So, I thought I'd share a funny story here (as the bow of the ATS Titanic dips below the surface)...
It's a story about my father whom I loved dearly. He's been gone for many years now, but we used to tease him about this while he was still with us
(all in fun of course). My father was a very serious man most of the time, always very matter of fact. Engineers can be like this. He could also
have a dark side sometimes (at the strangest times).
One Thanksgiving holiday the whole family was all home to celebrate the occasion, my sisters, their husbands and children, the wife and I. We were
all sitting around the dinner table the day before Thanksgiving chatting before dinner when the phone rang. Now, my dad was never really a guy to
embrace the latest technology, and telephones was one of these things. He absolutely demanded that there be one phone, connected to the wall, with
the handset connected via cord to the phone (i.e. an old style pushbutton phone). And, this phone also needed to have a regular bell for a ringer,
AND this had to be turned up to the highest setting. Let me tell you, when this phone rang, it would make you jump right out of your socks! (I think
he would have been even happier if he could have figured out a way to hook that thing to an air raid siren, train horn and ship's klaxon). In his
house, you dropped everything you were doing (literally) to answer that damn phone! Anyway...
So the phone rings, and the shocking sound of the bell silences the room instantly. My father jumps into action and heads for the phone. (That was
the other thing too; if he was in the house, then HE (and no one else) WOULD answer the phone!) ...
" HELL-O? (very official sounding)
Mmmm-hmmm. Yeah. Mmm-Hmmm. No. Mmm-hmmm. Okay. I see. Okay."
That's it. That was the whole call. And with that my father comes back over and sits down at the table. The room is silent, everyone looking at my
father. So, I finally break the silence..."
Well???...Who was it????"
He says, very matter of factly..."
Some woman...looking for some guy named Allen...sounded important. Wrong number, I dunno.... Then he paused,
and before anyone could interject with further questions, and completely out of the blue, he said...
He's probably DEAD!"
You could have heard a pin drop! Everyone in the room gets this shocked look on their face, and starts shooting glances around at each other. I
think I probably snickered first, and then one of my sisters giggled a little bit. My wife then spewed some lemonade out of her nose, and my mom
burst out laughing. The whole room was just roaring laughing. I was laughing so hard I was crying and snorting.
WHERE the heck...did THAT come from???? "...was pretty much the universal sentiment around the room!
As my dad sat there and contemplated his statements, and everyone's reaction, he began to realize just how silly and crazy all that sounded, but at
the same time he was trying to reconcile all this with his darker side which probably actually believed that ol' "Allen" really was dead.
My father tried repeatedly to explain himself, but the more he tried the funnier it got, and the more he got into the laughter of the whole moment.
It was totally hilarious, such a macabre thought, on such a festive occasion, with such unintentional comedic timing.
My wife didn't know my father as well as I did (obviously), but to this day if you ask her one single thing she remembers best about my father she
will very emphatically say two words...
imitating my father's voice
..."They're DEAD!"...,.
Weird, I know, but pretty hilarious with the monotone and deadpan delivery my father had.
edit on 5/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)