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Florida UFO Footage from Nov 2011 - The I-10 Footage

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posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 02:07 AM
Does anyone know if the below video of this purported UFO was ever debunked? This is the footage Chris Bledsoe said looked exactly like what he saw the night on the river with his friends.

It is a 13 yr old video shot on the side of I-10 in northern Florida. The footage itself is surreal.

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: TheRickestRick

Its a farm vehicle, maybe not a combine harvester, but something similar with spotlights on it.

Ask yourself this...

Why is there no sound?

Why dont we see it fully after it comes by? He stops the recording just as its coming to a clearing...

Why dont we see it shoot up in the sky as claimed?

The 'wobbly' light effect is from rotating blades cutting whatever crop.

Its farming at night is all.
edit on 13 6 2024 by SecretKnowledge2 because: HAVE A GREAT DAY , TIME FOR WORK HERE IN RAINY IRELAND

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

Yeah…..harvesting at night with farm equipment that have different lighting configurations is plausible…imo.

Think of it…..roads next to farm fields are sometimes seperated by a rows of trees.

Anyway….here’s a couple of examples..



edit on 13-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: TheRickestRick

That is a nice video of a vehicle with some unusual lighting showing what backlit trees look like at night. I find nothing claimed about flight supported by this video.

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Yep! We can argue all day about photos and videos and radar tracks and such, but such helps very little in understanding the sheer magnitude of what has been happening before our eyes without a proper, timely and truthfully explanation from our sciences and government. To get a handle on that suspicious "program," today's computer edition of Fox News has this piece that is more telling than blurry lights at night. Careful, people! You don't want to think too strongly about UFOs and ETs in our midsts, you may come to realize that there is little that any of us, governments included, can do about the mysterious phenomena. You see, there really is a boogieman under the bed.

edit on 13-6-2024 by CosmicFocus because: "i" an "o"

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

I will say that the phenomenon is a generational interest for my family….from my pops (now deceased), me, and my son. It’s been a life of speculation leaning to the side of reality.

I pay attention to Ufology like I do with politics… see, my political affiliation is that of an Independent….neither Republican or Democratic. Being an Independent is like being on a fence…I can lean either way, both ways, or neither.

I am a Christian by birth….and I lean towards that faith.

Ufology….is becoming more and more a mix of the phenomenon itself, religious, scientific and political.

My present leaning is that the phenomenon is tied to religion and science….both of which have been at odds with each other for most of modern civilization.

What is written in the Bible and what we see with our own eyes now makes more sense to me.

What has changed? ……The vernacular, verbiage has changed to mean the same thing.

To explain…..The Bible definitely speaks of …….spiritual realms, the unseen, heavenly realms, heavenly places.

At this point now for me, it’s easier because of modern science and current vernacular, verbiage ….to substitute all the references to the Bible’s “Spiritual”, “heavenly”, “unseen” with…..”Inter-dimensional” for things that are unseen from the naked eye….but for an instance…the unseen inter-dimensional things are sometimes seen.

Bible passages start… read like they have truth and not myth to a spiritual connection when it comes to UFOs Aliens…in association to the Demonic.

Also….people always believe that the unseen Satan….is ruler of “Hell” (an inter-dimension to me now) someplace underground.

But Satan is also the ruler of the Air….Surprise! ….There is a passage in the Bible that mentions that.

Re-read passage’s in the Bible keeping “Inter-dimensional” in mind. It starts to read differently with updated meanings. You may have an epiphany 😉

Anyway….like everyone else here….we are all watching this chapter, for our history, being played out.

Btw……does anybody know the true name for “The Program”?? Somewhere in obscurity, I read that if you mention the true name…you’d be killed. So far the Ufology community, whistleblowers, Politicians…has been just calling it “The Program” in vids and print…is the community in real fear if the true name was mentioned? It appears so, so far. Perhaps there’s truth to the threat.

Unless of course the true name for ‘the program’ is “The Program”….how simplistic… I suppose.

edit on 13-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

It's a somewhat plausible explanation for anyone unfamiliar with commercial farm equipment.

However, I grew up on a commercial farm. I can 100% tell you that is not any type of commercial farming equipment. Not even remotely close.

edit on 13-6-2024 by TheRickestRick because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

Its farming at night is all.

Think it's been posted here before.

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: TheRickestRick

You're gonna have to expand on that mate, coz alls i see is lighting.

Check the second video in the above Ophiuchus1 post. All the dust and whatever swirling around because of the rotating blades?

Spotlights on top?

Its farm machinery mate, maybe old machine.

I remember old machines with big blades on the front rotating. That would explain everything we're seeing here.

Nothing more I'd love than for it to be a ufo, but not on this one unfortunately

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

All I can tell you is I've never seen anything remotely close to looking like that video with regards to a night harvest. Even harvesting wheat doesn't look like that and that's typically the most dust intensive harvest. We grew feed corn and even that throws up dust but nothing like that video. Both wheat and corn are grown in the Panhandle of Florida which is where this was shot so it's a plausible explanation, however, as I've mentioned it's unlike any night harvest I've ever seen.

Even the various videos posted here look nothing like that video. Most of the dust cloud is at the rear of a harvester as that is where the stalks and chaff are expelled.

In the video I posted there are odd "blades of light" around the main lights and I've NEVER seen anything like that during a night harvest. Also I don't see any flooding of the lights in front as well which, again, makes me think "not a combine". The lights on harvesters are incredibly bright and light up all visible work space for the obvious reasons. I don't see any of that in the video.

It is odd how it suddenly ends and it is also odd there is no sound. Both are reasonable conclusions for this being fraudulent.

Take my testimony for what its worth or don't.

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: TheRickestRick

Most of the dust cloud is at the rear of a harvester as that is where the stalks and chaff are expelled.

Consider the possible directions of shifting winds and breezes during the stirring up of dust clouds….your only watching seconds, minutes, of a night long operation on that vid clip


edit on 13-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: TheRickestRick

Most of the dust cloud is at the rear of a harvester as that is where the stalks and chaff are expelled.

Consider the possible directions of shifting winds and breezes during the stirring up of dust clouds….your only watching seconds, minutes, of a night long operation on that vid clip



Yes, I've considered that and it's a valid point. Again, I'm not claiming this is the genuine article. However, I don't see this being a combine in a night harvest. I cannot get over the "blades of light". Never in any night harvests have I ever seen light do that. I'm also unaware of any combine using only 3 forward facing lights. We had lights around our harvesters. Forward, both sides and rear.

If it's a harvester it's a dangerous operation. We should see lights on the side and the rear should be illuminated as well. At least to some degree.

EDIT: I wanted to ad that this is the video Chris Bledsoe said to reference for what he and his friends witnessed at the river. Bledsoe is credible. His story is real. If it's fake and made up then he's fooled every US intelligence agency including NASA. The number of people who have investigated and continue to investigate him lend credence to his account being true.

edit on 13-6-2024 by TheRickestRick because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
today's computer edition of Fox News has this piece that is more telling than blurry lights at night.
What do you find telling about that? I read it, and see talk of drones, and secret crash retreival programs that despite being secret, everybody seems to know about them. No doubt the US and USSR were interested in each others crashed tech ever since the cold war began, but I don't see what's so telling about that.

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
At this point now for me, it’s easier because of modern science and current vernacular, verbiage ….to substitute all the references to the Bible’s “Spiritual”, “heavenly”, “unseen” with…..”Inter-dimensional” for things that are unseen from the naked eye….but for an instance…the unseen inter-dimensional things are sometimes seen.
I think you've been misled by pseudoscientists if you think there's any modern science on "interdimensional" explanations for UFOs etc.

Modern science requires there be exactly 3 dimensions of space and one of time. If there were more, observations would disagree with theory...unless the extra dimensions were, say smaller than a proton so they can't be observed. This is one idea related to string theory, that there are extra dimensions, but they are so tiny that they can't be observed and that's why it appears there are exactly three dimensions of space.

So if you want to postulate extra dimensions that are too small to be observed, yes there is some science about that in the form of string theory but event that is speculative, theoretical with no proof. But I don't see how such tiny, unobservable dimensions could explain UAPs or other phenomenon which people want to attribute to interdimensional. This was posted by one of the physicsts on ATS:

originally posted by: moebius
If you postulate an extra spatial dimension, you also have to explain why our physical laws are not affected by it, are constrained to our spacetime.

Gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear forces would look quite different with an extra dimension. The equations we derived from observations and experiments tell us mathematically that there are three spatial dimensions.

You would also have to come up with some additional forces, we've yet to observe, that would allow interaction with that higher dimensional space.

To me the extra/inter/etc dimensional angle in UFOlogy is a simplistic attempt to create a gap to hide the alien, very much like the religions are hiding their gods in a special unreachable space, a heaven.

But I am a boring person who believes that there is a natural explanation for real UFOs. It is just incredibly hard to look for, as it is being drowned in the noise created by UFOtainment.

Therefore since everything we see seems to operate in 3 dimensions of space and one of time, the interdimensional hypothesis, without any further explanation than saying "interdimensional", sounds like pseudoscience. If these other dimensions existed, why do all our observations by physicists suggest that they don't exist and that exactly 3 dimensions explain observations? There are no valid physical theories I know of that would be able to use this as an explanation for UFOs, because UFOs are visible to humans, the US navy even released some videos of them and so we have them in pictures and videos.

Saying UFOs are interdimensional means nothing to a physicist because it's taking one unknown (UFOs) and trying to explain it with another unknown, that sounds pseudoscientific since it constradicts observation. That doesn't really get you anywhere, it just adds a layer of unnecessary complexity, when we are better off saying we don't know what all the UFOs are. That shouldn't be too surprising. In the case of the US Navy UFO videos, the UFOs are probably too far away to make any kind of positive identification; The sensors appear to be at their highest magnification setting in the FLIR ufo video for example and it's still a fuzzy blob.

Here is another physicist opining on the IDH-Interdimensional or extra dimension claims:

Higher Dimensions in Physics and Mathematics!

Pseudoscientists lean heavily on the assumption that their readers will know absolutely nothing about science or math. This is a pretty safe assumption, alas. And it requires no effort on the part of the pseudoscientist, because he also invariably knows no science or math either.

It is worth summarizing the ways in which the various concepts of "higher dimensions'' gradually diffused out from legitimate math and science, through hundreds of increasingly distorted, confused and muddled journalistic presentations and sensationalizations, into late 19th Century science fiction and 20th Century pseudoscience.

In the late 19th Century mathematicians became increasingly interested in the foundations of geometry. Our own universe has 3 space dimensions. But what would geometry be like if there were 4 space dimensions? Or 5? Or 10? Or an arbitrary number? Or an infinite number? Mathematicians worked a great deal on geometries with arbitrary numbers of space dimensions.
In 1915, Einstein found a more general description of gravitational phenomena, in which the density of matter directly determines the "curvature'' of 4-dimensional space-time. That is, his theory of gravity was purely geometrical. The amount of matter determines the type of geometry that exists in the surrounding space. Other matter travels along the straightest possible trajectory in this curved space-time...

The structure of all known physical laws demands that our universe have only 3 extended space dimensions. For example, the fact— established and confirmed by experiment consistently for nearly 400 years— that all long-range interactions, such as gravity and the radiation field of the electromagnetic force, fall off like the inverse square of the distance, demands that space be precisely 3 dimensional.
But what about the 10 or 11 dimensions in string theory or M theory?

A typical string theory had 9 or 10 space dimensions and 1 time dimension. The extra space dimensions had to be there to incorporate phenomena other than gravity geometrically, but they could not "actually'' be there or the theory would not have worked. The solution was to curl these extra dimensions up mathematically into tight "wads'' no more than 10^-35 meters in length, a process called "compaction." The extra dimensions would thus be "compact," and indetectable.
So those extra dimensions in string or M theory are useless for the interdimensional UFO hypothesis, since nobody is seeing UFOs smaller than 10^-35 meters in length, that's too small to see. That's 100 million trillion times smaller than a proton which is roughly 10^-15 meters.

posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Quit a bit to digest there Arbi…

Admittedly a lot of it over my head……that if told to me a hundred different ways…I’d probably still not fully understand.

It’s a surface theory I’m willing to lean with, that what we call Interdimensional could account for what was and continue to be called the “spiritual” or “heaven” realms.

Have you’ve ever seen, things of the paranormal nature? For instance…ghost (spirit) hunting shows. Some footage is suspect and some looks legit….much like what’s seen in the UFOs footage.

Both the phenomenon and the paranormal have the commonality of energy orbs.

In the paranormal….beings are also caught on camera….sometimes voices are recorded.

To me ….such events that last but a moment before disappearing as it’s being witness suggests it emanating from an unseen place…..another dimension comes to mind.

What I see by UFO hunters and Ghost Hunters is relatively the same…..things happening in the air and things happening on the ground.

Arbz…….what’s your opinions on spirits (ghosts) even kinetic poltergeists? Is it Interdimensional, dimensional, extra dimensional…etc?



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