posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 04:37 PM
Yeah, OK, its rumormill, but it might be worth reading...
AUGUST 8, 2003
The American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA), an independent Gulf War Veterans� support organization, has long searched for answers to explain
why nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are now ill and why over 200,000 of those servicemen/women have requested disability, but have
received no adequate diagnosis or treatment, from either the Department of Defense (DOD), or Veteran�s Affairs.
Though there have been over 125 studies done by the government at the cost of over $300,000,000 to the taxpayer, we still have no answers as to what
caused so many of our soldiers to become ill. Meanwhile, the suffering veterans are receiving little, if any, medical treatment for this illness. It
seems that whenever veterans become ill, the term �mystery illness� seems to be the first and often the only diagnosis that is ever made.
Veterans are then left to fend for themselves, sick and unable to work, with little hope of a normal life again.
The AGWVA is now again asking questions, this time, about the newest �mystery illness� to hit the military. After being pressured by a few independent
news reporters who have not permitted this �mystery� to continue unabated, The DOD recently has been forced to announce the �mystery� deaths of Gulf
War II soldiers and that at least 100 other men and women have become ill.