a reply to:
Thank you, me too! 😊
I'm assuming my brain was only starved of oxygen for a minute or so, because I blacked out at the hospital reception desk, so skilled defibrillator
users close at hand.
What was really strange for me was 'when' I blacked out, the exact moment.
I'm the only person in the world/on Google with my name. I used to work for the UK government so I already knew I was the only 'me' on it's computer's
'central index' of citizens.
So, while struggling to stand and even speak, slouched over the high reception desk, ALL I could focus on was spelling my full name out, exactly and
clearly, as the staff member typed it into the keyboard.
As she typed the last letter, I felt a wave of relief (that 'they' then knew who I was) and I felt safe enough to collapse then, which I did lol.
I'm assuming that's exactly when my heart stopped, when I stopped my mental determination to stay alive, and handed over the responsibility to the
On my second cold turkey attempt (after the heart restart, pointless enforced coma, waking up addicted to NHS drugs, discharging myself and drinking a
litre of vodka a day for 6 months) I was on my own at home. Absolutely terrifying hallucinations, shakes, dry vomiting etc, but I was laughing and
shouting at my heart:
"Well stop now if you want, you stupid #, but if you do, we're #ing dead, there ain't no butcher doctors starting you up again, we're #ing dead!"
And curiously my heart agreed that stopping, without defibrillator back up, was obviously a stupid move lol.
The withdrawal completed it's course, and I'm totally recovered.
Sorry if I've gone way off topic lol, but since that experience I think, and totally believe, that there is much much more to our physical body and
it's relationship with our conscious and subconscious brain, than science knows!
So thank you for posting a very interesting thread, and I hope you get some replies with experiences more specifically on topic than mine perhaps
edit on 26-5-2024 by AdultMaleHumanUK because: Typo correction, replaced 'heart' with 'brain' lol