county contract to a political consulting firm headed by a Democratic strategist. Their cases have not yet gone to trial.

Her minions have been busted.
She’s next to get indicted.
Keep an eye on this rising new prison star.

One of SOROS biggest problems is the people he finds to do his evil bidding are total corrupt numbskulls.
The country is full of them and each one is slowly getting pinched for their misdeeds.

By the way, her title is Judge but she’s not a judge, nor even an attorney.
She’s a county manager with poly sci degree.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 05:54 PM
How far we’ve fallen, ughh. I remember the days when a large majority of the country were still critical thinkers with common sense. That’s like a Bigfoot sighting nowadays.

I’m truly baffled that society has become this stupid to vote people like this into gov positions, almost feels like someone flicked a switch and it changed overnight. You have to have an IQ of a crayon to vote for these idiots, especially someone like Biden. Nope, don’t get it.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Perhaps a majority of voters really did elect Joe Biden to be our President and Commander-in-Chief. 🤡

If so, they are getting what they voted for, because Joe was honest and straight about what he was going to do as President.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
How far we’ve fallen, ughh. I remember the days when a large majority of the country were still critical thinkers with common sense. That’s like a Bigfoot sighting nowadays.

I’m truly baffled that society has become this stupid to vote people like this into gov positions, almost feels like someone flicked a switch and it changed overnight. You have to have an IQ of a crayon to vote for these idiots, especially someone like Biden. Nope, don’t get it.

It’s ridiculous.
Before she ran one of the largest counties in America, she was just an advocate and a medical interpreter.
Completely unqualified for the job, other than female, minority, willing to do anything for SOROS money.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
How far we’ve fallen, ughh. I remember the days when a large majority of the country were still critical thinkers with common sense. That’s like a Bigfoot sighting nowadays.

I’m truly baffled that society has become this stupid to vote people like this into gov positions, almost feels like someone flicked a switch and it changed overnight. You have to have an IQ of a crayon to vote for these idiots, especially someone like Biden. Nope, don’t get it.

It’s ridiculous.
Before she ran one of the largest counties in America, she was just an advocate and a medical interpreter.
Completely unqualified for the job, other than female, minority, willing to do anything for SOROS money.

I think she’s lobbying for a SAG card.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Comrade Dora is hopped up on Adderall again.

She is exactly why I moved farther away from Houston.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: xuenchen

Comrade Dora is hopped up on Adderall again.

She is exactly why I moved farther away from Houston.

Thank God she's under a doctor's care 😬

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

funny..she sought 'mental health' care in DC which I believe doesn't have a reciprocity agreement with TX just as Paxton and TX rangers were fixing to cuff that Soros plant.

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