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Does this barbell shaped plasma UFO remind you guys of the Philadelphia experiment or am I way off?

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posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 08:44 PM
I may have overlooked a post about this I guess a contractor came forward with this barbell shaped UFO encounter

The craft rotated slowly around its center while emitting an electrical-spark-like shower, always opposite of the direction of travel,' the defense contractor stated, 'but without a specific origin point.'

The witness said he first attempted to film the UFO with two devices that he had on him, a Motorola cellphone and a Sony HD camera. 

But both devices behaved has if they were caught in 'a boot sequence,' failing to stay on while the craft was nearby, about 400 feet, leaving the witness to view the UFO more closely through the scope of his rifle. 

Up close, he told investigators, 'The lights that it emitted were not incoherent light,' meaning not the diffuse 'soft light' like that from a light bulb, but more like laser light.

The lay person's terms, he described the light as like 'tens of thousands of small lit particles, best described as those that occur during a fountain-type firework.'

But, more technically, the contractor described it as 'coherent' light: 'It was salty to my eyes. It was just as if I was looking into a laser that had been passed through a diffraction grating or something of that nature.'

Apparently the UFO rotated slowly for 6 or 7 minutes during which time the Sony camera finally started working but alas the footage was only static despite the camera working before and after the encounter with the craft.

Ok i know what an oscilloscope is but I have no idea in the world what this guy is saying here

This oscilloscope processing of the video revealed that the 'interference' matched the rhythm of the UFO's light show, according to Powell and Leech's report on the UFO case, conducted for the civilian group the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), 

What looked just like 'white noise' on the video tape actually showed 'a perfect pulsation function,' according to their report.

This hidden 'perfect' pulse revealed by the scope was 'timed to the revolution of the lights' on the UFO and repeated at the same speed 'roughly 1-second intervals.'

According to the defense contractor witness, the pattern was what would be expected if the 'indigo' plasma outside the UFO was behaving like a very large version of an normal alternating current (A/C) motor. 

Such a giant A/C motor would produce a magnetic field around it that could disrupt nearby electronics in a similar way. 

'I believe this to be a poly phasing of two immense high frequency A/C fields polarized differently,' as the defense contractor put it.

The witnesses described the craft as being indigo plasma and 170 feet long.

The article goes on to describe that once they analyzed the staticky video it led to 2 patents.

Calculated that the the craft had an approximate surface area of 3.1 million square inches, as he wrote to Powell and Leech, 'a minimum of 160MW (160 million watts)' of power would be needed to surround the craft in plasma. 

'This amount of power is 33 percent of the 478 million-watt nuclear power plant in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska,' he said, but packed into an object a fraction of that size.

Anyways this description of alternately rotating just reminded me of the Philadelphia experiment and Al Bielek for some reason so here we are.

What do you think? Another piece of fakery or concrete proof?

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 09:26 PM
For me 'concrete proof' requires a bit more than some guy relating what he saw. A few corobrating witnesses might help a tiny bit, like the Phoenix Lights.

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 09:32 PM
Just for fun....

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I'[m wonder how you have a bit of concrete--to use one of your words, evidence that connects to the Philadelphia Experiment that has not a shred of concrete evidence itself?

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

It is stated that oscilloscope readings of the video indicate interference matching the changes in the video. Well duh.

That application on measurements of the video is measuring the video itself. They are saying the oscilloscope sees the changes in the video as the video changes as viewed.

That is entirely useless information that they think is significant but is in fact just looking at the video with another instrument and saying it sees the video.

They use their toys to impress without any meaningful results at all. It just proves their instrument works.

They lack the understanding that their analysis is of the video itself and not the subject of the video. Dunning-Kruger has super powers in this article.

edit on 13-6-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2024 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

For those who are unfamiliar with the MUFON Case 74282 is the single most compelling, detailed, and credible witness I've ever researched. He is exceptionally intelligent, clearly knows what he's talking about, and recounts a very vivid encounter.

Here is the full interview for anyone interested:

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