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Did this small business get what they deserved or is the government drunk on power?

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posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 06:38 AM
Small business open for nearly 40 years passed down to child from parents. Closed now thanks to the government. Gotta say that if you use a wheelchair its gotta suck to not be able to get into places. This place used to have an outdoor seating area too I dont know if they don't anymore and that's why this happened or whether that wouldn't even matter.

A paraplegic man filed suit against the Koliavas and their landlord in January after encountering a 'high threshold' on two visits to the burger joint last year. 

On both occasions, the threshold blocked his wheelchair from entering the restaurant, prompting him to hire an 'accessibility expert' to conduct an informal investigation.

According to the lawsuit, the expert found a lack of wheelchair access throughout the space.

'It's frustrating, and you get to a point where you say, 'You know what, forget it,'' said George.

He added, 'It seems like the chain reaction is that the landlord doesn't want to do anything, and it comes down on the small businesses.'

There are people who are disabled who team up with attorneys and target businesses for ADA lawsuits. This is a thing that happens like ambulance chasers.

This business' landlord didn't want to build the wheelchair ramp or help pay for it. The business owners can't afford it so they're closing.

Dont worry my guy, im sure the McDonald's that will replace this small mom and pop will have wheelchair ramps and 70 inch wide doors. Corporations are always ahead of the curve on ADA compliance. The next big ADA change in my opinion will be to widen doors and widen airplane seats to accommodate the obesely disabled. Or they'll sue.

What do you guys think? Is this a government drunk on power? A well meaning law that goes too far? A wheelchair bound Karen going business to business suing people for ADA violations?

Or did this business get what they deserve for not accommodating everyone? Should we force businesses to accommodate everyone?

I think we should force corporations to comply who admit they want to be for everyone. They want the money money money from everyone so they should be forced and sued into oblivion to be ADA compliant. But not small businesses. There should be a profit amount cut off where we say, ok you're a multimillion dollar corporation, you must comply with ADA. Under x amount of revenue, this law doesn't apply to you. IN MY OPINION.

Just another way to kill small business. Apparently this guy wanted a burger from that specific business so bad he made it so no one can ever get a burger there again. Thanks buddy.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:08 AM
Overreach by the government.
We live in a world where minorities and their feelz rule.
I grew up with the saying that it is impossible to make everyone happy all the time.

I have to say that I am sure had the disabled guy asked someone for help, he would have been able to enter. A quck phonecall to the shop stating he would like food but can't come in, would have made someone come out to help.
A customer is a customer.

To just find something wrong and then go straight away to big brother is a nasty move. We don't even know if he wasn't hired by a rival to do this.

That said, if it's now so important for every place in the world to have disability access or else and the government would be truly concerned, there would be incentives or financial help for small businesses.

Everyone has limits, not just people in wheelchairs.

I am petite. I often can't reach items on top of shelves.
Has happened many, many times in my life.
I resort to asking others for assistance. It never crossed my mind to sue every supermarket to install lower shelves.

Mostly because I accept that smaller people don't rule the roost and I am not an asshole either.

This reeks of deliberately seeking compensation.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:17 AM
I used to record bands from a loft in a barn. The stairs to the studio were steep and narrow, dangerous for a normal person.

One of the bands had a member that was wheelchair-bound, was that a problem? No, the guys in the band got him up and down those stairs like ants dragging food into their ant hill, but that was in the 1980s. The laws were on the books back then too, but no one made it their mission to shut businesses down because of those laws.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:28 AM
And guys I was thinking about this the other day the destruction of individuality in our society at this time.

These small businesses are individualistic. Corporation like McDonald's are not really. Ya I know franchisees and all this and that. They really have little wiggle room. They pretty much have to do what the McDonald's corporation tells them to for many reasons. It isn't like Bob's Burgers.

I feel that this is part of the shift toward communism and socialism in our society that we have been warned about for decades and decades.

Reflecting on McDonald's specifically, remember the McDonald's or really any fast food restaurant of the 90s? Bright colors fun stuff inside. Just cool. We had one with a waterfall inside the front glass window and a safari scene etched in it and one with all the McDonald's character statues creeping around the restaurant and the tables were like tree trunks. It was the coolest thing ever. So many pictures of me standing next to the Hamburglar. The outside of the buildings were more colorful and interesting roofline.

Now they are just brown and gray square flat roofed plain cookie cutter buildings. Take the yellow M off the side and it could be a bank or anything. Totally non descript and BORRRRRING! Nothing cool inside either.

This reminds me of the brutalist architecture most famous in post war Europe. Which I associate with communism.

Is this subliminal messaging going on with all these corporations going from hot to not? To stamp out individuality because communism is all about equality supposedly. Kind of. Not really we know.

By the 1990s, however, the sheen had vanished from the ideology and the buildings, too. Communism was a bad memory, and its architectural legacy inspired, at best, ambivalence. To this day, many Poles mutter about the poor quality and ungainliness of the buildings: gray, soulless reflections of an equally bleak era.

Am I totally nuts i don't know. An old woman shouted at me the other day in the grocery store that communists were plotting against us and it got me to thinking.
edit on 12-4-2024 by Shoshanna because: can't spell

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

I know! Its like where is the attempt to work anything out? Just straight to hiring an accessibility expert and lawsuit? Why isn't there more leeway for these businesses either? I'm a shortie too and I always have to ask people to get stuff off the top shelf. Any random person will help you. Most people are pretty nice. I'm sure these business owners would have helped him out if he really wanted the burger. I mean I feel for the people who really need to get into somewhere or even just really want to get into somewhere and can't because of this but there's gotta be a middle ground or nothing is going to exist aside from corporations and thats good for no one.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: TheMichiganSwampBuck

It is like this guy went out of his way to cause problems for this business. I think that's what pissed me off about it. Like I dont know I'm not in a wheelchair so I can't say for sure, but I think I would rather just ask someone to pick me up a burger or something if I wanted one that bad. Like why make a big production out of getting a cheeseburger?

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:39 AM
I love how liberal/progressive/woke policies are coming home to bite them in the throat.

Everyone is entitled and only thinks of themselves.

Glad these policies are bringing us together.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Hehe. I can see you're ahead of the plot. Divide and conquer. Max narcissism throughout society achieved via nonstop social media just as TPTB planned.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I stopped reading when I saw San Francisco.

The Liberal disease has destroyed a lot of great things in this country and it’s far from done.

It will continue until normal people say “Enough is enough”.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

This is an unfortunate situation.

Disabled people should have access. But the government needs to be rational and work with the parties involved to resolve issues. If the business doesn't own the building. Then the government should go after the building owner to rectify the situation. Maybe offer grants to help cover the cost of renovations to get buildings up to disability codes. We should be working together to make things better. Not worse.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

What an a**hole , the guy in the wheelchair. I get it, you're in a wheelchair and it sucks, but everyone has their pile of sh*t to deal with in life, you're not extra special. He is just a bitter sore loser who wanted to drag others down with him (sounds like a democrat, I bet he is).
And yes, ridiculous government overreach. Nobody should even be able to sue for something like this.
if he (guy in wheelchair) , really had good intentions , he would not have sued. He would have contacted both the landlord and business owner to see what arrangments could have been made , in the near future, to accomadate him.
But no, quick payout instead

I bet the guy in wheelchair got a payout from the corrupt government as well, for helping shut down small business (WEF buddies)

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 11:52 AM
Seems to me that if you have a hard time getting into a restaurant, then find a restaurant that has easier access. Business owners cannot afford to cater to everybody, that is ridiculous to believe they have to. Will I get sued because I do not have a wheelchair ramp that nobody I know needs? That is the way it is going these days.

This lawsuit should never have been allowed, the owner of the restaurant does not have to accommodate every single person in the world. Next they will be saying that they will need special tables to accomodate people who come in on a rolling hospital bed, You are not forced to go into that restaurant, you can go to one that is set up for you better. Should I go and sue a restaurant because I have epilepsy and there is music and talking going on by the people in it which scrambles my brain? Or should I sue a bar because they have a live band going on at night because I want to sit in it at that time.

My mother was stuck in a wheelchair for thirteen years, we only took her to restaurants where we could get her in. It was nice they had handicapped parking, but still sometimes we had to drop her off at the door and park the car because so many people have handicap stickers these days. Would it be right to sue the restaurant because they did not have an available handicap parking spot available?

The world is going loony, and lawyers are making it so regular people are not being able to afford to go to places because of the lunacy these days. You do not have to go eat at a restaurant if it is not set up to accommodate you. I think the person who sued is the unreasonable one in this case.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 12:28 PM
We've had some experience with lawsuit factories. Remember when Righthaven sued ATS for "copyright infringement" for linking to a story in a Las Vegas newspaper? Paid the bastards off, too. It was considered to be cheaper than fighting it. The good news is, Righthaven's actions were so across the board egregious, they eventually and quickly went under. Unfortunately, suing companies and hoping for a settlement is still a cottage industry.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 02:19 PM
After reading this I feel like opening "The Tree House Café".

Obviously, the man in the wheelchair has no friends then, before or now. Just employees to help him with the chips on his shoulder.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: TheMichiganSwampBuck
I used to record bands from a loft in a barn. The stairs to the studio were steep and narrow, dangerous for a normal person.

One of the bands had a member that was wheelchair-bound, was that a problem? No, the guys in the band got him up and down those stairs like ants dragging food into their ant hill, but that was in the 1980s. The laws were on the books back then too, but no one made it their mission to shut businesses down because of those laws.

There were also plenty of disabled people who made a fortune seeking out businesses that had yet to upgrade through filing lawsuits against them for non-compliance. A few seem to still be activly seeking that easy money.


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