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Cats Used as Live Bait to Train Ferocious Pitbulls in Illegal NYC Dogfighting

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posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Cre8chaos79
Let's put these a holes into a a ring unarmed with a robot mma fighter and see how they fare!

I get that, but we are humans they are animals. This is not cool and deserves punishment for sure. But lets not go full retard on it.

That's easy... just put the trainers in with the abused pitbulls...justice served.

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

they WERE arrested, but, bidens policies and
leftist soros funded d.a.'s put them right back
on the streets

go complain to them

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan
Absolutely no way I could watch this, but agree with all comments on here.

If you enjoy inflicting pain and death on innocent animals OR kids ofc, you have no place in society, EVER.

Oh yeah and ftr, if you have a medium or small pedigree dog, NEVER leave them tied up outside a shop, because these lowest forms of life will steal them to throw in the pit with the pit bulls for practice and to increase their thirst for blood, but if you’re lucky they will just be sold for profit.

And NO it’s not just the breed, 99% is the owners fault. The other 1% (which is still probs way too high) is down to the breed.

edit on 25-4-2024 by NoviceStoic4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

OK I'll set the record straight -ANY Fighting dog that goes after anything thats not another dog is a cur a worthless piece of crap not worth feeding .

in History they were rat dogs in the beginning - Then the old timers started to match them instead of seeing how many rats they could catch on the boat .

Now In a real dog fight you have 2 handlers and a ref - If your dog cares about the handlers or the ref it's a cur not worth a dime in a dog fight if it gets distracted by a cat or anything else other then the dog it's going against it is a worthless dog . I was raised in the south and been to a few yards of the old timers like Sorrel and Gardner , I bred for weight pulling and hog hunting not fighting but I knew my history - Fighting dogs were never over 30 pounds . I bred for 20 years from 1 dog that I could trace back to 1890 I always line bred -UKC and ADBA judges would pay for my studs and bitches I would always have 1st pic . What you see now are not pit bulls just bullie breeds that have been crossed into larger dogs like mastiffs - I no longer breed because my blood line ran dry and even the out crosses were curs .

Just cant stand when people that have no clue tend to say the breed is dangerous . A real pit bull will let you break in and help you take the TV out .


My boy Tuggboat -Toledo Tornado - Tudors black Jack -and Hempfields Red Satan .
edit on 25-4-2024 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2024 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
a reply to: FlyersFan

OK I'll set the record straight -ANY Fighting dog that goes after anything thats not another dog is a cur a worthless piece of crap not worth feeding .

in History they were rat dogs in the beginning - Then the old timers started to match them instead of seeing how many rats they could catch on the boat .

Now In a real dog fight you have 2 handlers and a ref - If your dog cares about the handlers or the ref it's a cur not worth a dime in a dog fight if it gets distracted by a cat or anything else other then the dog it's going against it is a worthless dog . I was raised in the south and been to a few yards of the old timers like Sorrel and Gardner , I bred for weight pulling and hog hunting not fighting but I knew my history - Fighting dogs were never over 30 pounds . I bred for 20 years from 1 dog that I could trace back to 1890 I always line bred -UKC and ADBA judges would pay for my studs and bitches I would always have 1st pic . What you see now are not pit bulls just bullie breeds that have been crossed into larger dogs like mastiffs - I no longer breed because my blood line ran dry and even the out crosses were curs .

Just cant stand when people that have no clue tend to say the breed is dangerous . A real pit bull will let you break in and help you take the TV out .


My boy Tuggboat -Toledo Tornado - Tudors black Jack -and Hempfields Red Satan .

YOU are the problem

Edit ok maybe that was harsh and incorrect, as a dog LOVER I find people like you disgusting.
edit on 26-4-2024 by NoviceStoic4 because: (no reason given)

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