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A new Why Files How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World

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posted on May, 18 2024 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
What is going to happen when the public medical AI works out that vaccinations do more harm than good?

Obviously, that would be a very, very clear indication that the system has been fed garbage.

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

Your post makes exactly zero sense! I gave you direct and succinct answers to your questions, and yet you quote one of my rhetorical questions (which I gave you a specific answer to), and then go on to list a bunch of quoted nonsense. Do you work for the government by chance?? This is some drivel I would expect some government bureaucrat to spew forth all while shucking, jiving and dancing their way off stage.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you even understand the subject at hand, Artificial Intelligence? Or, is it your intention to throw up diversion and nonsense in a feeble attempt to appear to disagree without offering up any basis?

You've quoted (4) excerpts all dealing with the war machine (all of which are non-sequiturs, candidly), all from a notoriously biased British tabloid. Did you have a point, or are you just rambling for the sake of rambling?

AI exists (or will exist) in far more sectors of society than the military, in case you hadn't been paying attention. AI's applications are far and wide across almost every aspect of society. If you fail to understand this then perhaps you should increase your understanding of what Artificial Intelligence really is, how it works and who creates it. (Hint: The Guardian will not answer these questions for you.)

Your rejoinder to argue here has been to ask for proof of either things which cannot be proven (hence the restraint), or things which I have answered directly to you.

AI isn't about a president or leader, it crosses these boundaries. AI isn't about a selected business sector, MIC or otherwise. It is much more.

But please do go ahead and jest about much ado about nothing; in five years you won't be laughing so much.

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

Well, duh!

It's not as if any of this is secret and under the covers any more because of that competitiveness that you speak of. You can't reach the full scope of the market otherwise. You need rumour, you need expectations and you need big explosions.

Well, Duh!...right back at ya! I think you've missed the point entirely (again). And, it's not that you've missed the point which is so surprising but rather by how far you've missed the point! "Big explosions" indeed.

Trust me, I'm no novice to A.I.

When I first started researching “Artificial Intelligence” I didn’t even know what I was looking for, or what it was called. This was back in 1981 and I was in college at the University of Utah at the time. At the time I was having an issue of not being able to use my PC processor to perform another task while at the same time compiling a database I’d written. I was looking for a solution. I’d gone to the main Library at the University of Utah in search of some answers. One of the professors there suggested I look in the Computer Information Sciences section where I found a text entitled ‘Artificial Intelligence’. Again, this was nearly 40 years ago in 1981; the ‘Personal Computer’ (PC) was barely even a thing back then.

I didn’t know it then, but what I was looking for wasn’t really ‘artificial intelligence’ but rather another commonly used process today called ‘multi-tasking’ of a processor. What I had wanted back then was a ‘smart’ way to share processor load and switch between tasks which is what led me to the artificial intelligence text I referred to. This was my first exposure to “Artificial Intelligence” (A.I.). I have been involved in computers and electronics ever since.

Way back then AI wasn’t even a thing, it was only just a theory, and a very distant one at that, complete with all sorts of fantastical science fiction-like prognostications. People were blending PC’s of the day with George Jetson and coming up with all manner of crazy conclusions. How AI has actually evolved is far different, and much more predictable. The “Internet” didn’t exist then, and this is an important developmental milestone. It was very clear to me back then, in order for AI to ever become any sort of a reality there would need to be vast repositories of data, far beyond anything mankind was capable of in the day, for such a system to draw upon. The Internet provides this ‘database’ of information. The Internet wasn’t created to make AI become a reality, but AI draws upon the Internet to form its intelligence (among other sources). In a way, they are symbiotic.

Most people cannot wrap their minds around what AI is; they’ve seen so many things which appear to be ‘smart’ in their lives they believe AI is just another evolution of this same thing. It isn’t…it’s very different. What all those people have been seeing is programmed intelligence. The ‘smarts’ they perceived were really nothing more than painstaking levels of laborious programming to simulate intelligence based on known human behavior. Again, AI is very different from this. It was all those laborious efforts which contributed to the vast amounts of information available on the Internet. The difference now is, AI can take all these data points and create ‘intelligence’ all on its own. This is different; it is a paradigm shift in the way intelligence is derived, and most importantly it is not based on human input. This is key.

If you think for one moment that I haven’t researched in great detail what Artificial Intelligence is all about, you would be sorely mistaken. I’ve been researching AI since before AI was even a thing. Probably my biggest regret about AI doesn’t have to do with AI at all, but rather how I wish I’d found a different book that day in the U of U library way back in 1981. The book I was really looking for back then was a book on how to code an instruction set such that a single processor could perform multiple different tasks, using multiple different applications, at the same time. Because, If I would have found that book, and figured out how to do the coding, then I would have been the creator of…you guessed it…WINDOWS! (but that is another post indeed!)

edit on 5/18/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Well, Duh!...right back at ya! I think you've missed the point entirely (again). And, it's not that you've missed the point which is so surprising but rather by how far you've missed the point! "Big explosions" indeed.

I do appreciate your wish to at very great length labour your point, but that was never my point.

Your "they" is far from the same "they" as I would call "they". Your "they" is of little to no concern to me or to anyone else outside of a rather specific niche of the global population, to me you may even be "they", although, obviously, in a relatively minor bit part kind of way.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

If I would have found that book, and figured out how to do the coding, then I would have been the creator of…you guessed it…WINDOWS! (but that is another post indeed!)

Lets say you did. Would things be any different today as Bill Gates owns it? With his mum in IBM and dad in the banks, he done strong on the intellectual property side of software. Ruthless reputation at times in getting the job done. Now he wants to copyright disease and put some propriety anti virus software in every person with how the WHO pandemic treaty negotiations are going.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Fact is, AI has been around since early 2000s, when DARPA first used it for self driving vehicles during underground and desert terrain.

Modern AI that can think through situations via programming is entirely different kind of AI.

Instead of being aware of it's environment and surrounding, it's being programmed for self awareness.

Still preprogrammed until it can program itself. Then, it will become self replicating and the threats really begin.

AI is a double edged sword...

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