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Did Baron Trump create a cryptocurrency

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posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:36 PM
This is a little interesting . A few days ago I saw I saw $DJT trending on twitter so I did a little research and saw rumors from a twitter account called pirate wires that said the token was from the Trump campaign on the Solana network

But no confirmation or denial from Trump.

So some firm offered a 150K bounty to anyone that could prove who created the token. Someone then did prove who created it and collected the 150 K.

Turns out the creator of the token is ‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli. The guy who was convicted of securities fraud in 2017 after he hiked the price of a life-saving drug.

So after he was outed as the creator he went on a twitter spaces and swears it was him along with Baron Trump who created it.

And Baron has all the security keys . Still no response from the Trumps at all.

This is on a lot of msm outlets so I'm surprised the Trumps have not denied this yet.
Although Roger Stone did say the Trumps were not involved

I dont know what to believe but I did throw 250 bucks at it which is now at 400 .

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: pennylane123

It's a memecoin. It has no utility or purpose other than shifting funds to those on the inside from those on the outside, wherever that line may be as far as knowledge goes. It takes a lot of people on the outside for a few people on the inside to make big money on memecoins. A few that get lucky on the outside will also make money, but that number will be far exceeded by those that take a loss.

Memecoins live and die on publicity and FOMO, often heavily astroturfed with paid engagement. Eventually, if the SEC is ever gets done acting solely as a political and corporate puppet, they'll actually go after some of the people in the space like Shkreli.

If a Trump was involved then they probably would be making it known rather than allowing a slimy and disliked ex-con to remain as the face of the operation. Seems a real missed opportunity considering how many people buy things entirely based on the Trump identity cult. Maybe I just don't understand the grand plan.

That fishy smell is pretty much always in the room at the same time as Shkreli and I don't think it's a coincidence.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 09:42 AM
So if Baron Trump is involved, he's 18yo, can he not make independent financial choices? Whether there is any wrong doing or not, it MAY be a bad look and not something to bring about at such a crucial time. From OP link,

The existence of the token “Trump Coin” was first reported by Fox Business on Monday after it was registered on the Solana blockchain platform.

Shkreli said repeatedly throughout the X exchange that he had evidence of Barron Trump’s involvement in the project that had eventually as many as 50 people working on it.

Shkreli had first told online crypto investigator ZachXBT of how he worked with Donald Trump’s youngest son to launch the coin.

Looks like they're already investigating it which in itself is crazy. Is it illegal? Is it illegal only when Trump is involved?

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 10:33 AM
Bottom Line:

Somebody's trying to setup Trump for an indictment again.

Just watch who the biggest shills are twisting this. 😃

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