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US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home in North Carolina

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posted on May, 26 2024 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

Or, ...are we rather seeing a carefully constructed piece of "media spin"?

I guess it is from which media...since most are liberal, but it seems all are reporting kind of the same thing. They all do not report that he was without papers, so that is one thing. It seems we have this below from the Sheriff.

Daraev was shot multiple times and was found on private property near a power line. He is alleged to have been a subcontractor with New Jersey-based Utilities One.

However, the Moore County Sheriff’s Office said Daraev had no utility equipment, utility clothing or identification on him when he was killed.
Agencies including the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration and FBI are all involved.

“Investigators are diligently working to gather all relevant information prior to concluding the investigation, including autopsy reports and findings from the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office,” a news release from the Moore County Sheriff’s Office said.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Is someone trespassing if they are taking pictures at a distance and are authorised to enter the property for purposes of maintenance of services? Can you claim self-defence if the person you are shooting is unarmed?

If the property is not posted as "NO TRESPASSING" then technically no, they are not. However, if they are asked to leave and refuse, then yes, they are. In any case, simple trespass is only a misdemeanor. Criminal trespass, on the other hand, such as breaking into a home / business is a more serious crime and could possibly involve deadly force. However, it does not sound like this is the case.

Does this give a person the right to shoot them in self defense? For trespassing alone, no, simple trespassing does not qualify as a life threatening or grave danger situation. If the property was properly posted, would this change anything? No, it is still just a misdemeanor. If it was a government facility posted with "Deadly Force is Authorized" then this would change things, but it doesn't sound like this was the case. It is not legal for private citizens to post a property in this fashion.

Can you claim self-defense if the person you are shooting is unarmed? This depends. Define 'unarmed'. No one is ever truly 'unarmed', but the question is to what degree. If Mike Tyson or Chuck Norris was in your yard, even if they didn't have a knife or firearm, then you could probably use deadly force in self defense. Short of that, it's probably going to need to be a pretty extreme and/or extenuating circumstance.

All that said, I'm not sure if we know whether the person who was shot was unarmed.

Conclusion - Not enough information to make an informed decision about who was right and who was wrong.

edit - The bottom line here about self defense is; trespassing really doesn't have anything to do with it. What really matters in a self defense situation is what level of threat was presented to the shooter. If that threat was at the grave bodily harm and/or threat of death level, then the requirements have been met for the use of deadly force in self defense.
edit on 5/26/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I saw earlier that the Admiral in charge of CONUS Naval Bases said they're getting 2 - 3 attempted penetrations of our bases per week over the last few months.

All by illegals.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: chr0naut

Is someone trespassing if they are taking pictures at a distance and are authorised to enter the property for purposes of maintenance of services? Can you claim self-defence if the person you are shooting is unarmed?

If I was in the same situation who I saw two men taking photos of my family/house, and I went to talk to them it really doesn't take much to escalate this situation to draw and shoot. I'm not going to fight two men even if I think I can win. I'll draw and tell them to stop and if they don't then at least one is dead.

I'm sure you would.

Other news reportage say that the police questioned a second man who was not on the property and was in a car nearby, and the police had ruled out any connection between them.

Zerohedge conflated that to being two men both Chechen, both undocumented, on the property.

No other news site makes reference to anyone being undocumented, or to any suggestion that the deceased was photographing either children, or photographing the home of the shooter.

The family of the deceased say that he was photographing the power lines as evidence that he had completed his job.

And the other thing, if someone invites you to their home, don't go. Because they could have criminal intent and just kill you unexpectedly, and when the police come around, they just have to say "they were trespassing and threatening my family" and everything would be OK. Of course, then the murderer would be cheered on as a hero by other clueless gun-nuts, who would probably say "I'd do that if my family/home were threatened". Not saying that that it happened in this case, but police have to consider the possibility when someone has been killed.

edit on 2024-05-26T15:54:43-05:0003Sun, 26 May 2024 15:54:43 -050005pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Xtrozero

I saw earlier that the Admiral in charge of CONUS Naval Bases said they're getting 2 - 3 attempted penetrations of our bases per week over the last few months.

All by illegals.

Yet in the case described in the OP, there was no attempt to penetrate the base, which was about 40 miles away (by road) from where the incident happened (Check it out on a map).

Zerohedge said the incident was "near" the base. LOL.

edit on 2024-05-26T15:52:21-05:0003Sun, 26 May 2024 15:52:21 -050005pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Exactly on target with that yo!

Tom Clancy stuff, is all based on real life information.
The characters may be fiction, but the story is woven with very real scenarios.

I've been a huge Clancy fan since the 90s.

The Division and Division 2, are my go to loot n shoot.
However that aside, Dark Winter went live, just with a twist.

There's more going on on the world and USA that we the people are being distracted from.

The news goes through cycles of's ad nauseum.

I want to days when real international news was being reporter, like this thread is pointing out.

Thank you for sharing this information.

We all should be staying alert.

If this is an isolated incident, I'll be more surprised than if it isn't.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Then I would suggest you not do it!

People can be taking pictures of your home for various reasons - some are totally benign.
For the ones that aren't, my guess is they would be a little sneaky about it. Cameras now fit in pens.

Don't be like that guy who shots someone just because they had the wrong house.

I'm not going to argue you get to keep a gun but that gun DOES NOT give you the right to be a judge and executioner.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 10:26 PM
Being a Special Forces Soldier does on occasion require they use their battlefield instincts. This might be that.

originally posted by: Daughter2v2
a reply to: Xtrozero

Then I would suggest you not do it!

People can be taking pictures of your home for various reasons - some are totally benign.
For the ones that aren't, my guess is they would be a little sneaky about it. Cameras now fit in pens.

Don't be like that guy who shots someone just because they had the wrong house.

I'm not going to argue you get to keep a gun but that gun DOES NOT give you the right to be a judge and executioner.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn

I saw earlier that the Admiral in charge of CONUS Naval Bases said they're getting 2 - 3 attempted penetrations of our bases per week over the last few months.

All by illegals.

I have only seen one article that said they were undocumented, so it will be interesting if that is true.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
I'm sure you would.

Other news reportage say that the police questioned a second man who was not on the property and was in a car nearby, and the police had ruled out any connection between them.

Zerohedge conflated that to being two men both Chechen, both undocumented, on the property.

No other news site makes reference to anyone being undocumented, or to any suggestion that the deceased was photographing either children, or photographing the home of the shooter.

The family of the deceased say that he was photographing the power lines as evidence that he had completed his job.

And the other thing, if someone invites you to their home, don't go. Because they could have criminal intent and just kill you unexpectedly, and when the police come around, they just have to say "they were trespassing and threatening my family" and everything would be OK. Of course, then the murderer would be cheered on as a hero by other clueless gun-nuts, who would probably say "I'd do that if my family/home were threatened". Not saying that that it happened in this case, but police have to consider the possibility when someone has been killed.

I'm with you as to whether the person was undocumented, the police said the person had zero gear to suggest he was working for the power company or some other company.

And the other thing, if someone invites you to their home, don't go. Because they could have criminal intent and just kill you unexpectedly,

When has that ever

So, the guy is spec ops, I'm assuming he is controlled under a dangerous situation, so either he was attacked, or he is just some psycho.

edit on x31Sun, 26 May 2024 23:19:50 -05002024146America/ChicagoSun, 26 May 2024 23:19:50 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: Daughter2v2

I'm not going to argue you get to keep a gun but that gun DOES NOT give you the right to be a judge and executioner.

When you read my post did you miss this " I'm not going to fight two men even if I think I can win. I'll draw and tell them to stop and if they don't then at least one is dead."

On the other hand, you come into my house at night, and you are most likely dead. If you come in during the daytime, you got a 50/50 chance. Once again, when people invade a house, it is seconds.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

What are you trying to get them to stop? Stop taking pictures? Stop calling you a MFer?

You accuse people of photographing children with ill intent when they are just doing their job is probably going to get a very aggressive response from the average person (whether here legally or illegally).

You probably seem as dangerous to them as they do to you. And if you speak to people half as nasty as you post, I would totally be in fear for my life.

So drop the attitude.....

Don't use the "I'm protecting my family" bit for people able to use your gun on people you don't like.
People like you make it hard for responsible gun owners.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
Strange that on May 3 they caught two Jordanians that tried to get into Quantico Marine base in Virginia. They were told to pull over and went right past check point to get into the base.

The two people drove up to the Fuller Road Gate of Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, in a box truck and were stopped by military sentries, Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base, said in a statement to Marine Corps Times on Tuesday. “When asked, the operator of the truck informed the military police officers they worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon and were making a delivery to the U.S. Post Office located in the Town of Quantico,” Curtis said in the statement. Because the two had no affiliation with the Marine base and no credentials to enter it, military police officers directed them to go to a holding area to undergo standard vetting procedures, according to Curtis. But the driver blew past the holding area and attempted to drive onto the base.

This administration and the Democrats don’t give a # about America’s security. No telling how many terrorist and bad actors the Democrat party and our puppet prez has allowed into this country. It’s pretty scary when you think of all the different nationalities that have poured into the country and our genius prez just lets them waltz right in. A record number of terrorist have already been caught coming in while bozo has been in office, don’t think for a second the we caught them all. You could probably double if not triple the number that didn’t get caught. There’s going to come a day when this implodes on us in away that’s going to affect everyone in a bad bad way, it’s inevitable.

I live and work in alaska on a military base, at least 3 bases have had "asians" (news paper description) try to enter the base illegally.

In the 1980's they would call it dry runs for saboteurs.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

It's called " Probing " . The Imperial Japanese Intelligence Agency were Very sucessful at it before the Attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 . This Incident is a " Red Flag " of something to Come.......

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

yup its coming, october surprise is probably going to take on a new meaning this year.

Hope and pray that I am wrong.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 02:09 AM
I wonder what kind of howl there would be in the Western press if a similar incident happened in Russia.)))))
Killing a man over a photo... hmm. Is this democracy?

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

So, the guy who didn’t want strangers photographing his children ( by the way have you seen Jim Caveziel’s movie about child trafficking?) is Special Forces military and you are throwing around stupid terms like “other clueless gun nuts”….
I’m sorry, but that is just uncalled for.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I live in Key West, not too long we had a Chinese national arrested for taking pictures of one of our Navy bases around here.

My understanding is they found some strong evidence he was doing some sort of esponisge for China.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Only a clown would think it's not relevant.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: worldstarcountry

As a reason for killing someone, this story sounds fairly dodgy.

Is someone trespassing if they are taking pictures at a distance and are authorised to enter the property for purposes of maintenance of services? Can you claim self-defence if the person you are shooting is unarmed?

What sort of intel that would be useful to Chechen militarist groups have been looking for by taking pictures of children?

Also, the deceased man was shot in the hands, twice in the back, and once in the face.

At the time of the shooting, the shooter could not have known of the nationality or documentation status of the victim.

The shooter is under investigation by the police.

There is no suggestion that the deceased was undocumented on any site other than Zerohedge. Other news sources said he had identity papers in the van and that he has a family in the US. Could it be that Zerohedge made up stuff to spin the story to pander towards their alt-right extremist readership?

Yes, Zero Hedge is dodgy. But in looking into other sources, its honestly too early to tell what happened. I cant find any sources saying he was shot in the back, just that the investigation is ongoing, so we really dont know any important details. Honestly, either of the two main scenarios are plausible.

Theres the possibility that the guy was just an innocent power company employee out doing normal power company stuff, and because we live in a shoot first ask questions later type of world, got blown away in doing his job because he looked wrong to some trigger happy individual. Thats possible. It happens all the time. The number of cases I see of people from pizza delivery to people making a wrong turn getting shot at and sometimes injured or killed is sad.

Theres also the sinister possibility. A U.S. special forces colonel's home and family is an especially attractive target for militant and terrorist forces opposed to the U.S. military. We have made tons of enemies around the world through our military operations and as a result, service members, both active and former, are favorite targets for alot of dodgy people. We know nothing of this colonels service and deployment history, so its very possible this guy has made some enemies in his time. Why would alleged Chechen militants target this dude? Chechnya is part of Russia, and Chechnya's president is Putins bitch and BFF. Alot of Chechen fighters have been fighting in Ukraine. We also have special forces operating over there. As I said, we dont know where this guy served or deployed. So maybe he was concerned for real reasons.

I am gonna wait to see where this investigation goes. However, a couple things do stand out to me as noteworthy. One was that the guy was not dressed in utility company clothing, did not have tools or identification on him when he was confronted by the colonel. So its not unreasonable for him to be concerned to be weirded out by this. It was also pretty late. They found him at 8:15 P.M., so I imagine he was shot earlier, lets say around 7:45. Kinda late to be out doing utilities work, unless its an urgent repair or an emergency. Utility workers dont normally work that late unless its urgent. Of course, on the flip side, there could be very reasonable reasons for all this. Mr. Daerev could have been in an on-call situation, and was sent out there to fix something that was urgent, so he would have been wearing normal clothes. He finished fixing whatever he was sent to fix, and after completing the job, put all his tools back in his van, and then returned with his camera, sans tools and I.D., to take a quick picture to show he had done that repairs. This is common in maintenance everywhere. Even my apartment maintenance guys always take pictures after they fix something to show they did it, and when they come after hours for an emergency, they arent always wearing their ID, mostly because everyone here knows them very well. So these things are not necessarily nefarious, just points Ive seen so far that are noteable. But to get anywhere we need better context and more information about how it all went down, so I'm going to wait for further investigation and more facts to come out before I pass any personal judgement here.

But i still agree Zero Hedge is lol lame. My boyfriend calls it the Incel news network.

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