posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 09:10 AM
We exist within a world of duality.
There exists balance.
Within the physics of our universe, every action results in an equal but opposite reaction.
Therefore, in order to overcome the duality of Good/Evil, we must redefine it.
Else, we will only repeat the cycle ad infinitum.
Even with 1000 years of light and peace, the darkness must be unleashed.
One would think such a length of time to suffice for a new paradigm to be established.
If we flood the world with love and light, as we should, we must await a day of return in opposite.
By playing with words and shadows, I believe we can establish a new order of things.
But we must take action.
Good and Evil is a thing of the past.
I propose we go back to fundamentals.
Focus on Light and Darkness.
One can play with shadows without wickedness.
Much the same, death can be redefined as a partner to life, not its end and antithesis.
I encourage you to explore our world of dualities and play with irony, for it is a powerful tool in expression.
We have all the time in the world.
But time is short...
Good Luck my brethren.
And fare well.