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Synchronicity: El Salvador - MH370 - The Great Reset...

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posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 06:03 PM
Hi folks,

I took a lot of flak (again) for yet another thread the other day, which combined a belief in the flat Earth theory with my personal Christian faith. Fair enough, those are big leaps if they aren't integrated as core beliefs based on twenty thousand other pieces of information that you've spent literally decades piecing together, one strand at a time. And certainly a big part of what I do is speculation - it's impossible to know, after a certain point, on either topic - but after decades of a very general interest in ALL things conspiratorial & anti-authoritarian, and a very real & dynamic personal faith in the living & abiding presence of God acting in my life & the lives of those around me in both family & churches, I am totally convinced of two things in that regard: the Earth is flat, and Jesus Christ is the Sovereign of the entire Cosmos, whatever it is & however far it goes. Take that or leave it, it's not the subject of the thread - not directly so anyway, though as noted in the title there is a huge element of Synchronicity, or Divine Providence, to this entire kettle of fish.

So, onwards. I will preface this by saying that even if the subjects aren’t directly based around my faith, and a belief in the flat Earth theory, my faith bears a lot on the first half of the information I want to bring to ATS today. But the second half of the information conveyed here actually came first, when I had insomnia due to severe pain overnight on Wednesday night – but I’ll come to that shortly. Then, on Thursday morning I watched an interview with Tucker Carlson which had only just gone online, and as a direct result of watching that - immediately after watching a two hour video on the first piece of information - I sincerely & truly believe that a miracle has taken place within the realm of international politics.

The interview was with the El Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele. He was inaugurated as president a couple of days ago & apparently there was a very large confluence of international delegations who came to watch & take part in the inauguration ceremony, and the situation that had led to this occasion was the reason Tucker Carlson had paid attention to what was happening & made it a priority to fly down there & do an interview.

The interview was a phenomenal revelation, as the very humble President Bukele made his points in response to the interview questions. For those who don’t know, El Salvador (literal meaning ‘The Saviour’, in Spanish) is where the international Satanic gang MS13 came from originally, and over the years of their rise to massive infamy around the world they went from being a humble street gang in Los Angeles to one of the most feared gangs internationally, even amongst other gangs. They’re the guys with the insane face/neck/everywhere tattoos, you know who I mean. And they really were Satanists as their ascent up the gangland ranks went on; they would commit ritual murders of infants & children as cult sacrifices for ‘the Beast’ as they named their dark god. I don’t want to give away too many of the stunning revelations in the interview, but I need to explain a few so you’ll go watch it.

Bukele’s party achieved power in increments, because as with most political systems, the system was set up so that nobody could come along & rock the boat. It’s a country of six million people, after three million left for the USA after the gang took de facto power in the tiny nation. Four years ago, El Salvador was the most dangerous country in the world. Their murder rate was three times as bad then as Haiti’s is right now, it was shocking. It was literally ranked by the UN as the deadliest, most dangerous nation in the world going off the rate of murders, rapes, and other serious crimes that were occurring daily. Long story cut very short, in the space of four years, Bukele managed to get into power, doubled the size of the army, and then used them to round up MS13. All 70,000 of them. When they started making real progress, MS13 declared war on the government by beginning to murder people indiscriminately, holding the government to ransom – they would keep killing if the arrests didn’t stop. After 87 civilians had been murdered in three days only, at 3am one night, the president & his entire cabinet were at a loss. They didn’t know how they could avoid a mass bloodbath if they persisted in their efforts to round up the gang. So what did they do? Every single one of them decided to seek first the wisdom of God, and went into prayer together, repeatedly through the night, as a group. They happened all to be Christians, though they are a secular state, they are a democracy with a super majority congressional mandate & they maintain a separation of church & state. However, they sought God and they prayed that there wouldn’t be a bloodbath. They prayed first & foremost for wisdom. And for a miracle.

They got their miracle. In the end, they managed to arrest almost all the gang members, with fewer killed than anyone expected. Those prisoners are now in a jail that is run effectively 100% by the El Salvadorian government, NOT by the gangs, as had been the case before for many years.

How many honourable police & soldiers did they lose in the process? EIGHT.

How many civilian casualties? NONE.

INCREDIBLE – a literal miracle, in my humble opinion.

However, instead of singing the praises of Bukele & his government, the international political & human rights community went on the attack. Watch the interview to hear the insane things they were accused of, and hear the incredible full story from the man from whom you should hear it, President Bukele. Here is the video interview to watch, with Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson with President Nayib Bukele, on the El Salvador geopolitical miracle

Now then – onwards to the second part of the thread, which was a total shock to me, way out of left field, involving a relatively new voice in the independent podcasting scene, Ashton Forbes, who has investigated the MH370 civilian passenger plane disappearance which occurred in 2014. Videos came to light recently which seem to show a bizarre event in which the missing plane was surrounded by three orbiting objects, which somehow opened a portal which made the plane disappear completely from the skies. The videos that have emerged are a satellite feed of the incident, and a drone feed of the incident. When Ashton explains what is happening in the images, and the vast quantities of independent analysis & scientific fact which supports his theory, it is simply stunning to perceive. Here is the podcast to watch:

Red Pill News with Ashton Forbes on the MH370 research – STUNNING REVELATIONS


edit on JuneFriday2416CDT06America/Chicago-050018 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 06:03 PM
The videos are genuine. A real event occurred in which a passenger plane, with fire in the luggage compartment (lithium ion batteries) can be seen to be surrounded by tiny UAP ‘objects’ which swirl around the plane multiple times before seemingly opening a portal through which the plane is sucked instantly, vanishing in less time than a single heartbeat. Later in the podcast (Red Pill News) on which Ashton is providing a blow by blow account of the evidence he has gathered, and the information he has received regarding classified & vastly advanced scientific dominance of the US government & military-industrial complex, he explains there was a weird ‘letter’ in oratory sent to him by someone who claimed to have insider knowledge of exactly what had happened. This person sent a video to Ashton, in which he congratulated him for his excellent efforts in researching the MH370 event, and then described what happened in the videos which he had been investigating. This person stated that the US government had a system which was able to teleport any object in 3D spacetime in an instant to any location in the world, using technology based on AI, quantum computing, and the quantum entanglement of particles.

The description of the science is very convincing – he explains that such miraculous technologies, which include weapons potential, had been available to the US since the sixties, but only really came into use properly when the first quantum computers were developed in the early 2000s. He claimed that the event witnessed in the videos was the deliberate action of the US authorities to covertly recover dozens of scientists & members of their family who were in the process of defecting to the Chinese authorities. The event, he claimed, was based on familiar technology which was able to teleport anything from anywhere in the world to the base on Diego Garcia, in this instance. They were being recovered to prevent them from giving vital intelligence to the Chinese regarding technology that could achieve similar aims. Eventually, ten days after the event, the Chinese conceded defeat & sent a satellite image of the event to the world’s news media, claiming it was ‘possible debris’ of MH370. On investigating, it is clear that the photo is actually a shot of the event in process as the plane was being recovered by this American technology. They were conceding defeat, claimed the mysterious composer of the ‘letter’ to Ashton Forbes. You should definitely watch the Red Pill News podcast linked above to get a handle on the evidence & the science of what occurred, it is highly convincing.

But what are the implications? Essentially, the US government has technology that is perhaps a hundred years or more advanced beyond what is publicly available. They are able to operate over-unity energy production generators which can access unlimited free energy, which can also be used as a weapon, or for the stated teleportation function. They apparently believe that the world is not ready for multiple nations to have access to this technology, and of course they have absolute technological dominance over every nation in the world as a result. Therefore what we see on the international geopolitical stage is largely scripted by the US, as they are in total control of what happens in the world in the main, as a result of their total dominance militarily, etc. They could, in essence, end world hunger, end the reliance on so-called ‘fossil’ fuels, they could produce unlimited free energy for everyone on Earth, wirelessly. The world could enter a new Golden Age if they shared the technology & we were all able to ‘upgrade’ our entire way of living, forever, generating a sort of paradisical state of enlightenment, as innovation continued with the benefits of quantum computing, AI & all the other technologies involved.

However, they will not allow this.

Instead, we see the Great Reset agenda playing out blow by blow on the world stage. It is all an act, scripted, every nation eating out of the palm of the USA’s hand, afraid of the consequences if they were to defy the US in anything of real concern. They want to tear down the old way of doing things, so they can build up a New World Order of magnificent proportions & capabilities, under the total dominance of the leaders in the USA. This is why they don’t care if our systems fail, if the world grinds to a halt & if people are murdered indiscriminately by a bioweapon vaccine during a pre-planned ‘plandemic’ designed to reduce the world’s population & birth rate, so as to prepare for the ‘build back better’ of infinite power that they control entirely.

The El Salvador miracle then is an anomaly, and third world nations all over the world are flocking to the president & his cabinet to discover how they too could potentially pull of just such a miracle in their own nations, ravaged by crime & civil war. They want to achieve what Nayib Bukele achieved, and there is every chance that the president is actively evangelising, describing with humility how they won the spiritual war which then prepared the way for them to win the material war against the powerful gang that ruled with an iron fist in El Salvador for many years. But the USA, and its lapdog minions around the world, do not want this. They want to prevent the spiritual war from being won, because they want to destroy what currently exists, so they can build back better with their own total dominance on display.

This is the mission we have – to maintain the edifice of Western civilisation & to prevent its destruction in which it would then be dominated by the US & its allies. Nayib Bukele makes a great point about the decline of the West; he says that everything made by the hand of Man, even a democratic civilisation, must be maintained & shored up, reinvigorated periodically, or it will decay irrevocably. Bukele believes that the West is being allowed to disintegrate entirely because “Evil people have plans”. And I tend to agree with him. They want the Great Reset, to destroy what exists & to build up what will be controlled entirely by them. That is why we are seeing the rise of legislation around the world that cripples freedom & prevents us from building a future within the system that presently exists, yet is decaying right in front of our eyes.

As the Lord said:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.…

Matthew 6: 19


edit on JuneFriday2416CDT06America/Chicago-050014 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 06:03 PM
Everything must be maintained, worked on to ensure that decay does not take root & destroy what was built up as a great example of societal engineering, IE the USA.. As Thomas Jefferson once said:

”The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

It could very well be that time for America in particular, but whether the people will ever be able to rise up & overthrow the political establishment which is so crooked & corrupt, when they are in charge of technologies so immensely powerful – it is a hard thing to contemplate. After giving it much consideration, I believe that the only way that the Great Reset can be stopped is by the direct intervention of God, to bring about a change that will test the heart of every person alive today. As a very famous political philosopher & author once said:

”The line between good & evil runs through every human heart”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago.

Only a test which examines the heart of each & every one of us can change the world in the way it needs to be changed without risking the destruction of everything we hold dear. It is my opinion that the time of the unveiling is nearly upon us – the time when we shall know the world as it truly is, when we shall know God as He truly is, and we shall know ourselves, as we truly are. May the Apocalypse bring us to the future we need to see. May it destroy the wicked from amongst us, and thereby give the world into the hands of those who are destined to inherit it.

Lots to think about. I hope I have explained my thoughts well enough, please ask me anything about what I’ve written & I’ll endeavour to explain better as needs be.



posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:11 PM
Here is the video in which the 'letter' to Ashton Forbes is spoken. It is highly revealing, I find it compelling:

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:47 PM

My second favorite show on the air right now, second only to Chewing the Fat with Jeff Fisher, is Pat Gray Unleashed. They do a show the last Friday of the month called Free Think Friday. They just did MH370 with this gentleman.

You may be able to find the episode on yt, but you will definitely find it on BlazeTV.

This guy's case is mind blowing!

Before I comment more, let me share a story with you...there are a few here who can back me up, but I will let them speak if they want to.

I don't remember when the satellite and drone video first hit the net, 6 or 8 months ago?

Anyway, someone posted them on a thread here. For some weird reason, I caught it right when it posted. I watched with my jaw on the floor.

I go back, s&f and comment on the post. I go back out, and another member posted. I reply back, and get a reply back. I go back and reply.

It had been 5 minutes by now and replies are almost to page 3. I hit reply and it just sits there and sits there. You know what I am talking about, it has probably happened to all of us at one point.

I say screw it and hit the new button, and the thread is gone. Seriously, nowhere to be found. Very weird. I go to my mail to see if it was moved or trashed or what...nothing. I go to my activities. I search it. It was just gone.

I am not afraid to say it, that scared me more than I have ever been scared in my life. And I've seen some effed up things.

Suffice it to say, that was the event that proved to me two things:

1. That those videos are real.

2. And as much as we joke about it, this site is at least monitored by some agencies I never want to piss off.

As to my take on this:

For a long time now, I believe the US somehow became the 4th reich. The first thing we do, is operation paperclip. We grab all the secret tech we can, and a ton of scientists, bring them to the states, and classify their work.

Those are the scientists involved in NASA. And some, like Von Braun, helped start Disney. And the JPL. Some how Crowley is in the thick of it too, because of Parsons.

Just like the inner sanctum of the ss, all of this was done with deep, dark, occult beliefs.

I believe paperclip and the us have just continued their research. In the name of freedom and security.

I also think this technology is way older than us. It is not alien, but that it was taught to man by the nephilim.

A few of those men have kept this technology hidden as a way to control the serfs.

I often wonder why this tech is starting to come to light. And then I see the left, as with most of the world, and their hatred towards Israel. I pray it is not the battle coming that it seems to be.

It is either that, or the run up to bluebeam.

Either way, it seems we are being enslaved by technology in more ways than one. As mind blowing as those vids are, I think it is safe to say we haven't seen the half of it yet.

edit on 7-6-2024 by theatreboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

Interesting thoughts, thanks for the contribution. In addition to Paperclip, the entire Eastern desk of the CIA was formed whole cloth from the Soviet spy network of the Nazis, under Reinhardt Gehlen. So literally the entire section of the CIA based in Europe & the Soviet Union was taken from the Nazi party's spy network, and Gehlen was even allowed to remain in charge!

Then of course, the Nazis in exile, in Argentina & other parts of South America, began to spread their influence throughout the USA via Paperclip influences & the CIA, as well as other parts of what became the Deep State. I strongly believe that the Nazi party never surrendered WW2, only the Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces actually signed the surrender documents. So the Nazis fled Europe with vast wealth & technology, and later infiltrated the USA & elsewhere, using their technology & their wealth to invest in corporations & develop a strong base of power in the USA & elsewhere. As you say, the USA in terms of the Deep State is essentially the Fourth Reich.

This is a major part of the reason why the El Salvador miracle is being viewed as negative, because they are fascist atheists/occultists, and desire to rule the entire world in a New World Order developed under the aegis of the Great Reset.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I did not know the CIA east coast angle...


posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

I would strongly recommend reading 'The Nazi International' and other books by author JP Farrell, his website can be found HERE to get a really good understanding of the Nazis after WW2, he writes on other conspiracy topics also, all his works are excellent.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I watched the Tucker Carlson interview and quite enjoyed it. I never realized El Salvador was in such a distressed situation until Nayib Bukele came to power there. Also, I didn't realize MS-13 was from El Salvadore and was so powerful, not only there but a worldwide satanic syndicate. Yes, it must have been a divine miracle that he and his government were successful in reining in the corruption in that small country in the short time they accomplished it. I do believe in divine miracles through prayer. In God, all things are possible.

I also watched as much as I could tonight of the other video you posted but couldn't sit through almost 3 hours worth of something my simple mind had problems comprehending. LOL

I know this is pretty much off topic in this thread but since you mentioned it at the beginning, I'll dare to bring it up, briefly. The flat earth theory is just not something I can wrap my simple mind around. The sun doesn't appear flat. The moon doesn't appear flat. All of the other planets in the galaxy don't appear flat. All of the planets orbit the sun that turns on axis. All of the other planets rotate on axis exposing their entire surfaces to us. So why would we consider the earth to be flat? Is the earth a freak anomaly?

A piece of paper is flat but it is still 3 dimensional. It has length, width and depth. It may be only millimeters deep but it still has depth. I can dig a hole that proves the earth has depth so tell me what is on the other side of this flat earth? Is there another world on the other side? Another complete civilization of alieen beings on the other side? Why has no explorer ever found the edge? I can't believe the flat earth theory. Not a chance.

No need to rehash this theory just for me but because I can not accept the flat earth theory, even though I am sure you believe in the rest of what you espouse here, and don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying it isn't so, but for me it brings into question the rest of what you propose. You may be spot on. I do not know.

I'll try to watch the rest of your posted videos sometime tomorrow, today, and give your proposals the consideration your post deserves. 3 hours is a long video.

In your next post, may I suggest you leave off mentioning flat earth? For many here, I think it may detract from the credibility of your posts somewhat.
edit on 8-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

At or around 51:56 or so, even Ashton Forbes admits the earth is a sphere.

Question here: If the technology is available to teleport from place to place, why is NASA still using rockets to get satellites into space? Why do they not just place a 4th orb into space orbit and use the other 3 orbs to surround the object they want to get into space? Then again, maybe they are. I can't imagine they are but I don't know. I don't think they are.

I tend to be skeptical of what I can not find evidence to support. I searched the US patent office for Malcolm Bendell patents and did not find anything under his name. "Vortex generator or thunderstorm generator, Malcolm Bendell".

Another question: If the power of teleportation is possible, why set MH-370 ablaze with lithium batteries before it is teleported, especially when the theory of pilot suicide/ murder is used to explain the plane's disappearance? Doesn't add up for me. To make them turn away from their original flight plan? They had plenty of opportunity to land so why didn't they? Far too many questions and no answers concerning that doomed plane.

I'm sorry but I can't do any more of that 3 hour video. I got through the first hour + but I just burned out at it. At that point for me, it was all too fantastic imagination and conspiracy theory with no even close to real proof to validate anything they spoke about up to this point.

Without proof, I have problems believing. That's my nature.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: charlest2
MS-13 is not from El Salvador, it was Salvadorans in LA, that took the example of other LA gangs to form their own gang.

When the US deported some of them to El Salvador without warning what they were, it allowed them to then take hold in El Salvador.

The whole satanic thing sounds like more satanic panic from the religious sector. Not saying that there are not people who set up altars and take part in rituals but honestly it is about money when it comes to organized crime.

edit on 8-6-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: daskakik

MS-13 is not from El Salvador, it was Salvadorans in LA

Yes, I heard that. My mistake in saying they were.

The whole satanic thing sounds like more satanic panic from the religious sector.

President Nayib Bukele himself told Tucker they had morphed into a satanic cult and even performed child sacrificial activities. Just something he said during the interview.

edit on 8-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: charlest2
President Nayib Bukele himself told Tucker they had morphed into a satanic cult and even performed child sacrificial activities. Just something he said during the interview.

I heard that too. The thing is that the MS member who told the story didn't see that until he was at the top or close to it. Yeah, some nut jobs at the top might be "satanic" everyone else below them were just making money.

What Bukele did was great, but it wasn't a product of prayer. People all over the world in violent countries pray for an end to that violence but only Bukele and his cabinet get their prayers answered? That is absurd.

What Bukele had was some big people backing him. They pulled so much political sway that Bukele wasn't even allowed to serve a second term according to the constitution but even the Court of Constitutionality of El Salvador ruled the reelection was legit.

The intention might be good, for the benefit of the people, but it wasn't prayer that made it possible, it was a group in the shadows calling the shots. Who that may be is anyone's guess.

edit on 8-6-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Your cynical attitude is ridiculous. The way they reigned in the gang members with such low casualties is a miracle by anyone's standards. No civilians died after the third day of violent attacks against civilians, and only 8 soldiers/policemen died in the entire process of crippling a gang network of 70,000 members. That my friend, is what anyone calls a miracle.

Of course everyone prays for peace, no matter where they are - but in this situation everything was in place for God to work His miracle through the people on the ground. They won the spiritual war, and that translated to a win in the material war also. Just the fact that this happened under an entirely Christian cabinet/government is the reason why these prayers were answered - they were united in their faith, in their mission, all the circumstances were right for the miracle to take off.

And the whole point of it is that they are now an example to the world of what happens when good Christian men & women control a government & have faith in God to bring about great works of justice. The rest of the world is ruled by atheists & secretive occultists - they aren't even trying to address the problems in their nations, because as I stated in the OP, their whole agenda is to tear down the Western world & rebuild it from scratch, after years living safely in their underground cities/ bunkers. They WANT everything to fail, so they can come riding in & 'build back better' after everything has collapsed. As I said in the OP, they have incredible technologies that have been hidden from the world, with which they can produce near-miraculous events of construction & energy production.

Cynicism is a cop-out, you're obviously an atheist determined to believe that there is no such thing as God. Trouble is, everything about this El Salvador situation shows that good Christians were committed to a mission, united in their faith, and God answered their prayers by giving them the wisdom regarding how to proceed.

It clearly worked, so why are you so set against it?

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 09:54 AM
However, to my mind, we are clearly now approaching the Apocalypse, or the Great Unveiling - when we see the world for what it really is, when we see our rulers for what they really are, when we see God for who He truly is, and when we see ourselves for what we really are.

I strongly believe that a bloodless coup is possible, under certain circumstances where God is acting in a sovereign manner. In scripture we hear of the Rider on a white horse, who rides out conquering over the whole Earth. He will be an agent of the LORD, and his actions will help to demonstrate what the LORD intends towards Humanity as a whole, if they will get behind the one agenda that can be trusted, the agenda of God Almighty.

Even if the rulers & the powerful, the insanely wealthy occultists & atheists all scurry into their underground bunkers/ cities, ultimately when they realise what is happening they will pray for the mountains above them to fall on their heads so they can escape the wrath of God which is levelled at them for the horrendous crimes they have committed in the pursuit of absolute power on the Earth in the days leading up to the onset of the Apocalypse. They tried to take over & rule the world, they followed Satanic practices as is well documented throughout various research centres online. But they will fail, they will fall, they will pray for oblivion to hide from the God who stands in judgment against them.

"Look, the days are coming when people will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed!’ At that time ‘ they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!”’ For if men do these things while the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”…

Luke 23: 29-31

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Yeah, 0 civilians died, well, except for those first 87.

Of course everyone prays for peace, no matter where they are - but in this situation everything was in place for God to work His miracle through the people on the ground.

Your god needs things to be in place to work his miracles? Seems pretty weak.

It clearly worked, so why are you so set against it?

I'm all for it, I am against you claiming it was a miracle from god.

God didn't even give them wisdom, whoever was backing Bukele granted him security. For all we know it could have been a more powerful criminal organization.

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