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Neuropeptide device to trigger egg production and ovulation in women

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posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:21 PM
Occasionally, I have very vivid and clear "visions" of things from the future. Such as news reports and technology

These are not like a normal dream, or vision within a meditative state. These are visions as clear as if I were fully conscious, experiencing something in the waking world

In full colour and clarity that is sometimes beyond that of this world. Colours more pure and rich than any I have seen in the world

This is one of those visions

I am watching a TV. But the definition on this TV is so perfect, it looks impossible. Like some type of laser or hologram based technology. It makes today's digital TVs look like old tube TVs

(I've actually seen detailed diagrams for a TV technology like this, including exact algorithms, etc, that I wrote down in detail. Along with other technology such as anti-gravity, electricity from water, atmospheric telecommunications, steel concrete, obsidian steel, etc. But these are topics for another time)

I am watching a news report which looks like it from the future

A woman talks to her friend about getting her period. To which her friend asks "Natural, or Synthetic?"

The news report starts talking about an implant which has been developed that allows women to trigger egg production

I see a diagram of the womans uterus and a small rod-like implant, which is placed just above the uterus

They say that the rod releases neuropeptides that trigger egg production in a woman

They go on you say that they used to believe that a woman was born with all the eggs that she will ever have. And they now know that this is not the case

The reporter says that it means, for the first time ever, women who were seemingly born without the ability to produce eggs, may be able to produce them, within their own bodies. Albeit with a little help from science

The report ends be showing women looking at a calendar planning their upcoming social life

... Saying that it also means, that for the first time ever, women will be able to plan their ovulation around their social calender ... And not the other way around

To within 4 days ...

Though, of course, the technology is only recommended for women who need it
edit on 10 6 24 by Compendium because: Added clarification and fixed mistakes

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:38 PM
Do do realise that no woman can produce eggs of her own but for a daughter in the womb they then give birth to?

Perhaps what you are refering to is the "preparation" of those donated potential eggs once a female starts ovualting at puberty and what you are therefore describing is yet another method of contraception.
edit on 10/6/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I Hope you are Right there . The Future of the Entire Human Race is at steak here..........

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I am referring to exactly what I saw

I am dictating a vision I had (visual and auditory) of a news report

I wrote it all down straight away, as close to word for word as possible

I didn't even know what a neuropeptide was (exactly), before this. I had to google it, and it's role in reproduction

But it very clearly said, for the first time a woman can "produce eggs in her own body"

originally posted by: Compendium

They say that the rod releases neuropeptides that trigger egg production in a woman

They go on you say that they used to believe that a woman was born with all the eggs that she will ever have. And they now know that this is not the case

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 10:45 PM
Only available to women who need it? So, that expensive new system will be available to women who can afford it basically.

I am sure that if someone is rich or influential, their doctors who benefit from the medical treatment will be able to get them what they want....sounds like TV on demand is now Period on demand. Does anyone else here think that maybe this whole country is going nuts? Why not get your brain connected to a computer system so you do not have to go school anymore and everyone is fed the same BS that the programmers of the computers think is relevant to know.

I actually like eating at home, even though the wife and I could go to a restaurant and order exactly what we want. People are getting so entitled that soon they will think the world rotates around them.

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: nerbot

Interesting, I was of the impression that the only thing actually having the same genetic setup as the mother, was the placenta...

But i guess if it's all the mothers then aborting it anytime she wants, becomes a reasonable line of thinking...

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 07:39 AM
With all this funding going into transgender, there is a big push trying to crack the code for reproduction. Sad to see all the child mutilations going on. Not surprised a lot of these school shooters have ben damaged by this.

All the eggs have to start somewhere. If you how it all works maybe it is possible for the ladies to grow another one? Could be a good thing as lot of these eggs do get exposed to a lot of different toxins over time. Would it really be the same having a new fresh egg compared to one that has matured for a long time?

Have been more expecting more the rise of the clones as beings are made in test tubes rather than mothers if science does get that far by some of its approaches. A device like the one you talk about has a market if it can be done.

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 03:58 PM
Sounds awesome Compendium. In the midst of the whole world predicting an apocalyptic nightmare it is important for the select few to envision the true future, which is bright. I’d love to read about the other tech you saw in your dreams one day.

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