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Freaky one eye website regards emerging global talent

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posted on May, 4 2024 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: cavrac1
a reply to: network dude

OK got some questions for you

So in Freemasonry is there a lot of different Orders?

For example The Royal Order of Jesters

Is it not possible that there are some orders that are unknown to most people, even other Masons.

I am not saying there is, I am just asking if it is possible.

there are many "side orders", most are sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of the state if they are legit. Most are "invitation only" groups. For these I have to give you the same answer I did before. I am not a member of any of these groups, so I can't say with any certainty that they don't do nefarious things, but in Freemasonry, you have a moral code to follow, and if you stray from that code, you can be brought up on Masonic Charges, have a Masonic Trial, and be expelled from the fraternity due to bad actions. A true Jury of your peers. A mason is supposed to act as a role model for others. Not all of us do all the time, but we are supposed to try. Sorry if that wasn't a very good answer, but it's the best I can do with what little bit I can verify.

Is it not possible that some people created a secret sinister order with the purpose of world control as there goal?

Part of controlling the world would be to control those people who have influence over masses of people like movies stars and musicians and such.

You do not get control over these people after they are already famous, you have to get them before so, like when they are trying to become models and stuff, because they have good looks and what not. You can control them by dangling a carrot in front of them, like being in movies and stuff, tempt them, and get control over them.

Can you tell me why you think so many of these famous celebrities pose for pictures in magazines covers doing the one eye thing, hiding their hand, and doing the sshhh sign.

Is there any imagery in Freemasonry that features one eye, that you have seen?
Same question for the hidden hand, and the sshhh signs ?

You seem like a pretty cool person, and I enjoy discussing this with you. My mind is not set in stone and can be changed, you did change my mind about Albert Pike

Its just that I see that one eye symbol in so many places, movies, logos

Freemasonry used a lot of imagry. Things that we see all around us, are used to convey messages, and thoughts. Things that a mason will see, and it will remind him of the lesson he was taugh using that symbol. Like a trowel, a level, a plub bob, a bee hive, a coffin, clay, chalk, charcoal, and yes, an immage of one eye. The eye seems to be a big one for you so I'll do my best to explain it. The every watchful eye of God is always on you. It's just that simple. The eye of the creator sees everything, seen and unseen. It's just another reminder of rectitutde of conduct. There may be some book somewhere with a dude shushing someone, but it's not something I was taught. In fact, we have just a few hand gestures that matter. There are signs of each degree, and one sign to signal you need help. A mason will recognize these signs and understand what they are and what they mean. But we don't use them outside of the lodge, unless it's the "I need help" one. And then, only if you tryly in distress. Maybe some folks like to do the silly "cover one eye" thing to look cool, but it's not taught in my lodge or any I've visited.

Shaq is a Mason. He was made "a mason on sight", which is rare, but done. He afterwords did his degrees as all master masons have before him. And he seems to be proud to be a brother, as I am. If I saw Shaq in public, we would have a cominality that we could discuss and have more to talk about than, "wow, you are tall". So I would be happy to meet him, and not because I am a basketball fan. I am not.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: cavrac1

just want to point out that they always seem to use a lower case i and uppercase D

Wonder why they do that, hmmm

I'm thinking it's because if the "i" was capitalized you would want to pronounce it like "eye" but, the lowercase suggests you pronounce it. "id".

Definition of id:

the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest.
"the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego"

Sounds about right.

edit on 5310820America/Chicagopm04 by 5thHead because: 🎲

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: network dude

No , Freemasonry Hides the Ancient " Secret Religion " , I will let you Guess what it is..........

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall and Christ is their Enemy ..
edit on 4-5-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: network dude

then why are their books encrypted

where are you on the 'ladder'(kind of sounds like scientology)?

Why when i did the 'fellow mason in destress' body and hand position in court of a judge i knew was a mason, case was dropped to a small fine and no record?

i wear my great grandfathers gold mason ring and its funny who notices it.

like it or not there are certain lodges that do believe in the power of their coven and the powers that watch over them.

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