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Is the Earth Ready ...?

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posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 11:08 AM
If we were to be invaded by aliens in about a week's time, what would we do ? What action would we take ? In other words how ready are we to face mass invasions and protect our planet ?

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 11:16 AM
Meh planet Earth has already been invaded.They are doing covert invasion and when they feel that they have taken contol of humanity they would do overt invasion.
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posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 07:49 PM
It would seem to me that the source of a military type threat is unimportant. We are as prepared as we can be to muster all the force that we have available to us. If it makes you feel any more secure, it has been proven that when the need is great even the lowest human can rise up and become a Hero. So we have a planet full of potential heros should the need arise. This may be true of all intelligent life, but I know it is true of the humans who live on this little rock.

I tend to not worry about that sort of thing though, Wars have always been about Land and Resources and in an infinite Universe there is little that is scarce enough to cause a need for conflict.

But... lets look at the non-intelligent, or what we call animal side. There is always the possibility of some big critter(s) showing up. So I do think we will have to take our weapons into Space whenever we really start to explore. A weapon is really a tool after all, in Space nukes have a proper place for their use both as power and big, big tool.

I do agree that there seems to be any number of different species of beings visiting here, and probably have been for most of history. Makes life interesting don't you think?


posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
It would seem to me that the source of a military type threat is unimportant. We are as prepared as we can be to muster all the force that we have available to us. If it makes you feel any more secure, it has been proven that when the need is great even the lowest human can rise up and become a Hero. So we have a planet full of potential heros should the need arise. This may be true of all intelligent life, but I know it is true of the humans who live on this little rock.

Hollywood makes it look easy, Independence Day, Alien, and all of the other UFO movies----they are just that, movies.

The likelihood of humans taking on the aliens is equivalent to the monkeys we have caged up in our zoos, breaking out and taking us----their enemy, out.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 09:44 PM
Sleeper if that is what you feel, fine with me. But there is no real basis for making such a judgement. Do not underestimate spirit and instinct, do you know how many humans are killed by animals each year? You cannot even chart how much more "advanced" human beings are over the animal kingdom and yet they still win now and then.

There might very well be Races in the Universe against which we as a Planet would have almost no real chance against in a conflict, maybe a lot of them. Just as true is that we could be attacked by someone that is actually weaker than we are. Or perhaps a Race that just does not look very clearly and jumps on a Planet that has hidden powers. No matter how advanced someone may be, mistakes can happen, misjudgements cause plans to fail.

Personally I think when judged against the life in the Universe as a whole, the people of Earth will come off a bit on the agressive side. We do not play as well with others as we could. But I admit that is a perception without much context as of yet.

Independance Day was fun, silly, and has about as much connection to Reality as any other movie, ie very, very little.


posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:10 PM
If hostile aliens decided to attack earth, then all of humanity would probably form a temporary alliance and would get all of the worlds top scientists together to figure out how we can best immitate the aliens superior technology, if they had any.

I think that we would probably try harder to exterminate the aliens than attempt to communicate with them and try to learn how to understand each other better, but hell, when someone is trying to kill you with out trying to talk to you, you try and kill them too.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
Do not underestimate spirit and instinct, do you know how many humans are killed by animals each year?


I'm not sure what you are trying to say Alexander. Are you implying that there are many humans killed every year by animals, or just that humans happen to be killed by animals? And if so, how does that relate to spirit and instinct?

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by siddharthsma
If we were to be invaded by aliens in about a week's time, what would we do ? What action would we take ? In other words how ready are we to face mass invasions and protect our planet ?

Personally, I don't believe that Aliens or ET would pull such a drama as an invasion of planet Earth.

Secondly, in the event that such a drama unfolds, we would never be ready for it, because we can barely manage emergency support services for our own locales.

We research, nurture, destroy and control non-human species here on Earth on a daily basis. Who are we to judge what Aliens/ET's would do to us, if they decided to pay us an extended visit?

[edit on 4/17/05 by w1kdtr1p]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 05:09 AM
> I'm not sure what you are trying to say Alexander. Are you implying
> that there are many humans killed every year by animals, or just
> that humans happen to be killed by animals? And if so, how does
> that relate to spirit and instinct?

Sorry, I was mixing two lines of thought there, and not very well. My points were in response both to a comment about monkeys and advanced technologies. Compared to earthly animals, humans are quite advanced. But despite the human advantage overall the primative animals take a toll on a regular basis, all the animals have is spirit and instinct. So I was just trying to say that in some invasion we might be the monkeys but we could still find a way to win the war.


posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 05:22 AM
Hey Hey We're The Monkeys.

Brute force can overcome most forms of intelligence and weaponry. Also, would they know our tactics or be familiar with how we fight battles.

Look at the bother the USA gets into when it's taking on third world opposition. It's not as clear cut as you may think.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 05:57 AM
IMO, it would all depend on how aggressive they were. If they were bent on total domination, i doubt we would survive as they would take us out from space.

It would be the same on earth, America could take whoever they wanted out if they had no morals or scruples and didnt care about retatliation they could just nuke them flat

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Irma
Look at the bother the USA gets into when it's taking on third world opposition. It's not as clear cut as you may think.

I'd like to reiterate what madjamjar said: if the US didn't care about it's "public" appearance or other consequences, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, etc. would have been parking lots in a week. A couple of well-placed nukes and about 5 days worth of carpet bombing with conventional bombs. No ground war needed.

I think the first question should be, if ETs were to invade, what are their purposes? If they're just pissy because we stopped beaming new episodes of "I Love Lucy," then they may go with the above scorched-earth policy. Kill everything that moves; if it doesn't move then use it for target practice.

If they're trying for enslaving humanity or something along those lines, then they would be much more careful. It could quite possibly be an entirely psychological war (and as some people think, may even be happening now.) In such a scenario, we might have a chance; they may take enough time for us to get our act together and retaliate. Of course, they may not even let us know it's happening until it's too late for us to do anything about it.

Another possibility is they may be able to attack us without even setting foot on the planet. They may have technology that allows them to fire some massive death ray at Earth (far-fetched, but who knows?), or be able to redirect an asteroid or comet at the planet. Then it doesn't matter how many "heroes" we have on the ground; we're all fried.

Then again, they may just come down, pick up a six pack and some Doritos, and get back along their way to where the action really is.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:46 AM
With all this talk I guess a good question would be: do we really need to militarize space surrounding Earth? Would that help repel an Invasion from ET?

I kinda wonder though... especially if there are species capable of travelling faster than the speed of light.


ps. pass the doritos

[edit on 4/18/05 by w1kdtr1p]

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 03:28 AM
MCory1 wrote:

>Another possibility is they may be able to attack us without even
>setting foot on the planet. They may have technology that allows
>them to fire some massive death ray at Earth (far-fetched, but
>who knows?), or be able to redirect an asteroid or comet at the
>planet. Then it doesn't matter how many "heroes" we have on
>the ground; we're all fried.

Since I take your "heros" comment to be a friendly jab at my post I would like to respond.

The question was about being 'invaded' that implies boots on the ground. In that sort of situation there is always a chance for things to go either way. The idea that an enemy might have weapons to level the planet is certainly a possibility. I give the original poster credit to know that nothing could stop one big mega-nuke that cracks the planet like an egg.

But does anyone really think we have done nothing all these years? The question about the existance of UFO and Alien Life is not an open one in the places who hold the evidence. They tend to think in military terms about everything so you might just be surprised at what cards the human race may actually hold if it came to a fight.

In part I was also responding to what I saw as a bit of worry on the originator of this Threads part. After reading about all the wild things that have been suggested over the years it is not uncommon to be afraid it might all be leading somewhere bad. I do not think this is true for a lot of reasons but even in the worst case there is always hope.

His question about 'invasion' does have one solid fact behind it, about the only thing an invader with the whole Universe to choose from could want from our little mudball would be humans themselves. Any other resource is available without any life to get in the way. That is the fundamental flaw in Independance Day 'once all natural resources are consumed they leave' if that is true why bother expending all the effort on an inhabited planet?


posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
MCory1 wrote:

That is the fundamental flaw in Independance Day 'once all natural resources are consumed they leave' if that is true why bother expending all the effort on an inhabited planet?

Maybe because ours was the only other breathable atmosphere around for a few galactic miles? They wanted to expand their race. They were bored. They thrive on the domination of other species. The list is endless.

I would imagine that if alien life exists it will be as diverse as our own cultures are. With some bent on Power, others on peace. Others middle of the road.

Even in a land war, i dont think we would have much of a chance, some yes, theres always hope, but overall, it would be like 21st century soldiers invading neolithic man, yeah they may hit a soldier in the head with a stone and give him a nasty concussion, but they generally wouldnt stand a chance.

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