This is a really good interview. To what ends? indeed. It's refreshing to hear a US politician actually state the obvious instead of trying to
gaslight or simply say what's politically convenient. The sad part is that Ron doesn't seem like he can really do anything about or doesn't want to,
even though he holds power in the government. The sheeple seem eager to forget covid ever happened, while I would like to see the supreme court rule
on unconstitutional lockdowns in light that they were based on total lies. Courts have previously ruled that the government can infringe on our
rights if there's a major public health interest. We need a new ruling from the highest court to prevent this from happening again, or it certainly
The only real revelation to me was that USAID spent $53 million on gain of function research. Ron pretty much says they're a CIA front, which all of
us pretty much already know, but it's sooooo refreshing to hear a politician say it, even though he sort of beats around the bush about it.