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Take it to the Media when you protest.. Don't let them ignore you!

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posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 01:01 AM
Hi folks,

It's my contention that from now on, protests should be organised to occur outside the offices of major media broadcasters, in order that we can go about shaming them, making them look into the narrative of what our placards, banners, posters & signs display, demonstrating the whole point of what we're doing. As the indefatigable James Corbett of the Corbett Report said, "..narrative is the most powerful weapon in the world."

Protesting outside government buildings is having absolutely zero effect. Those clowns are puppets & take their orders from on high. Indeed, so do the media, perhaps to an equal extent - but if we go and stand outside their offices with banners & placards & posters pasted to the walls of their buildings, shaming them into actually opening their eyes & taking a look at what it is we're trying to convey, then there is a possibility, however slim, that some members of the workforce in those organisations will be inspired & emboldened to pick up a camera, grab a friend to carry the boom microphone, secure an attractive reporter, and actually get in amongst the protesters to discern for themselves the narrative that we are spinning. It's like weaving threads together to make a garment, all the different threads coming together & being woven into a coherent story that the media can succinctly summarise & present as a few soundbytes on the evening news.

Narrative. Story.

There's a reason we all love movies of one sort or another. Storytelling is a part of our spiritual & anthropological heritage. Before anything else, aside from hunting, warfare, music & dance, we were storytellers. Around the fire at night, keeping the darkness at bay, the celebrated wordsmith would craft fantastic tales with inspirational or shocking outcomes, and he would be revered by the community for his power to entertain & inform. Now, in this present age of darkness, we must summon our courage, gather around the fire, where there is a possibility that our firelight may be transmitted through the aether into the homes of the masses, enabling us to collectively keep the darkness of the globalists at bay, and tell our stories, tell our collective Story.

We can PROVE the harms that were done to the people of the world, targeting the masses, perpetrated by the minority of such grotesque grandiosity & pompous arrogance, such dark hearts dripping with foul & corrupted black blood. If we get it right, and the media are unable to avoid us or blank us out (because we'll be in their faces day after day), there is no way that they can continue to ignore our developing Story as it grows & evolves into the comprehensive narrative that ruins the secrecy agenda of the rich & powerful. We will break through the barriers. We will storm the ramparts. We will break the siege & collapse the houses of our enemies. It is time to shift away from government, to pivot round to the media, to get right in their faces & prove to them that our narrative is the one that is true, not the one they had been forced to sell by the power players hiding in the shadows.

Protest outside media buildings. It's going to catch on! We can win this thing.

Corbett Report - what the globalists really fear!

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 01:16 AM
I should add that my second consideration regarding what will cause a major shift in the developing consciousness of the world is that the various highly popular podcasters who have multi-million subscribers on each of their channels, should all come to an agreement between themselves to set up an independent news organisation which is willing to ask questions & buck the trends of what the mainstream media are doing & saying in this world.

If we had the Dan Bonginos, the Russell Brands, the Tucker Carlsons, the Joe Rogans, the Jimmy Dores, the Redacted team - if we had all of them coming together for special broadcasts from a mutually profitable news station (don't muzzle the ox when it's treading the grain), that would result in a pure tour de force that would uttterly overwhelm the mainstream media's lame propaganda-entertainment BS 'news' channels. Can you imagine? That would be an incredible event. And if they did it twice a week via Zoom from the comfort of their own homes, taking turns to be a guest host on the show, there would be no stopping them.

That is what we need - UNITY - if we are ever to stand a chance of defeating the MSM's latest offering, the 'Trusted News Initiative', in which all major broadcasters of the MSM come together in a sort of devilish pact that they will always seek their own mutual interests, and very deliberately exclude independent journalists from dominating the news space in their various home nations. It is very clear that unless we also seek a similar level of unity, even if it were just two broadcasts a week, with sponsored products & the like to make it worth their while (or perhaps they will do it as service to Mankind). It would actually work beautifully, because each week you could cycle in & out the various major podcasters, perhaps having nine members in total, with five constant members & four mystery guests each time a show goes out.

I wonder if we could lobby the various podcasters to gauge their interest in the proposal? We need UNITY, and it's the exactly correct time to take advantage of our technological connectivity & as yet still extant right to free speech, on certain platforms - such as Rumble. Indeed, as a member of Russell Brand's locals community, I'm going to raise it with him first, to see if it's something he could get behind.

Peace & godspeed.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

If we had the Dan Bonginos, the Russell Brands, the Tucker Carlsons, the Joe Rogans, the Jimmy Dores, the Redacted team - if we had all of them coming together for special broadcasts from a mutually profitable news station

I’m as skeptical of the independents as I am the msm, the way I see it your proposal will never come to fruition as the names you mentioned are only really interested in 2 things and neither of them is the truth or justice

They are interested in there own brand and making money from views and donations , they are not going to share their wealth with anyone else and they like the msm and politicians don’t give a s@@t about the common man other than when they open their wallets to donate
edit on 22-4-2024 by UpIsNowDown2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 06:12 PM
I got interviewed by BBC last night at a comedy fundraiser taking my mom to meet RFK Jr. I took down the reporters name, but don’t see anything up yet.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: RealityDestroyer
I got interviewed by BBC last night at a comedy fundraiser taking my mom to meet RFK Jr. I took down the reporters name, but don’t see anything up yet.

Interviewed about what?

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