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TRUMP Rally 5.23.2024 in Deep Blue Bronx, New York City.

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posted on May, 27 2024 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: xuenchen

This is why he’s going to lose the election, wasting his time with these stupid stunts. He should be campaigning to moderate conservatives in swing states.

Instead his doing rallies with literal gangbangers as a desperate attempt to draw a crowd.

The last time he won he was -6 in the polls.
Now he’s up +6-10.
Campaigning works
Without the vote gaming you can’t sit in your basement and expect to win.
It’s a done deal barring any crazy October surprises.
Get right with yourself is the best play.
We don’t want your head exploding.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 06:42 PM
Former New York State Democrat Governor and former chairman of the state Democratic Party sees the Trump-Bronx rally as a wake-up call for his party.

Trump’s well-attended Bronx rally should be ‘wake-up call’ for Biden

“This is a wake-up call to the Democratic Party, who just seems to think that you can criticize what Trump did four years ago and that that will be enough,” Paterson said.

“Or that you can try to claim that inflation isn’t as high as it is. All these little things that aren’t going to change people’s minds,” Paterson said.

“It’s a brilliant political move. You can’t argue with it,” Paterson said of Trump’s rally.

He said four years ago, Biden and the Democrats let Trump bloviate and defend his record as president during a once-in-century pandemic. Biden won.

But now Biden has to publicly defend his record.

“We may have a situation that happens in reverse,” Paterson said.


edit on 27-5-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3
Former New York State Democrat Governor and former chairman of the state Democratic Party sees the Trump-Bronx rally as a wake-up call for his party.

Trump’s well-attended Bronx rally should be ‘wake-up call’ for Biden

“This is a wake-up call to the Democratic Party, who just seems to think that you can criticize what Trump did four years ago and that that will be enough,” Paterson said.

“Or that you can try to claim that inflation isn’t as high as it is. All these little things that aren’t going to change people’s minds,” Paterson said.

“It’s a brilliant political move. You can’t argue with it,” Paterson said of Trump’s rally.

He said four years ago, Biden and the Democrats let Trump bloviate and defend his record as president during a once-in-century pandemic. Biden won.

But now Biden has to publicly defend his record.

“We may have a situation that happens in reverse,” Paterson said.


Nobody can defend Biden on any issue. None.
He’s done nothing for this country as president.

In fact, he’s done nothing for this country in his entire political career.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

idk, don’t pay much attention to polls. But if they were all that accurate of the reality of the situation then Hillary Clinton would have beat Trump by a landslide in 2016… so???

Fact is Trumps becoming more and more unhinged every day. Just in the last week his claimed the fbi tried to assassinate him, invited known gang members up on stage to endorse him and also promised to pardon a drug king pin… all things that aren’t going to go down well with traditional conservatives.

Not to mention it’s extremely likely he’ll be a convicted felon within the week.

A few months ago I was fairly convinced he’d definitely win… but now I feel like he is his own worst enemy and will most likely blow it.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: Vermilion

idk, don’t pay much attention to polls. But if they were all that accurate of the reality of the situation then Hillary Clinton would have beat Trump by a landslide in 2016… so???

Fact is Trumps becoming more and more unhinged every day. Just in the last week his claimed the fbi tried to assassinate him, invited known gang members up on stage to endorse him and also promised to pardon a drug king pin… all things that aren’t going to go down well with traditional conservatives.

Not to mention it’s extremely likely he’ll be a convicted felon within the week.

A few months ago I was fairly convinced he’d definitely win… but now I feel like he is his own worst enemy and will most likely blow it.

If you think for one second that Biden will get any conservative vote you’re smoking some insanely potent sh*t.
It’s all over but the crying.
The polls are always heavily dem skewed, that’s why I noted it.
Get right or start packing.
You’ve been warned.
You don’t have to be a magat to know what’s best for the country.

New York might actually vote Trump.
It’s real.

edit on 27-5-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: Vermilion

idk, don’t pay much attention to polls. But if they were all that accurate of the reality of the situation then Hillary Clinton would have beat Trump by a landslide in 2016… so???

Fact is Trumps becoming more and more unhinged every day. Just in the last week his claimed the fbi tried to assassinate him, invited known gang members up on stage to endorse him and also promised to pardon a drug king pin… all things that aren’t going to go down well with traditional conservatives.

Not to mention it’s extremely likely he’ll be a convicted felon within the week.

A few months ago I was fairly convinced he’d definitely win… but now I feel like he is his own worst enemy and will most likely blow it.

If any of you guys have actually been right about anything in the last 8 years, I might be worried.

But you haven’t, so I am not.

I think I am going to take a crash course on being a grief counselor for when Trump wins.
I could make a lot of money fast from you guys.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

The doj and corrupt judges attacking Trump, make regular people admire him more.

Americans hate authoities who are abusive scum.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: Vermilion

idk, don’t pay much attention to polls. But if they were all that accurate of the reality of the situation then Hillary Clinton would have beat Trump by a landslide in 2016… so???

Fact is Trumps becoming more and more unhinged every day. Just in the last week his claimed the fbi tried to assassinate him, invited known gang members up on stage to endorse him and also promised to pardon a drug king pin… all things that aren’t going to go down well with traditional conservatives.

Not to mention it’s extremely likely he’ll be a convicted felon within the week.

A few months ago I was fairly convinced he’d definitely win… but now I feel like he is his own worst enemy and will most likely blow it.

New York might actually vote Trump.
It’s real.

Dude, you are gone if you actually believe that.

It was a free event in the Bronx and he couldn’t even fill up the park. Not to mention a lot of the people who turned up where MAGA fanatics from South Florida or wherever else.

lol, Nikki Haley was still getting 20% of the vote in the Republican nominations months after she dropped out. Step out of the MAGA bubble propaganda and I think you’ll find his not as popular as you think.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: Vermilion

idk, don’t pay much attention to polls. But if they were all that accurate of the reality of the situation then Hillary Clinton would have beat Trump by a landslide in 2016… so???

Fact is Trumps becoming more and more unhinged every day. Just in the last week his claimed the fbi tried to assassinate him, invited known gang members up on stage to endorse him and also promised to pardon a drug king pin… all things that aren’t going to go down well with traditional conservatives.

Not to mention it’s extremely likely he’ll be a convicted felon within the week.

A few months ago I was fairly convinced he’d definitely win… but now I feel like he is his own worst enemy and will most likely blow it.

I think I am going to take a crash course on being a grief counselor for when Trump wins.

Your going to need some serious counseling if Trump doesn’t win.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

Your going to need a New Operating System if Biden wins .

edit on 27-5-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

LOL! Great Meme.

If Biden wins, America loses...again.

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: xuenchen

This is why he’s going to lose the election, wasting his time with these stupid stunts. He should be campaigning to moderate conservatives in swing states.

Instead his doing rallies with literal gangbangers as a desperate attempt to draw a crowd.

As of now he doesn't need to. You should look at the swing state polls...but rest assured he will be stopping in every single one of those states in the coming months just to ahore up his support. As soon as he crushes the politically driven lawsuits he will be out and about. He does more in a single day than Biden does in a week...that's the type of energy I like in my late 70's president to be.

Heaven forbid that the jurors on "hush money" case find him will see his support numbers skyrocket.
The libtards have sure boxed themselves in this time.

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 09:59 PM
It turns out that Joe Biden's problems with minority communities is only getting worse and Democrat operatives feel time is running out to resch this important demographic before they decide to sit out the next election, or worse become Trump supporters.

In typical Liberal fashion; One major problem is that Joe Biden appears to only want to reach out to elite members of the Black community. Those he can more easily relate. He's having a harder time with the normal everyday people and who are struggling with the many problems the Biden Economic policies have created.

Biden’s Black voter troubles are setting off alarm bells

The message out of battleground states and focus groups is that the president’s problems are real — and he is running out of time to fix them.

Prominent Black officials are warning the Biden campaign that the president’s efforts to keep Black voters firmly and enthusiastically in his electoral coalition aren’t working — and that time is running out to get his message across.

privately, Democratic operatives express other fears, including that Black influencers and media personalities have soured on Biden and that the president himself has eschewed major interviews and less scripted campaign stops, making him less accessible to voters. Black leaders also see the community as open to the Donald Trump campaign’s targeted entreaties.

And while Black voters, according to surveys, are supportive of Biden policies — like student debt relief and funding for historic Black colleges — when they’re familiar with them, the stubbornness of inflation remains a huge concern, as with the broader public.

Black operatives worry that the overtures that Biden and his team are making are directed toward the wrong slice of the electorate. W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, said Biden needed to venture outside of spaces that cater to a more elite, college-educated crowd.

“There’s only one type of outreach people are willing to do. And unfortunately for them, the outreach they’re willing to do is not significant,” Robinson said. “Talking to Black men at Morehouse, talking to Black men who own businesses — you’re not talking to the majority of brothers who are sitting out elections.”


posted on May, 31 2024 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

"Put Y'all Back in Chains" is a book describing several ways President Joe Biden is hurting the Black Community.


-Worst President Ever-

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