posted on May, 12 2024 @ 03:40 AM
Panem et Circenses, nothing else. And it works, unfortunately.
At least here in Germany. But i am pretty sure the people who watch something like this here in Germany are the same Latte Macchiato with soy milk
drinking and cargo bike/electric vehicle riding woke and "green" eco-hipsters who always asked for more corona measures and would have sent their own
fellow citizens into concentration camps because of a "health catastrophe" orchestrated by obedient politicians and their ultra-rich puppet masters.
Are the same people who would send the sons and daughters of others to Ukraine to fight (while these people themselves are sitting on the cozy sofa
far, far away, preferably in a bunker) for "democracy" in that fascist and corrupt sh!thole. Who are happy that NS2 was blown up because it was "bad
russian gas" anyway, while the rest of the world, including Ukraine and USA, still buy everything they want and need from Russia. People who believe
they are anti-fascist while being the new woke, green and rainbow color painted, always pro current thing and nothing questioning picture-book
fascists who showed us during the plandemic how it could work here with Hitler-Germany back then.
Let these people have their Panem et Circenses because such events are exactly created for the big, dumb, grey mass who floats always with the stream
because trying to swim against the stream (and probably escaping the fish fabric which transforms all of them into "Iglu Fischstäbchen") is too
uncomfortable and hell knows what others could think of against the stream swimmers anyway.
Let them be happy lemmings until they suddenly run with their feet in the air after going over the edge of the cliff like Roadrunners coyote and then
it finally goes straight downhill for them because at the end these people will be the first victims of the agenda they are supporting now. For me it
feels like somebody is somehow separating the wheat from the chaff, rolling out these "jabs" was only the first, one step of many.