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Aurora, Goddess of Dawn

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posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 12:35 PM
I would suffer the fate of Tythonus if only to caress your skin.

Evenso, I dare not ask such thing.

To hear your voice, and see you smile would suffice.

A simple hello, and a quick glance and I would be on my way.

Would you know me?

Could you?

Can any one?

Like I know myself?

I know who I am, in Truth.

I know what I am, in Truth.

I know how I serve, in Truth.

I know not however my place.

Where do I belong if not by your side?

Who's to say?

How the roles have reversed...

Who's chasing who these days?

Is not the Sun ever chasing Dawn!?

Bah, what do I know anyway...

I'm just a Man.

Once a fool who dared to dream.

Then much, much more.

But these days?

Not so much...

I am as dust.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 01:57 AM
Nice. Aurora is the goddess of rebirth if i remember as well. Theres also a comic series where Aurorar(dawn) is constantly meeting and leaving cerununos. They meet again in the spring(dawn) of a new year and seperate in the end of the year. ONly to do the same again .


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