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US 'Uniparty' officially throws Christians to the lions...

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posted on May, 11 2024 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Biden won't sign it, he hates Israel.

Obama wins. I officially don't know what to believe.

There's the Biden you speak of and then there's this one:

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: charlest2

Genesis 17:20

And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Idk man, does it really matter who killed him? How he died isn't the message. And if it mattered, if it really absolutely mattered, then where the hell is Jesus? The way I see it as a plebeian heathen unbeliever, if it isn't serious enough for the man to present himself and declare his judgment, then it's not serious.

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: grey580
You mean that I won't have to wake up to crazy people knocking on my door on a Saturday trying to shove Religion down my throat?

So you're against people having the right to say something you don't agree with? Do you know what a "slippery slope" is?

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Idk man, does it really matter who killed him? How he died isn't the message. And if it mattered, if it really absolutely mattered, then where the hell is Jesus? The way I see it as a plebeian heathen unbeliever, if it isn't serious enough for the man to present himself and declare his judgment, then it's not serious.


Jesus died for our sins.

The Romans and Jews didn't kill him for our sins.

A very clear distinction.

*tips hat*

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Look, we could talk of how Christianity superceded pagan religions in great detail, including the practice of usurping pagan festivals & supposedly sacred sites for special celebrations & the building of holy churches. But the literal fact of the matter, which I believe I could ultimately prove to most people, including atheists and agnostics, is that the plain truth assures us that Christianity, the Way, absolutely & fundamentally is superior to all types of paganism, animism, shamanism, etc. The conversation would be lengthy, and thus requires a thread of its own, as you've led us somewhat off-topic. I will be happy to initiate the discussion with a specific new thread at some point soon. But I assure you, as a religious system sincere Christianity is far superior to all other faiths because of very particular and specific truths, which I will elucidate in due course.

Thanks, FITO.

edit on MaySaturday2415CDT12America/Chicago-050037 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Idk man, does it really matter who killed him? How he died isn't the message. And if it mattered, if it really absolutely mattered, then where the hell is Jesus? The way I see it as a plebeian heathen unbeliever, if it isn't serious enough for the man to present himself and declare his judgment, then it's not serious.


Jesus died for our sins.

The Romans and Jews didn't kill him for our sins.

A very clear distinction.

*tips hat*

More to the point, if this isn't motivation to send a very stern and unmistakable message to the population of Earth, then it's not a problem so much as noise to confuse and divide society who are spiritually out of touch to begin with. The more reactive, the more immature and delinquent. In my humble opinion.

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Mate, the world is getting damn serious these past few years with the ascent of controlling technology & softly spoken kafka-esque banal politicians & bureaucrats who sow their anodyne veiled tyranny in preparation for the final roll-out of the Luciferian worldwide superstate. Jesus will come at the appointed hour; until then, we must resist & band together to share information & develop support networks in readiness for whatever may come our way. One thing's for certain - things are getting steadily worse, systematically, all over the world.

posted on May, 12 2024 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker
I dare to even post this for fear of being called a racist but...

A nation , or nations of donkey men. The origin of the Arab nations? CCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1
Ishmael was the first son of Abraham, the common patriarch of the Abrahamic religions, through his wife Sara's handmaiden Hagar (Genesis 16:3). According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137 (Genesis 25:17). According to biblical tradition, he is the ancestor of the Arabs.,the%20ancestor%20of%20the%20Arabs.
See also: Ishmael in Islam
Ishmael (Arabic:إسماعيل Ismāʿīl) is recognized as an important prophet of Islam. Like Christians and Jews, Muslims believe that Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham, born to him from his wife Hagar.[42] Ishmael is recognized by Muslims as the ancestor of several northern prominent Arab tribes and the forefather of Adnan, the ancestor of Muhammad.[43] Muslims also believe that Muhammad was the descendant of Ishmael who would establish a great nation.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Why does this surprise you?

I've seen Israeli politicians speak of us like they have us on a leash and will do their bidding whenever they ask.

I feel like "Jews controlling the Govt" is one of the OG conspiracy theories - those things don't just exist. Entire websites on the internet are dedicated to "facts" about exactly that.

An enormous amount of Trumpers believe this - it doesn't matter to them that supporting the Jewish Democracy in Israel is a cornerstone of the GOPs and Dems political base, specifically the rich Jewish ones.

This is actually quite the repetition tbh bc in Germany, the Nazi party coordinated very heavily with Catholics churches, specifically regarding the rounding up of the local Jewish populations, most Jewish families were escorted to their town squares by their friends and co-workers, there they were picked up by the SS, as arranged ahead of time.

The Nazis in Germany had about identical levels of popular support among the general population as well - the base support of Hitler never moved either. He started rallying people in bars - essentially saying he just wanted to make Germany great again - create their "3rd Empire" and then blamed all the ills of Germany on a population group everyone knew at least one of.

Doesn't this all sound really familiar?

Welcome to Fascism - lots of Germans woke up to this reality at some point too. Like the good Nazi parents of near adolescents bed wetters, whom at some point realized their political party would take their children away from them if they knew that - or the ones that didn't realize the German Race had no room for anyone with a disability. A blond haired blue eyed baby wouldn't make it if it was born with 4 fingers on one hand.

If you put people in power bc they say everything you want to hear but don't actually give a f about you - this is what you get, pandering to the people with power at the moment - later it will be pandering to someone else. Whatever suits them

First they came for the Jews, then the Gypsies, then the Queers, the disabled, the minorities and I did not speak out. When they came for me there was no one left to speak out for me.

I'm paraphrasing a very famous poem I feel strongly is like our writing on the wall.

Also - true Christians, followers of Christ would never do what this person claiming to be all Christ like has done with this post. What part of become passersby is stated unclearly.

If Christ were to return today, there is 0% chance that he ever sets foot in a "Christian Church" bc they are some of the least Christian people alive at the moment. Not only would they not recognize him, he wouldn't recognize them either.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: charlest2

You do realize that Jesus Christ was literally an Arab?

Like, fr - he could only have been a brown person - were he born white, like the paintings - it would be like a Chinese couple in the middle of a Chinese city giving birth to a white European looking baby, it'd make the news

If he really was white - I can only think of Robin William's "Oh it better have been immaculate Mary" bit and tbh I have a hard time believing Joe could have been cool with that back in the day - unless he was gay bc before the 3 Wise Men showed up, how could he possibly have believed Mary? At the time, God only spoke with priests after you killed an animal in specific to get his attention - in a pre-Christian world, its just outright unbelievable and coupled with the fact that adultery carried a punishment of being stoned to death, I'll bet it was pretty common for people to say anything at all to try to avoid that.

My favorite part of this particular "what if" is the fact that in some oldest artwork, in some of the oldest Churches in Orthodox Christianity (the super strict one that likes to believe it has never changed) Jesus is literally depicted Black, like the same Black the 3 Wisemen are often depicted.

If 3 Kings showed up bearing incredibly expensive gifts for "my son" that happens to look like them - with some crazy story about following a star, I would immediately assume that my wife slept with one of them and he came to visit his son.

How could you not believe that?

Not one person had spoken to Joe about "faith" - that wasn't a thing yet

I'm assuming Jesus looked exactly like his parents considering he spent time with "the Church elders" who apparently took a 12 year old seriously, I can't see that happening if his parentage were actually in question. Being a bastard was a whole thing back then.

Aside from all of that. Jesus is the Son of the guy who made everything everywhere... I think I'd blame Dad for creating such a world before I'd blame the innocent people in it and he speaks like that when he refers to us as sheep and "they kno not what they do" - he also takes upon himself all of our collective sins and forgives us of them, bc its not our fault and he knows whose fault it is.

If I make a game for children (another one of Jesus's goto descriptions of adult people he encounters) and inside that game the children can rape and kill each other, and I very clearly allowed for that to be possible by creating the game that way, I'd prolly go to prison.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 03:14 AM
I'm having some fun atm - I apologize

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Station27

Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa. You have no right to force your rights upon me. And I don't have a right to force my rights upon you. Imagine Atheists running around trying to convert Christians to their view that there is no god. How angry would people be?

You can say whatever you want. Just don't be surprised when I don't agree with it.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: EnzoTrent
a reply to: charlest2

You do realize that Jesus Christ was literally an Arab?

Like, fr - he could only have been a brown person - were he born white, like the paintings - it would be like a Chinese couple in the middle of a Chinese city giving birth to a white European looking baby, it'd make the news

If he really was white - I can only think of Robin William's "Oh it better have been immaculate Mary" bit and tbh I have a hard time believing Joe could have been cool with that back in the day - unless he was gay bc before the 3 Wise Men showed up, how could he possibly have believed Mary? At the time, God only spoke with priests after you killed an animal in specific to get his attention - in a pre-Christian world, its just outright unbelievable and coupled with the fact that adultery carried a punishment of being stoned to death, I'll bet it was pretty common for people to say anything at all to try to avoid that.

My favorite part of this particular "what if" is the fact that in some oldest artwork, in some of the oldest Churches in Orthodox Christianity (the super strict one that likes to believe it has never changed) Jesus is literally depicted Black, like the same Black the 3 Wisemen are often depicted.

If 3 Kings showed up bearing incredibly expensive gifts for "my son" that happens to look like them - with some crazy story about following a star, I would immediately assume that my wife slept with one of them and he came to visit his son.

How could you not believe that?

Not one person had spoken to Joe about "faith" - that wasn't a thing yet

I'm assuming Jesus looked exactly like his parents considering he spent time with "the Church elders" who apparently took a 12 year old seriously, I can't see that happening if his parentage were actually in question. Being a bastard was a whole thing back then.

Aside from all of that. Jesus is the Son of the guy who made everything everywhere... I think I'd blame Dad for creating such a world before I'd blame the innocent people in it and he speaks like that when he refers to us as sheep and "they kno not what they do" - he also takes upon himself all of our collective sins and forgives us of them, bc its not our fault and he knows whose fault it is.

If I make a game for children (another one of Jesus's goto descriptions of adult people he encounters) and inside that game the children can rape and kill each other, and I very clearly allowed for that to be possible by creating the game that way, I'd prolly go to prison.

Free will of the human.

God and Lucifer battle for control.

Free will is the binding rule.

Lucifer’s intentions is to show just how foul the humans are, and we are Gods chosen above all his creations.

You will be tempted by evil your entire life and you will most likely fail every time. Blaming god for your many sins isn’t the path you should take….but you do you.

Lucifer wishes nothing more than to be back by Gods side. He will get there by showing God that his most loved creation is broken, bent and beyond redemption. Look what all the devil has done in the name of “religion”.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: Station27

originally posted by: grey580
You mean that I won't have to wake up to crazy people knocking on my door on a Saturday trying to shove Religion down my throat?

So you're against people having the right to say something you don't agree with? Do you know what a "slippery slope" is?

Not if they are harassing me on my own doorstep, expecting me to give them my time and energy. If i politely tell them I am not interested in their beliefs and ask them to leave, does that make me a pariah? If they disrespect my wishes and persist with their agenda, should I ignore that act of aggression or would I be in the wrong to choose to shut my door?

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: EnzoTrent
If Christ were to return today, there is 0% chance that he ever sets foot in a "Christian Church" bc they are some of the least Christian people alive at the moment. Not only would they not recognize him, he wouldn't recognize them either.

Absolutely. All that superiority complex, self-righteousness and not an ounce of humility amongst them.

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