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U.S. Navy F-14 Pilot Doyle Borchers Retells UFO Sightings

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posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 11:01 AM
Now that the stigma is being removed we are having more military whistleblowers coming forward:

U.S. Navy F-14 Pilot Retells UFO Sightings

"I was flying an F-14 from Palma/Majorca to RNAS Yeovilton for an airshow back in 1976. Both my RIO and I saw a bright silver disk well above our altitude of 35,000ft. I would guess it was at about 70,000ft. It moved very quickly from our 10 o’clock high position to 3 o’clock, and I mean like a flash, and then was out of sight.

"No doubt in my mind that UFO’s are real." - Doyle Borchers Link to full article in the next post below.

Twitter link

This pilot had multiple sightings, here is another highlighting how many feared reporting them:

Once as an F-14 test pilot flying a night mission returning from White Sands range in New Mexico to NAS Pt Mugu. The weather was bad in Mugu so we were diverted to NAS Miramar in San Diego. We were at 24,000 ft and both my Radar Officer and I saw a string of lights well below us on what we thought was the desert floor, but the continued to follow us at almost 500kts. As we turned, the lights followed us, and finally after about 10 minutes broke off and departed. I wanted to make a report, but my RIO wouldn’t back me up.’

I think these pilots are telling the truth and there are lots of things in our skies we can’t explain.

I do think most of UFOlogy is full of scams, but that does not diminish there are real things flying in our skies.

Aliens? Exotic human tech? Spiritual beings? Other civilizations living under earth/water?

We don’t know.

But they are real.
edit on 25-6-2024 by pianopraze because: Title typo

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